

单词 occipital
释义 occipital, a. (n.)|əkˈsɪpɪtəl|
[ad. late or med.L. occipitāl-is, f. occiput, occipit-: see occiput and -al1. So F. occipital (1546 in Hatz.-Darm.).]
1. Belonging to, or situated in or on, the occiput or back part of the head. Chiefly Anat., in names of parts having this position, as occipital artery, occipital bone, occipital condyle, occipital foramen or occipital hole, occipital muscle, occipital nerve, occipital protuberance, occipital sinus, occipital vein, etc.
1541R. Copland Guydon's Quest. Chirurg. D iv b, The seconde bone of the heade in the hyndre parte is called Occipitall.1597A. M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chirurg. 9/3 A blowe in the occipitalle parte of the heade.1679in Hickes Spir. Popery 58 Insomuch that the whole Occipital bone was shattered all in pieces.1759Sterne Tr. Shandy II. xix, In the cellulæ of the occipital parts of the cerebellum.1826Kirby & Sp. Entomol. III. xxix. 115 The head is armed with three occipital spines.1831R. Knox Cloquet's Anat. 99 The occipital hole may be considered as being the commencement of the spinal canal.1840G. V. Ellis Anat. 3 The occipital artery is the large trunk which occupies the occipital region of the head, with the branches of the great occipital nerve.1872Nicholson Palæont. 302 In the Amphibians..and in the Mammals, there are two ‘occipital condyles’, by which the skull is jointed to the neck.1892Syd. Soc. Lex., O[ccipital] bone, a somewhat rhomboidal..bone forming the lower and back part of the head, by means of which the cranium is attached to the spine, and affording a communication between the two cavities by a large aperture, the Foramen magnum... O[ccipital] foramen, the Foramen magnum.Ibid., O[ccipital] muscle, the hinder part of the occipito-frontalis muscle; it is flat and thin..[and] expands over the outer side of the occiput.
2. Having a large occiput; having the back of the head more developed than the front.
1873M. Arnold Lit. & Dogma (1876) 290 A poor ill-endowed Semite, belonging to the occipital races.
B. n.
a. The occipital bone.
b. The occipital muscle.
c. pl. A pair of occipital plates on the head of some serpents.
1758J. S. Le Dran's Observ. Surg. (1771) 64 The Foramen of the Occipital.1861Busk in Nat. Hist. Rev. Apr., The superior semicircular ridges of the occipital.
Hence ocˈcipitally adv., as regards the occiput; in the region or direction of the hindhead.
Mod. Skull occipitally well developed.




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