

单词 to take out of pledge

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to take out of pledge
3. The condition of being given or held as a pledge; the state of being pledged. Esp. in to be (also lay, hold, put) in pledge, to give (also have, lay, put, take) to pledge, to take out of pledge, etc.
society > trade and finance > financial dealings > borrowing money > borrow money [verb (transitive)] > pawn
to give (also have, lay, put, take) to pledgec1384
to set, put, lay to or in wedc1384
to lay (up) in lavender1584
to put to lumber1671
up the spout1819
to put away1887
the mind > language > speech > agreement > security > [noun] > a pledge or security > condition of being given or held as a pledge
society > trade and finance > financial dealings > borrowing money > borrow money [verb (transitive)] > borrow money on security > specific to mortgage (land)
to set, put, lay to or in wed?a900
to give (also have, lay, put, take) to pledgea1529
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) 1 Macc. i. 11 There wente out of hem a root of synne, Antiochus the noble..that was at Rome in seegyng, or plegge [a1425 L.V. v.r. ostage, ether plegge; L. obses].
1423 in Hist. MSS Comm.: Rep. MSS Var. Coll. (1907) IV. 83 in Parl. Papers (Cd. 3218) LXIV. 1 The whyche Tabernacle was ylayde yn plegge to the same personys..for the somme of DCCC Markes & lx.
a1450 Generides (Pierpont Morgan) (1865) 3158 My life to plegge shal he haue.
1453 in E. W. W. Veale Great Red Bk. Bristol: Text Pt. II (1938) 203 The saide prest..shal..no Juel, ornament, nor other goodis belonging to the auter of the saide Chaunterie lei to plegge.
a1529 J. Skelton Tunnyng of Elynour Rummyng in Certayne Bks. (?1545) 293 Some layde to pledge Theyr hatchet and theyr wedge.
1567 Compend. Bk. Godly Songs (1897) 23 And gaif thy self to plaige.
1665 T. Manley tr. H. Grotius De Rebus Belgicis 485 He..to meet and stop out want, had put to pledge, and pawned most of his own Houshold-stuff.
1782 Ld. Macartney Let. 11 Jan. in Private Corr. (1950) 20 The persons who hold the Nabob's Jewels in pledge, are going to sell them immediately.
1849 C. Brontë Shirley II. ii. 44 His coat and castor having been detained at the public-house in pledge.
1862 Mrs. H. Wood Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles I. xxii. 275 Pressed for a sum of money..he had put his Sunday coat in pledge.
1901 Daily Chron. 14 May 7/7 Mr. Cardwell's scheme..abolished purchase in the Army, took the Army out of pledge, as the reform was wittily described.
1994 N.Y. Law Jrnl. 13 Jan. 5 He examined the important question of what is required to put a pledgee on notice that securities it holds in pledge are subject to an adverse interest.
extracted from pledgen.
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