to make a mystery of: to treat as a secret; to make (a thing) out to be more puzzling or inexplicable than it really is, esp. in order to make an…
单词 | θ127186 |
释义 | the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > secrecy, concealment > a profound secret, mystery > make mystical or mysterious [verb (transitive)] (5) to make a mystery of1634 to make a mystery of: to treat as a secret; to make (a thing) out to be more puzzling or inexplicable than it really is, esp. in order to make an… mysticize1681 transitive. To make mystical; to give a mystic meaning to, introduce a mystical element into. enigmatize1800 transitive. To render enigmatical or puzzling. mystify1829 transitive. To make mystical; to interpret mystically; to imbue with a sense of mystery. mysterize1845 intransitive. To make mysteries of things. |
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