

单词 over-read


Brit. /ˌəʊvəˈriːd/, U.S. /ˌoʊvə(r)ˈrid/
Inflections: Past tense and past participle overread;
Forms: see over- prefix and read v.; also late Middle English ouered.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: over- prefix, read v.
Etymology: < over- prefix + read v. Compare to read over (see read v.). Compare also over-rede v. and discussion s.v. rede v.1
1. transitive. To read over; to read through. Obsolete (archaic in later use).
society > communication > reading > [verb (transitive)] > from beginning to end
to read overc1380
to see over ——1490
to read through1533
to read out1646
OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 1st Ser. (Royal) (1997) xi. 268 Oð þæt we þone traht mid Godes fylste oferrædan magon.
OE Ælfric Gram. (St. John's Oxf.) 176 Perlego, ic oferræde.
c1390 (?c1350) St. Augustine 1192 in C. Horstmann Sammlung Altengl. Legenden (1878) 81 No mon miht..His bokes alle ouerrede [rhyme mede].
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) ii. 956 (MED) Sche tok the lettres whiche he hadde, Fro point to point and overradde.
?c1425 in R. H. Robbins Secular Lyrics 14th & 15th Cent. (1952) 93 (MED) My lord, whan ye thys boke wolle ouyr redde, hast nowte to blyne..god of hys merssy do hys sowlle mede þat vp-on hyme take the labbur and trauayll.
1447 in S. A. Moore Lett. & Papers J. Shillingford (1871) 17 As tochyng the seide answeris, y pray yow that they be well redely, avysely, and distinctely over radde and the substance of them right wellunderstonde.
c1475 (c1445) R. Pecock Donet (1921) 1 (MED) Þei had bi long labour and studie ouer red and vndirstonde þe seid bokis.
1509 A. Barclay Brant's Shyp of Folys (Pynson) f. viiiv Let euery man beholde & ouer rede this boke.
a1530 T. Wolsey in C. Russell Crisis of Parl. (1971) ii. i. 73 It should be painful to your Grace to..overread the whole treaty.
1567 G. Turberville Translator to Captious Sort of Sycophants in Heroycall Epist. 163 Condemne them not or ere thou hast begonne To vewe their workes, but ouerreade the rest.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Julius Caesar (1623) iii. i. 4 Trebonius doth desire you to ore-read (At your best leysure) this his humble suite. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Measure for Measure (1623) iv. ii. 196 The Contents of this, is the returne of the Duke; you shall anon ouer-reade it at your pleasure. View more context for this quotation
1648 R. Herrick Hesperides sig. L4v Nothing now, but lonely sit, And over-read what I have writ.
1768 G. Colman King Lear i. 9 It is a letter from my brother, that I have not all o'er-read; and for so much as I have perus'd, I find it not fit for your o'er-looking.
a1879 C. Wells Dramatic Scene (1895) 312 With jealous eye let man o'er-read his heart, Lest there the hated spark should burn, concealed—Rebellion in sophisticated garb.
1898 R. Hovey Birth of Galahad i. i. 11 What else imports you know With more detail, you may at your good leisure O'erread in these.
2. transitive. To read through again; to reread. Now rare.
society > communication > reading > [verb] > to read over again
1490 Caxton's Blanchardyn & Eglantine (1962) xxxvi. 135 All ynough she red and ouered the sayd letters.
1545 T. Elyot Preseruatiue agaynste Deth sig. Biv I haue redde (saieth sainct Hierom) and radde again, and ouer radde scripture.
1582 G. Whetstone Heptameron Ciuill Disc. iii. sig. L Who read, and a hundred times ouer read this Life letter: and for that it came from Felices sweete hand, he a thousand times kissed the Paper.
1590 T. Lodge Rosalynde: Euphues Golden Legacie 117 When shee had read and ouerread them, Ganimede began to smile.
1599 in W. Fraser Mem. Maxwells of Pollok (1863) II. 37 I shall reid and ouerreid your Maiestie's lessouns.
1636 Earl of Cork in Lismore Papers (1888) 2nd Ser. III. 255 He told me, he had read, and overread them, and weighed euery word in them.
1650 J. Reynolds Flower of Fidelitie i. 35 Which Epitaph, when they had again and again over-read.
1903 J. Payne Silver Age in Vigil & Vision vii. 109 To tell again the tale of things long told.., Life's sombre fairy-tale with sad amaze To overread by hope's declining rays, These are the occupations of the old.
1925 W. de la Mare Two Tales 14 He was merely over-reading what he had read.
a. transitive. To read too much of (something). Obsolete. rare.
1628 R. Hayman Præmonition in Quodlibets ii. sig. A3 As a Man may surfet on sweet meates: So thou maist ouer-read these quaint conceits.
b. transitive (reflexive). To read too much, esp. so as to tire oneself. Also intransitive.
society > communication > reading > [verb (transitive)] > to read too much
the world > physical sensation > sleeping and waking > weariness or exhaustion > weary or exhaust [verb (reflexive)] > in specific ways
to run out1892
1668 H. More Let. 27 Mar. in Conway Lett. (1992) v. 293 If your Ladiship be no more concerned in the dialogues then men are here, there is no great feare they should tempt you to over-read your self.
1805 H. K. White Let. 16 Dec. in Remains (1807) I. 194 I have over-read myself, and I find it absolutely necessary to take some relaxation.
1879 Princeton Rev. July–Dec. 462 If your pupil breaks down, inquire whether he is overreading himself.
1927–9 H. Wheeler Waverley Children's Dict. V. 3074/2 It is easy, but foolish, to over-read..oneself–that is, to injure one's health by too much reading–when preparing for an examination.
1958 F. L. Lucas Search for Good Sense 19 Many of them [sc. our ancestors] over-ate: many of us over-read.
4. transitive. To exceed or outdo in reading. Obsolete. rare.
society > communication > reading > [verb (transitive)] > outdo in reading
1651 J. Shirley in E. Prestwich tr. Seneca Hippolitus sig. B When you..speake your own free Muse My admiration over-reads my Eye.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2004; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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