

单词 nor


Brit. /nɔː/, U.S. /nɔr/
Origin: Formed within English, by clipping or shortening. Etymon: norma n.
Etymology: Shortened < norma n. (compare sense 2 at that entry), originally as a graphic abbreviation.
The southern constellation Norma. Chiefly as postmodifier, designating a star of this constellation.
1922 Trans. Internat. Astron. Union 1 158 The following resolutions were adopted [at the first General Assembly of the IAU]: (1) The exclusive use of the Latin names of the constellations. (2) The adoption of the three-letter abbreviations proposed by Profs. Hertzsprung and Russell for the representation of the 88 principal constellations... Nor Norma.
1930 C. H. Payne Stars High Luminosity App. B. 308 (table) U Nor.
1964 D. H. Menzel Field Guide Stars & Planets vi. 249 ι1 Nor..is a multiple star.
1993 Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 105 162/2 AB Nor—object extremely faint.
This is a new entry (OED Third Edition, December 2003; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /nɔː/, U.S. /nɔr/
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: not adv., OR n.2
Etymology: < n- (in not adv.) + OR n.2 after nor conj.1, on the principle that the output of a nor gate is the same as the negative of the output of an or gate, for the same inputs. Compare NAND n.
A Boolean function of two or more variables that has the value unity if all the variables are zero and is otherwise zero. Usually attributive.
society > computing and information technology > [noun] > logic > operation > particular operations
1957 Trans. Amer. Inst. Electr. Engineers 76 i. 263/1 The transistor nor circuit was introduced because of the desire to have a single logic element which would combine well in logic configurations with a minimum concern for matching and element loading.
1969 J. J. Sparkes Transistor Switching iv. 96 For nor gates the Boolean expression is first reduced to its simplest form containing the product of sums.
1972 IEEE Trans. Computers 21 153/1 Each gate produces the nor and/or the or of its inputs.
1983 Your Computer Aug. 80/2 The next stage will use negative logic, and so nors and nands will swap function.
2000 H. D. Huskey in R. Rojas & U. Hashagen First Computers i. 76 The grid is high if any or all of the inputs are high—an or circuit. The plate output gives a nor signal.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2003; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /nɔː/, U.S. /nɔr/
Origin: Formed within English, by conversion. Etymon: nor- prefix.
Etymology: < nor- prefix.
Designating compounds or groups of compounds conventionally named by adding the prefix nor- (see nor- prefix) to the name of a parent compound, esp. with a prefixed numeral indicating the methyl group lacking, or a prefixed capital letter indicating the ring which is contracted as compared with the parent compound.
1940 Chem. Abstr. 34 5455 Diminution from a 6-ring to a 5-ring by loss of C atoms..in rings A, B and C gives rise to the corresponding A-nor, B-nor and C-nor compds.
1946 Jrnl. Biol. Chem. 162 589 The nor, bisnor, and etio homologues of 3,11-dihydroxy-12-ketocholanic acid have been prepared.
1972 Adv. Steroid Biochem. & Pharmacol. 3 93 Two of the 19-nor steroids, norgestrel and allylestrenol, appear to show differences from norethisterone and lynestrenol.
1992 Jrnl. Amer. Chem. Soc. 114 305/1 What would be needed is..to isolate the enzyme system(s) responsible for the sponge's efficient conversion of Δ5-3β-hydroxy sterols into their 19-nor equivalents.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2003; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /nɔː/, U.S. /nɔr/
Forms: Middle English nore, Middle English noure, Middle English– nor; Scottish pre-1700 noir, pre-1700 noire, pre-1700 nore, pre-1700 1700s– nor.
Origin: Probably formed within English, by clipping or shortening. Etymon: nother adv.1
Etymology: Probably shortened < nother adv.1 Compare Old Frisian nōr neither, nor. Compare ner conj. Middle Eng. Dict. s.v. suggests an etymology < ne adv.1 + or conj.1, although ne or does not seem to be attested in uncontracted form.
