

单词 paphian goddess

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Paphian Goddess
2. Of or relating to Paphos in Cyprus, a city believed to be the birthplace of Aphrodite or Venus and formerly sacred to her. Frequently in Paphian Goddess, Paphian Queen.In earlier use frequently with allusion to sense B. 1.
the world > people > nations > native or inhabitant of Near East, Middle East, or Asia Minor > native or inhabitant of Cyprus > [adjective] > towns
1589 T. Lodge Scillaes Metamorphosis sig. B4v Borne of the Sea, thou Paphian Queene of loue, Mistris of sweete conspiring harmonie.
?1606 Trag. Cæsar & Pompey i. vi. sig. C2 Then Paphian Temples and Cytherian hils, And sacred Guides bonnet vaile to it.
1613 E. Cary Trag. Mariam v. i. sig. I1 The Paphian Goddesse did repent her wast, When she to one such beautie did allow.
1645 E. Waller Poems 109 The Paphian Queen from that fierce battell born... Like terrour did among th'immortals breed.
1710 M. Chudleigh Ess. Several Subj. 4 The gentle God to Paphian Shrines retir'd, And there his Goddess Mother's Aid requir'd.
1785 A. Francis Obsequies of Demetrius 8 From Cytherea's rock the myrtle came, The myrtle sacred to the Paphian Dame.
1810 L. Aikin Epist. Women 40 First are borne..Dian and Vesta,..And in her purer garb the Paphian Queen.
1844 A. W. Kinglake Eothen vii. 103 My intended journey was to the site of the Paphian temple.
1879 F. W. Farrar Life & Work St. Paul II. viii. xxviii. 558 The orgies of the Paphian goddess.
1920 Amer. Jrnl. Philol. 41 285 If, then, the Delphic omphalos is Earth's own image, the conclusion is unescapable that the Paphian omphalos is also.
1968 A. Powell Mil. Philosophers v. 203 He seemed..to have stumbled on the secret entrance to the court of the Paphian goddess.
2001 Deutsche Presse-Agentur (Nexis) 3 Aug. (Internat. News section) The taking of DNA samples from Paphian residents is expected to be completed by September 2002.
extracted from Paphiann.adj.
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