

单词 minimum


Brit. /ˈmɪnᵻməm/, U.S. /ˈmɪnəməm/
Inflections: Plural minima Brit. /ˈmɪnᵻmə/, U.S. /ˈmɪnəmə/, minimums.
Forms: 1600s– minimum. Plural 1600s–1700s minimaes (irregular), 1600s–1700s minima's (irregular).
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymons: Latin minimum, minimus, minor.
Etymology: < classical Latin minimum smallest quantity or amount, use as noun of neuter of minimus smallest, least, youngest, superlative of minor minor adj. Compare earlier minim n.1 and minimus n. Compare French minimum (1705 in sense ‘value of a function which is lower than those immediately preceding or following’; 1762 in Rousseau in sense ‘smallest value attained by a variable quantity’; 1771 in sense ‘smallest quantity deemed necessary’; 1830 as adjective).
A. n.
1. Mathematics. The smallest value which a variable or a function takes, either in a particular neighbourhood or throughout its domain; (more generally) the smallest element in a set. Also: a point at which a continuously varying quantity ceases to decrease and begins to increase; the value of a quantity at such a point.
the world > relative properties > number > algebra > [noun] > expression > function > value or set of values of
1646 J. Pell Let. 21 May in Corr. with C. Cavendish (2005) 480 To determine Maxima & Minima in all speculations Mathematicall.
1743 W. Emerson Doctr. Fluxions 123 When a Quantity is required to be the greatest or least possible, under certain Conditions, it is called a Maximum or Minimum.
1807 C. Hutton Course Math. (ed. 5) 304 Others again decrease continually; and so have no minimum... But, on the other hand, some..decrease to a certain finite magnitude, called their Minimum, or least state... And lastly, some quantities have several maxima and minima.
1836 A. De Morgan Differential & Integral Calculus xiv. 369 When there is a change of sign, y is a maximum (M), or a minimum (m), according as the change is from + to − or from − to + (x increasing).
1877 B. Williamson Elem. Treat. Integral Calculus (ed. 3) §144 In this case, the pedal area is a minimum.
1910 Encycl. Brit. I. 58/1 For a single lens of very small thickness and given power, the aberration depends upon the ratio of the radii r:r′, and is a minimum (but never zero) for a certain value of this ratio.
1972 M. Kline Math. Thought xxx. 747 His work made clear that progress in the calculus of variations could not be guided by the theory of maxima and minima of the ordinary calculus.
1989 E. J. Borowski & J. M. Borwein Dict. Math. 378 The positive numbers have no minimum, but the non-negative numbers have minimum 0.
a. The smallest portion into which matter is divisible; an atom. Also: the hypothetical smallest possible unit of time or space. Cf. minim n.1 3. Obsolete.
the world > matter > physics > atomic physics > [noun] > minute quantity of matter
the world > time > duration > shortness or brevity in time > [noun] > hypothetical smallest portion of time
the world > space > extension in space > measurable spatial extent > smallness > [noun] > that which is small > a small space or extent > least portion of space
sensible point1644
1663 G. Harvey Archelogia Philosophica Nova II. i. vi. 29 For minima's are indivisibles, otherwise they could not be minima.
1663 G. Harvey Archelogia Philosophica Nova II. i. vi. 30 There is a minimum and maximum in all natural bodies.
1663 G. Harvey Archelogia Philosophica Nova II. i. vii. 32 Neither are we to imagine, that God did create all the minima's of the world, before he united them to one Mass.
1691 J. Ray Wisdom of God 16 Why do they [sc. atoms] decline the least interval that may be, and not a greater? Why not two or three minima as well as one?
1739 D. Hume Treat. Human Nature I. ii. 55 The imagination reaches a minimum, and may raise up to itself an idea, of which it cannot conceive any sub-division.
1739 D. Hume Treat. Human Nature I. ii. 56 Because they are remov'd beyond that distance, at which their impressions were reduc'd to a minimum, and were incapable of any farther diminution.
b. A very small or insignificant creature. Obsolete. rare.
the world > life > the body > bodily height > shortness > [noun] > person
little person1538
Jack Sprat1570
Tom Thumb1579
cock sparrow1602
dwarf man1699
1796 Mod. Gulliver's Trav. vi. 25 Architecture must have been a science earlily studied by these minimæs of mankind.
3. The smallest amount or quantity that is possible, usual, attainable, allowable, etc. In later use frequently in to reduce (also keep, etc.) to a minimum.
the world > relative properties > quantity > smallness of quantity, amount, or degree > [noun] > least quantity or amount > least amount attainable, usual, etc.
1638 W. Chillingworth Wks. (1820) I. 374 This is the minimum quod sic, the lowest degree of faith, wherewith..God will be pleased.]
a1698 W. Row Suppl. in R. Blair Life (1848) (modernized text) xii. 390 That was the minimum that was to be required of every intrant.
1740 G. Cheyne Ess. Regimen 306 In the Works of the God of Nature, there is no Maximum or Minimum assignable, or conceiveable by us.
1794 J. Sinclair Statist. Acct. Scotl. X. 267 A boat carpenter, joiner, cowan (or builder of stone without mortar), gets 1s. at the minimum, and good maintenance.
1806 P. Colquhoun Indigence 49 The art of conducting a nation to the maximum of happiness and the minimum of misery.
1809 T. Jefferson Let. 28 June in Writings (1984) 1208 An universal spirit for manufacturing for ourselves, and of reducing to a minimum the number of articles for which we are dependent on her [sc. England].