I. Used before the second or further of two or more alternatives, normally to negate each.
1. Following a word, phrase, or clause which is negated with neither (also formerly †nother or †nouther), used as a correlative to introduce a second or subsequent negated word, phrase, or clause. Cf. or conj.1 2c.
the world > existence and causation > existence > non-existence > [conjunction] > nor
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) 1675 (MED) Noþer clerk nor kniȝt nor of cuntre cherle schal passe vnperceyued.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Gött.) 5857 (MED) Neyder i knou him þat ȝe say, Nor i ne wil lat þe folk away.
?c1500 Killing of Children (Digby) 198 Of me thu shalt neyther haue ffee nor aduauntage.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Edward IV f. ccxliiv That gain once gotten.., neither othe holdeth, nor frendship continueth.
1594 O. B. Questions Profitable Concernings sig. L 2v Neither God nor nature giues this value vnto all.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Measure for Measure (1623) iii. i. 37 Thou hast neither heate, affection, limbe, nor beautie. View more context for this quotation
1630 W. Bedell Let. in R. Parr Life J. Usher (1686) Coll. clxviii. 454 This Protestation having neither Latin, nor Law, nor Common Sence.
1746 J. Hervey Medit. (1818) 259 Neither care disturbs their sleep, nor passion inflames their breast.
1785 W. Cowper Task v. 90 Neither grub nor root nor earth-nut now Repays their labour more.
1849 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. I. v. 555 Quarter was to be neither taken nor given.
1879 M. Arnold Mixed Ess. 120 There are neither fairies nor gnomes.
1900 Daily News 10 Jan. 8/3 The 12-pounder..is neither a field gun nor a gun of position.
1954 Philos. Rev. 63 342 Plato could neither convince himself that the Third Man Argument was valid, nor refute it convincingly.
1992 N.Y. Times Mag. 13 Sept. 14/3 I am neither a bleeding heart liberal nor a heartless conservative.
2. Without immediately preceding (negative) correlative (such as neither).
a. With preceding or following negative. Now Scottish and rare.
c1387–95 G. Chaucer Canterbury Tales Prol. 493 He ne lafte nat for reyn ne thonder, In siknesse nor in meschief, to visite The ferreste in his parisshe.
a1425 (?a1400) G. Chaucer Romaunt Rose (Hunterian) 386 Ther may nothing as tyme endure, Metall, nor erthely creature.
1484 W. Caxton tr. Subtyl Historyes & Fables Esope v. xii Certaynly I nor none other canne give the Jugement.
a1500 (?c1440) J. Lydgate Horse, Goose & Sheep (Lansd.) 438 in Minor Poems (1934) ii. 557 (MED) We may nat save nor keepe our riht, Our garisons nor our castelis old.
a1586 Sir P. Sidney Arcadia (1590) i. xi. sig. G8 She concealed her sorow, nor cause of her sorow from no body.
1711 J. Swift Jrnl. to Stella (1901) 4 Jan. xii. 117 I can nor will stay no longer now.
1791 A. Radcliffe Romance of Forest II. x. 88 Your father, nor nobody else has ever sent after you.
1817 P. B. Shelley Laon & Cythna v. xxii. 104 He moved nor spoke, Nor changed his hue, nor raised his looks to meet The gaze of strangers.
1930 C. M. Stuart Sabbath Nights at Pitcoonans 72 Ye nor me havena been to foreign parts.
b. Without other negative expressed. Now rare.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1897–1973) 33 (MED) For Iak nor for gill will I turne my face Till I haue on this hill spon a space.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VIII f. cxliiij [He] would sende theim no woorde of his affaires,..for he ought their master, nor yet them suche seruice.
1594 C. Marlowe & T. Nashe Dido v. ii Though thou nor he will pity me a whit.
1621 M. Wroth Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania 532 The most ignorant proud woman liuing, caring for, nor respecting any but her selfe and hers.
