

单词 syllepsis


Forms: Plural syllepses /-iːz/. Also 1500s sill-.
Etymology: < late Latin syllēpsis, < Greek σύλληψις , < σύν syn- prefix + λῆψις taking ( < ληβ-, Attic < λᾱβ-, lengthened < λαβ-, stem of λαμβάνειν to take).
1. Grammar and Rhetoric. A figure by which a word, or a particular form or inflection of a word, is made to refer to two or more other words in the same sentence, while properly applying to or agreeing with only one of them (e.g. a masculine adjective qualifying two nouns, masculine and feminine; a singular verb serving as predicate to two subjects, singular and plural), or applying to them in different senses (e.g. literal and metaphorical). Cf. zeugma n.
society > leisure > the arts > literature > style of language or writing > figure of speech > figures of structure or thought > [noun] > a single word performing dual function
1577 H. Peacham Garden of Eloquence sig. F Syllepsis, when there is some common worde in vnlike clauses, & being put in one clause, is requyred in the other somwhat changed, thus, here was my Father buryed, and there were my three bretheren.
1589 G. Puttenham Arte Eng. Poesie iii. xii. 137 But if such want be in sundrie clauses, and of seuerall congruities or sence, and the supply be made to serue them all, it is by the figure Sillepsis, whom for that respect we call the [double supplie]..as in these verses,..Here my sweete sonnes and daughters all my blisse, Yonder mine owne deere husband buried is. Where ye see one verbe singular supplyeth the plurall and singular.
1592 A. Day 2nd Pt. Eng. Secretorie sig. N1v, in Eng. Secretorie (rev. ed.) Syllepsis, when one verbe supplieth two clauses, one person two roomes, or one word serueth to many sences, as thus: Hee runs for pleasure, I for feare.
1617 S. Ward Balme from Gilead 58 He that hath them not..may wel conclude, Wee are assured [etc.]... He speakes it in the plurall number by way of Syllepsis, changing the number, because hee would haue it the word of euery Christian.
1813 Jefferson in H. S. Randall Life (1858) III. ix. 391 Fill up all the ellipses and syllepses of Tacitus, Sallust, Livy, etc., and the elegance and force of their sententious brevity are extinguished.
1882 F. W. Farrar Early Days Christianity II. 560 By the figure of speech called zeugma, or rather syllepsis, the same word..is..made to serve two purposes in the same sentence. A verb is often used with two clauses which is only appropriate to one of them, as in Pope's line—‘See Pan with flocks, with fruits Pomona crowned.’
2. In etymological sense: A taking together; a summary.Apparently an isolated use.
a1834 S. T. Coleridge Lit. Remains (1839) IV. 191 A Creed is..a syllepsis of those primary fundamental truths..from which the Christian must commence his progression.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1919; most recently modified version published online December 2020).




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