

单词 declaration of peace

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declaration of peace
a. declaration of war: formal announcement or proclamation by a Power of the commencement of hostilities against another Power. Also declaration of peace.
society > armed hostility > war > [noun] > declaration of war
declaration of wara1387
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1865) I. 243 When þe Romaynes wolde werry in eny lond, schulde oon goo..and clereliche declare..þe matire and cause of the werre, and þat declaracioun was i-cleped clarigatio.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Edward IV f. ccvii She was sent..with a plain ouerture and declaracion of peace.
1762 Universal Mag. Feb. 99 The following is a Declaration of War by Spain against Great Britain dated the 16th of January.
1803 Edinb. Rev. Jan. 389 Declarations of war and peace, when presented by the executive to the legislative body, are to be adopted [etc.].
1828 W. F. Napier Hist. War Peninsula I. 137 The invasion of Napoleon produced a friendly alliance between those countries without a declaration of peace.
1845 A. Polson in Encycl. Metrop. 728/1 The custom of making a declaration of war to the enemy, previous to the commencement of hostilities, is of great antiquity, and was practised even by the Romans..Since, however, the peace of Versailles, in 1763, such declarations have been discontinued, and the present usage is, for the state with whom the war commences to publish a manifesto within its own territories.
extracted from declarationn.
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