1678 J. Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress 127 They threatned that the Cage nor Irons should serve their turn. View more context for this quotation
c1750 W. Shenstone Elegies iii. 6 Pageant nor plume distinguish Alcon's bier.
1813 Ld. Byron Bride Abydos i. xii. 366 A heart his words nor deeds can daunt.
1872 Ld. Tennyson Last Tournament in Gareth & Lynette 103 Great brother, thou nor I have made the world.
1954 W. Faulkner Fable 348 A world such as caesar nor sultan nor khan ever saw, Tiberius nor Kubla nor all the emperors of the East ever dreamed of.
2007 Advocate 19 June 30 I have played a gay character three times before in my career... I, nor my management, have ever had any kind of problem with creating a gay character.
a. Following a word or phrase which is negated with not, never, etc.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Gött.) 7360 (MED) I here noght of þat iesse tel; Nor his sonis ne him i knaw.
c1450 (?a1400) Wars Alexander (Ashm.) 316 (MED) Þis myȝty god..is of a medill age, Noȝt of ȝouth nor of eld nor ȝerris to many.
a1475 J. Fortescue Governance of Eng. (Laud) (1885) 144 The kynge shalnot be greved be importunite of suytours, nor thai shall..optayne any vnresonable desires.
a1538 T. Starkey Dial. Pole & Lupset (1989) 84 Wherfor to pyl theyr cuntreys for thys purpos ys not just nor resonabul.
1590 E. Spenser Faerie Queene i. iii. sig. C3 She could not heare, nor speake, nor vnderstand.
1622 G. Wither Faire-virtue sig. D2 No others high degree, Nor beautious looke shall change me.
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory iii. 251/2 It is said of the French that they Speak not as they Write, nor Write as they Speak.
1740 S. Richardson Pamela I. xxv. 30 Is there no Constable nor Headborough, tho', to take me out of his House?
1766 O. Goldsmith Vicar of Wakefield I. i. 2 We had no revolutions to fear, nor fatigues to undergo.
1821 W. Scott Pirate I. Adv. p. ii The inhabitants..not possessing arms nor means of resistance.
1870 W. E. Gladstone in Edinb. Rev. Oct. 590 Not a vessel, nor a gun, nor a man, were on the ground to prevent their landing.
1934 ‘M. J. Farrell’ Devoted Ladies i. 36 One must not be harsh to him, nor must an author betray too great a knowledge.
2002 K. Matinuddin Nuclearization S. Asia x. 200 Non-Nuclear Weapon States..who are party to the Treaty, undertake not to receive nuclear weapons nor to manufacture them.
b. Following not, never, etc., and followed by another negative. Now nonstandard.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Gött.) 6788 (MED) To..Wydw na child fadir-less Do ȝe na wrang nor na maless.
c1450 Alphabet of Tales (1904) I. 6 I may not eate your benys..nor I may not drynk your thyn ale.
1509 J. Fisher Mornynge Remembraunce Countesse of Rychemonde (de Worde) sig. Avi v It is not loked for.., nor none abydynge stroke..falleth vpon them.
1569 R. Grafton Chron. II. 130 No man was called to aunswere, nor no question put vnto any person by the sayd enquest.
1598 R. Grenewey tr. Tacitus Annales xiii. iv. 183 He could lay no iust cause against him, nor openly durst not commaund the murdering of his brother.
1668 A. Marvell Let. 28 Nov. in Poems & Lett. (1971) II. 81 Wise..he saith hath not yet bin with him nor dares not.
1739 Ld. Chesterfield Let. 16 Apr. (1932) (modernized text) II. 362 It requires no rhymes, nor no certain number of feet or syllables.
