alveolar canals of maxilla

al·ve·o·lar ca·nals of maxilla

[TA] canals in the body of the maxilla that transmit nerves and vessels from the alveolar foramina to the maxillary teeth. Synonym(s): canales alveolares corporis maxillae [TA], alveolodental canals, dental canals

al·ve·o·lar ca·nals of max·il·la

(al-vē'ŏ-lăr kă-nalz' mak-sil'ă) [TA] Canals in the body of the maxilla that transmit nerves and vessels from the alveolar foramina to the maxillary teeth.

al·ve·o·lar ca·nals of max·il·la

(al-vē'ŏ-lăr kă-nalz' mak-sil'ă) [TA] Canals in body of maxilla that transmit nerves and vessels from the alveolar foramina to maxillary teeth.
Synonym(s): alveolodental canals, dental canals.