

单词 child battering

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child battering
(c) Objective with agent and verbal nouns, and present participles, as child battering n., child-eater, child-eating n., child-killer, child-killing n., child-lover, child-loving adj., child-murderer, child rapist, child-stealer, etc.
OE (Mercian) Rushw. Gospels: Matt. xxiv. 19 Uae autem prignantibus et nutriantibus in illis diebus : wa þonne eknum & cildfoedendum in ðæm dagum.
c1443 R. Pecock Reule of Crysten Religioun (1927) 275 Þat he..not lette child bigeting and forþ bringyng.
1577 R. Holinshed Chron. II. 1395/1 To liue vnder suche a bloud-supper and childe kyller.
1595 W. Shakespeare Henry VI, Pt. 3 ii. ii. 112 That Clifford there, that Cruell child-killer.
1613 S. Hutton tr. J. M. de Franchis Of Most Auspicatious Marriage i. ciii. 18 I first mou'd his child-eater from hence, That Gods might better see their blessed off-spring Flourish for euer in glorious excellence.
1656 T. Blount Glossographia Infanticide, a slaying or killing of Infants, child-murthering; such was that of Herod.
1675 Mistaken Husband iv. vi. 51 I would fain be acquainted with these Child-stealers. I have a Litter of my little Urchins at home.
1790 European Mag. & London Rev. Apr. 257/2 This cruel Clyfford,..not contentive with this homicide or child-killing,..caused his head to be stryck off.
1826 W. Scott Woodstock II. viii. 214 I was captain in Lunsford's light-horse..I was a child-eater, sir.
1835 Foreign Q. Rev. Mar. 85/2 The wholesale infanticide so justly imputable to these institutions (founded..to prevent child-killing by retail) has decreased.
1845 J. H. Newman Ess. Devel. Christian Doctr. 224 The calumnies of child-eating and impurity in the christian meetings.
1852 Lamp 11 Sept. 529/2 Christ, the child-lover, already had unstopped the ears which had heard no discord, to listen to the harmonies of saints.
1853 Ladies' Repository Oct. 480/2 An exquisite slave is what we want; for the most part a humble, flattering, smiling, child-loving, tea-making, pianoforte-playing being.
1865 Sat. Rev. Aug. 162 The professional child-murderer.
1879 Burlington (Iowa) Daily Hawk-eye 12 Mar. 4/6 It was the intention of the mob, which yesterday attempted to hang Patterson, the child rapist, to break into the jail last night and finish its work.
1903 Presbyterian Banner (U.S.) 7 May 19/2 For this..child-killing under sanction of law,..Pennsylvania should be printed in black upon all the maps.
1908 J. H. McCarthy Duke's Motto 179 Æsop..now began to taunt his antagonist savagely, calling him a child-stealer and a woman-wronger, with other foul terms of abuse.
1922 Maternity & Child Welfare Jan. 3/1 Even the most ardent child-lover, the mother who is sweet-tempered and self-controlled,..tends to have her vision blurred by too close and continued contact.
1949 Changing Times June 38/1 There are enormous rewards for the child-loving woman in such work.
1963 Bridgeport (Connecticut) Sunday Post 8 Sept. c1/1 Bridgeport hospitals were found to have no overall policy on suspected child battering.
1986 L. Gordon in J. Mitchell & A. Oakley What is Feminism? 72 Exclusive female responsibility for childraising.
2000 Sydney Morning Herald 31 May 3/5 Sex offenders and child killers will be listed on the register for 10 years.
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