1774 O. Goldsmith Grecian Hist. I. vii. 224 No skill could obviate, nor no remedy dispel the terrible infection.
1825 J. Neal Brother Jonathan I. iv. 104 What a hubbub here is! ye was'nt skeered, nor nothin', was ye, tho'?
1871 C. A. Swinburne Songs before Sunrise 42 The life of them vanishes and is no more seen, Nor no more known.
1992 I. Pattison More Rab C. Nesbitt Scripts 156 I don't want to pressurise yi nor nothing.
c. as —— not ——, so nor ——: as —— not ——, so neither ——. Obsolete. rare.
1548 N. Udall et al. tr. Erasmus Paraphr. Newe Test. I. Acts 29 b Lyke as the Israelites perceyued not this in Iesus, euen so nor than dyd they vnderstande that in Moyses.
1657 R. Mossom Preacher's Tripartite i. 17 As I look not upon my merit, so nor do thou look upon my demerit.
4. And, or. Obsolete. rare.
a1450 (?c1421) J. Lydgate Siege Thebes (Arun.) (1911) 2242 (MED) Gret pouer..Plente of good, nor moch multitude..Arn to feble to holden Chanpartye Ageyns trouth.
1490 Caxton's Blanchardyn & Eglantine (1962) viii. 32 Blanchardyn..was moche abasshed how nor by what manere he sholde mowe passe hit ouer.
1615 J. Wadsworth in W. Bedell Lett. (1624) 7 It could neuer sinke into my braine how..members sound nor vnsound [could be] participant each of other.
II. In senses of neither.
5. And —— not; neither. In later use normally with inversion of subject and verb.
a. Following an affirmative clause, or in continuing narration. Now chiefly poetic.
1423 Guildhall Let.-bk. in R. W. Chambers & M. Daunt Bk. London Eng. (1931) 114 (MED) He shalle wirke..without fraude..nor he shall nat entermete of sekenes, sore, or hurte..vnknowynge to hym in eny maner.
1493 in T. Pape Medieval Newcastle-under-Lyme (1928) 180 The aforesaid William shall delyuer all evedence and writings that belonges to the lands in the Newcastle, nor hurt nor truble the aforesaid John Leighton.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. cxxxv. 162 I greatly desyre to se the kynge my maister, nor I wyll lye but one nyght in a place, tyll I come there.
a1578 R. Lindsay Hist. & Cron. Scotl. (1899) I. 26 To mak hir purgatione that scho was frie of all misrewlle..nor gave na counsall thairto.
1631 T. May tr. J. Barclay Mirrour of Mindes i. 39 The whole coast is most sweetly verdant,..nor hardly, is there ground any where more abundantly fruitfull.
1697 J. Dryden tr. Virgil Georgics iii, in tr. Virgil Wks. 101 His Age and Courage weigh: Nor those alone. View more context for this quotation
1738 S. Johnson London 260 Then shall thy friend, nor thou refuse his aid,..forsake his Cambrian shade.
1788 Trifler No. 22. 291 The little creature cried and laid down, nor could all our beating raise it.
1822 Ld. Byron Heaven & Earth i. iii, in Liberal 1 198 Away! nor weep!
1871 R. Ellis tr. Catullus Poems lxi. 205 Come nor tarry to greet her.
1924 W. B. Yeats Gift of Harun Al-Rashid in Eng. Life & Illustrated Rev. 2 Jan. 62/2 Even to-day..She keeps that ignorance, nor has she now That first strange interest in my books.
2006 C. McCarthy Road 71 The snow fell, nor did it cease to fall.
b. Beginning a sentence, following either an affirmative or a negative.
1626 G. Sandys tr. Ovid Metamorphosis xiii. 265 His brest..The deadly sword, where it could enter, bor'd. Nor could his strength the fixed steele reuell.
1651 H. More Second Lash of Alazanomastix in Enthusiasmus Triumphatus (1656) 234 How can darknesse be called a Masse? etc. No it cannot. Nor a thin vaporous matter neither.
1790 J. Wedgwood Let. 13 July in Sel. Lett. (1965) 328 Such distinguished favours cannot but make a deep impression on my mind. Nor will they be forgotten by the travellers.
