

单词 to take over

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to take over
to take over
1. transitive.
a. To convey across; to carry over; to transport.
society > travel > transport > [verb (transitive)] > across
to set overc1540
to put over1569
to take over1573
to pass over1832
to get across1909
1573 T. Twyne in T. Phaer & T. Twyne tr. Virgil Whole .xii. Bks. Æneidos vi. sig. Pv Sibylla had refused to take him ouer vnto the farther shore, which he requested.
1577 R. Holinshed Chron. II. 584/1 Hee tooke ouer with him inestimable treasure as it was reported, in golde, syluer, and iewels.
1600 P. Holland tr. Livy Rom. Hist. xxx. 771 The Romane Commissioners should take over with them into Affricke unto Scipio two hundred of those captives.
1698 D. Jones Theatre of Wars 26 He raised most of his Horse in France; he took over with him his Son the Prince of Wales, then but 15 years Old.
1766 S. R. Scott Hist. Sir George Ellison II. ii. 144 Mr. Ellison had desired Mr. Maningham to take over one or two assistants with him.
1792 T. Holcroft Anna St. Ives II. xx. 24 Sir Arthur took over his own carriage; otherwise this first of inns in the universe would not have furnished him with one, but on condition of its being purchased.
1806 M. J. Young Mem. Mrs. Crouch 168 Among the many introductory letters which Mr. and Miss Phillips took over with them to persons of consequence in Dublin, was one from the celebrated Doctor Johnson.
1891 Oakland (Calif.) Daily Evening Tribune 25 Apr. 1/6 The presidential party will be taken over on a special boat.
1932 W. E. Johns Camels are Coming ii. 35 Agents..are usually taken over by aircraft; sometimes they drop by parachute and sometimes we land them.
1955 G. Grigson Englishman's Flora 328 Either for medicine or still for brewing, or both, Alehoof was taken over to New England.
2011 E. Cook Wishes for Beginners vi. 44 We'll pack up a box of cupcakes you can take over with you.
b. To adopt (an idea, practice, etc.) from a person, place, or thing; spec. to borrow (a word or phrase) from a foreign language.
1842 T. Marshall Dutch Gram. 2 These letters..are only met with in some proper names or words taken over from other languages.
1891 J. Moorhouse Dangers of Apostolic Age 120 The Phrygians..took over ideas and influences from the hot South of a terribly demoralizing character.
1897 F. E. Warren Liturgy & Ritual Ante-Nicene Church iv. 239 The practice was taken over from the Jewish Church.
1922 Musical Times 1 Aug. 545/1 In his time methods taken over from the trumpet were applied to the horn.
1931 Jrnl. Eng. & Germanic Philol. 30 148 Such a form glīsis can come from an older form glēas if we assume that the Letts took the word over from the Goths.
1958 A. Hauser Social Hist. Art vii. 1 The idea of publishing a novel in serial form..comes from Véron... Buloz takes the idea over from him.
1993 Philos. Issues 4 21 Aristotle..took this approach over from Plato.
2009 P. Heather Empires & Barbarians ii. 74 Amber is one of few loan words taken over from Germanic languages into Latin.
a. transitive. To assume control or ownership of (something) from or after another. Also in extended use: to dominate, overrun.
the mind > possession > taking > take [verb (transitive)] > take over
to take toa1250
to take over1618
to take on1849
society > authority > control > [verb (transitive)] > assume control and possession of
to take over1618
to take on1849
1618 J. Wilkinson Treat. Statutes conc. Coroners & Sherifes ii. f. 5 A Sherife..must take ouer from the old Sheriffe his predecessor, all his prisoners, and writs.
1789 G. Craufurd Enq. Situation of East India Company 31 Taking over the Company's forts and territories in India.
1884 A. Forbes Chinese Gordon ii. 36 The army whose command he took over in its headquarters.
1890 ‘H. S. Merriman’ Suspense I. viii. 166 Brenda took over all the smaller household duties.
1904 Daily Chron. 16 July 7/3 The operating company is to take over the tunnel before the end of the month.
1974 J. Wainwright Evid. I shall Give xxiv. 120 Whitby... A fishing community, taken over by day-trippers.
1983 B. A. K. Rider Insider Trading i. 45 Harris & Sheldon's lift division was subsequently taken over by Otis Elevator Company.
2004 N.Y. Mag. 9 Aug. 33/1 The more ideological among them believe that when the Cold War ended, it was America's duty to take over the world.
b. intransitive. To assume control or ownership of something; to prevail, predominate. Frequently in to take over from: to take the place of, relieve, succeed.
the world > time > change > exchange > substitution > substitute [verb (transitive)] > at work
to give a spell1750
to keep or take spell1828
to take over from1916
1867 Irish Times 6 Dec. 3/9 A small party of the 2nd Battalion..arrived yesterday at Ship street Barracks, from Belfast, for the purpose of taking over on their being vacated by the 48th regiment.
1883 J. W. Buxton Elem. Mil. Admin. iii. 117 The Commissariat officer and the officer taking over on behalf of the Commanding Officer compare previously prepared inventory boards.
1916 ‘B. Cable’ Action Front 234 Riley..explained the position to the subaltern who took over from him.
1946 D. C. Peattie Road of Naturalist (U.K. ed.) i. 20 A ranker, branching dandelion took over from the desert dandelions.
1967 Spectator 14 July 53/2 Permanent homes are no longer necessities and a bed-sit mentality has taken over.
1994 P. Baker Blood Posse ii. 15 We just can't let them roll in and take over, right?
2007 Independent 26 Feb. (Extra section) 5/2 He was one of two executives battling to take over from the current Citigroup chief executive.
c. transitive. Business. To gain control of (a company); to buy out, acquire.
1874 Money Market Rev. 31 Oct. 507/2 He contributed much, by his energy, to gain for the proprietors that large amount of compensation they received when the Company was taken over by the Government.
1926 Times 15 July 27/5 The British Broadcasting Corporation..would take over the British Broadcasting Company as a going concern with all its assets.
1965 J. F. Bradley Admin. Financial Managem. xxviii. 577 If Company A and Company B are to merge, Company A might take over Company B.
1990 J. K. Galbraith Financial Euphoria (1993) ii.20 In the 1980s..corporate raiders..issued bonds in great volume against the credit of the companies being taken over.
2010 Independent 20 Apr. 2/3 The ‘firm’, as it [sc. Goldman Sachs] has become known, is usually the first port of call for any company contemplating taking over a rival.
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