1868 A. Bain Mental & Moral Sci. (1875) ii. 494 Can one be injured voluntarily? It seems not, for what a man consents to is not injury. Nor can a person injure himself.
1871 B. Jowett tr. Plato Dialogues I. 397 Nor among the friends of Socrates must the jailer be forgotten.
1935 H. A. L. Fisher Hist. Europe I. xii. 137 The Arabs were poets, dreamers, fighters, traders; they were not politicians. Nor had they found in religion a stabilizing or unifying power.
1961 R. Seth How Resistance Worked vi. 20 It was to him that the puzzled people turned for leadership. Nor did he fail them.
1974 D. Sears Lark in Clear Air v. 60 I'd never known anything other than hard times. Nor did rough scrabbling impose other than normal conditions on Brulé Township.
1993 Harper's Jan. 77/2 They were the worst, most difficult, most agonizing days and nights of my life. Nor did I leave with a clean slate.
6. Chiefly poetic = neither adv. 1. Usually in nor —— nor ——. Occasionally with omission of correlative nor. Now rare (literary).
1499–1500 in J. D. Marwick Extracts Rec. Burgh Edinb. (1869) I. 77 Nor ȝitt at the Sowth Loch nor yitt the North Loch.
1558 T. Phaer tr. Virgil Seuen First Bks. Eneidos v. sig. 0.ijv Mischief close in keele doth growe, Nor might of men can helpe, nor water floodes that on they throwe.
1576 G. Gascoigne Steele Glas (1868) 59 How many pore (which nede nor brake nor bit) Might therwith al..be fedde.
1608 W. Shakespeare King Lear ix. 15 Spit fire, spout raine, Nor raine, wind, thunder, fire, are my daughters. View more context for this quotation
1651 Ld. Orrery Parthenissa I. i. i. 28 Nor my weaknesse, nor my tongue..shall ever confesse you have any advantage over mee.
1697 J. Dryden tr. Virgil Georgics iii, in tr. Virgil Wks. 108 Nor Bits nor Bridles can his Rage restrain. View more context for this quotation
1726 A. Pope tr. Homer Odyssey IV. xv. 478 Now let our compact made Be, nor by signal nor by word betray'd.
1800 S. T. Coleridge Anc. Mariner (rev. ed.) i, in W. Wordsworth & S. T. Coleridge Lyrical Ballads (ed. 2) I. 158 Nor shapes of men nor beasts we ken.
1823 Ld. Byron Don Juan: Canto X liii. 79 Don Juan loved her, and she loved him, as Nor brother, father, sister, daughter love.
1913 T. Hardy in Sphere 20 Dec. 316 Nor God nor Daemon can undo the done, Unsight the seen.
1969 R. Howard Untitled Subj. 64 Your only troth was plighted to Lady Laudanum, to whom nor gout nor Paris could make you untrue.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2003; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /nɔː/, U.S. /nɔr/, Scottish English /nɔr/, Irish English /nɒːr/
Forms: Middle English– nor, 1500s nar; English regional 1800s– nar (Worcestershire), 1800s– ner, 1800s– nor, 1800s– nur; Scottish pre-1700 1700s– nor, 1700s–1800s nir, 1700s– nar, 1800s– ner, 1900s– nur.
Origin: Of uncertain origin. Perhaps a variant or alteration of another lexical item. Etymon: nor conj.1
Etymology: Origin uncertain; perhaps a specific use of nor conj.1 Compare na conj., ne conj.2. Compare earlier or adv.1 2 (and for confusion of or and nor perhaps compare nor conj.1 4).
In recent use chiefly Scottish, Irish English, U.S. regional, and English regional.
1478 R. Cely Let. 10 Oct. in Cely Lett. (1975) 32 In my consayt better unsolde nor solde.
1479 R. Cely Let. 14 June in Cely Lett. (1975) 52 Ye schall here myche more in thys pertys nor I can at Brytys.
a1513 W. Dunbar Flyting in Poems (1998) I. 204 Thow..beggis mair beir and aitis Nor ony cripill in Karrik land.
a1525 (a1500) Sc. Troy Bk. (Douce) l. 2400 in C. Horstmann Barbour's Legendensammlung (1882) II. 291 Pirrus was of þat thing richt wo, And mor of his grantschire in deid Nor of hime self.
1573 J. Tyrie Refut. Ansuer Knox f. 4v He apperis mair wicked, nor Sathan him self.
1637 S. Rutherford Lett. (1863) I. cxliv. 342 So then I see that Christ can triumph in a weaker man nor I.
a1658 J. Durham Comm. Revelation (1660) i. 5 His Kingly Office extendeth no further nor his Priestly and Prophetical Office.
1698 J. Dunton Rep. of Serm. 248 Was not..Alexander de Greate greater nor [h]e?
?1746 T. Sheridan Brave Irishman ii. 20 I'm sure 'tis better nor your Garlick nor Ingyons in France.
1792 R. Burns Poems & Songs (1968) II. 606 Ye'll crack your credit wi' mae nor me.
1840 W. M. Thackeray Catherine iv You're no better nor a common tramper.
1849 T. C. Haliburton Old Judge I. ii. 44 That crittur is like a singed cat, better nor he seems.
1883 W. Black Shandon Bells xxxii There'll be more grey nor red in my beard by that time.
1939 F. Thompson Lark Rise vii. 144 Can't be done, matey. Cost me more nor that.
1945 S. O'Casey Autobiogr. (1980) I. 320 There's more duffers nor doctors here.
1987 J. A. McArdle Sin Embargo 234 Someone better nor themselves.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2003; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /nɔː/, U.S. /nɔr/, Scottish English /nɔr/, Irish English /nɒːr/
Origin: Of uncertain origin. Perhaps a variant or alteration of another lexical item. Etymons: nor conj.1; nor conj.2
Etymology: Origin uncertain; perhaps a specific use of nor conj.1 or nor conj.2
Scottish and Irish English (northern).
1. That —— not. Obsolete.
1554 D. Lindsay Dialog Experience & Courteour 5039 in Wks. (1931) I. 348 It maruellis me, He, haueand sic prosperite,..Nor he had infynite plesoure.
1703 Session Bk. Dundonald 541 in Sc. National Dict. (1965) 441/1 Now, Willie Kerr, Shame nor the head were off yow for the countrey side is fosht with yow.
1836 J. Affleck Poet. Wks. 125 Sorrow nor the drink wad chock ye.
1899 H. Muir Hamely Echoes 63 Wae's me, nor I had but my days to begin!
2. In imprecations: grant that ——, may ——.
1568 (?a1513) W. Dunbar Poems (1998) I. 252 Ane sowttar said, ‘In gud effek, Nor I be hangit be the nek Gife bettir butis of ledder ma be.’
1568 (?a1513) W. Dunbar Poems (1998) I. 254 Ane theif said, ‘God, that evir I chaip Nor ane stark widdy gar me gaip! Bot I in hell for geir wald be.’
c1620 A. Hume Of Orthogr. Britan Tongue (1870) ii. viii. §7 We wish be wald god, god grant, and god nor.
a1713 A. Pitcairne Assembly (1722) ii. i. 24 God nor the D'ill blaw me i' the Air.
1787 R. Burns Poems & Songs (1968) I. 286 Down ye'll hurl, deil nor ye never rise!
1816 G. Muir Clydesdale Minstrelsy 49 Deil nor they were screw'd in a box of gude hard birk.
1913 J. Service Memorables Robin Cummell 57 Deevil nor the Auld Ane had you the noo!
1996 C. I. Macafee Conc. Ulster Dict. (at cited word) Oh, nor A had a drink o cowl' water.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2003; most recently modified version published online March 2022).

> see also

also refers to : nor-prefix
see also




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