1823 ‘G. Smith’ Not Paul, but Jesus 128 Of the length of this interval three years is the minimum.
1863 ‘G. Eliot’ Romola II. xxvi. 324 The minimum of time had been given him for decision.
1900 Westm. Gaz. 29 Jan. 11/3 About 60 per cent. of the parcels which we [sc. barge-owners] carry are what is known as minimums of twenty tons.
1940 Economist 20 Jan. 88/2 The problem is to protect those whose incomes are nearest the minimum.
1967 R. K. Narayan Sweet-vendor iv. 47 Peace reigned at home, with speech reduced to a minimum.
1987 P. Lomas Limits of Interpretation xi. 134 Idealization of the therapist will occur..but..I believe it should be kept to a minimum.
4. The lowest value of a measurable quantity that varies over time (e.g. temperature, pressure, etc.) attained or recorded within a particular period; the point or period when such a minimum is attained.
the world > relative properties > quantity > smallness of quantity, amount, or degree > [noun] > least quantity or amount > least amount attained or recorded
1823 J. Mitchell Dict. Math. & Physical Sci. 512/1 On increase of temperature, the spirit [in the thermometer] goes forward and leaves the index, which therefore shows the minimum of temperature since it was set.
1860 M. F. Maury Physical Geogr. Sea (ed. 8) vii. §348 At the same hours, the needle attains the maxima and minima of its diurnal variations.
1894 Indian Meteorol. Mem. 6 2 The heat given out by the sun goes through a cycle which reaches..its minimum at the time of minimum sunspots.
1946 F. E. Zeuner Dating Past v. 142 The radiation curve for the last 600,000 years..shows a series of three summer minima between 25,000 and 115,000 years B.P.
1964 Oceanogr. & Marine Biol. 2 61 The temperature minimum at 150m may be formed, in part, by mixing of winter Bering Sea water with shelf water.
1994 Sci. News 3 Dec. 381/2 The idea could explain a previous observation that storms follow more northerly paths during a solar minimum.
5. [After post-classical Latin phrases minimum audibile, minimum sensibile, minimum tangibile, minimum visibile, etc. (see quots. 1709, a18561, a18562, 1874, 1901, 1947), which are themselves after post-classical Latin minimum naturale minimum naturale n.] Chiefly Philosophy. With postmodifying adjective. Designating the smallest or least size, amount, degree, etc., of something that can be consciously distinguished by a particular sensory faculty.
1709 G. Berkeley Ess. New Theory of Vision §54. 59 There is a Minimum Tangibile, and a Minimum Visibile, beyond which Sense cannot perceive.
a1856 W. Hamilton Lect. Metaphysics (1859) I. xviii. 350 The minimum visibile is the smallest expanse..which can consciously affect us,—which we can be conscious of seeing.
a1856 W. Hamilton Lect. Metaphysics (1859) I. xviii. 350 In this sense [of hearing], there is, in like manner, a Minimum Audibile, that is, a sound the least which can come into perception and consciousness.
1874 J. Sully Sensation & Intuition 45 Impressions of sound and light,..which approached very closely the minimum sensibile.
1901 R. L. Nettleship Philos. Remains (ed. 2) 177 What is the minimum concipibile, the least possible conceivable?]
1932 W. S. Duke-Elder Text-bk. Ophthalmol. I. 919 It [sc. the form sense] depends upon the sense of position which is measured by the minimum visible.
1932 W. S. Duke-Elder Text-bk. Ophthalmol. I. 919 The resolving power,..which is measured by the minimum separable.
1932 W. S. Duke-Elder Text-bk. Ophthalmol. I. 919 The complete perception is measured by the minimum cognoscible (or in the case of letters, the minimum legible).
1947 A. Kestenbaum Clin. Methods Neuro-ophthalmol. Exam. vii. 184 The minimum separabile depends not only on the anatomical distance between the retinal units but also on the amplitude of the physiological eye movements.]
1951 A. E. Town Ophthalmol. ii. 51 Visual acuity is defined in terms of the visual angle... This angular distance is referred to as the ‘minimum separable’.
1972 H. J. Eysenck et al. Encycl. Psychol. 277/2 Minimum audible, the threshold of audibility; the minimum sound intensity of certain parts of the sound spectrum which is just audible.
B. adj. (chiefly attributive).
[The noun used chiefly appositively.] That is a minimum; of or relating to a minimum; that is the least or lowest possible, usual, attainable, allowable, etc.
the world > relative properties > quantity > smallness of quantity, amount, or degree > [adjective] > smallest or slightest > least attainable, usual, etc.
1821 J. Bentham Elements Art of Packing 44 But this is the minimum rate.
1835 R. Torrens Colonization South Austral. 83 The minimum price of public land should be fixed sufficiently high, to create an emigration fund.
1854 J. H. Stocqueler Hand-bk. Brit. India (ed. 3) 301 Its minimum height from the sea is 900 feet.
1862 R. G. Latham Elements Compar. Philol. 628 The Slovak, with a minimum amount of literary culture.
1879 Amer. Jrnl. Math. 2 23 The minimum value of the quantity..will be found by first considering one variable constant and then the other.
1899 T. C. Allbutt et al. Syst. Med. VIII. 849 The rule is to begin with a minimum dose.
1904 Daily News 25 Feb. 12/3 Parliament..has enacted that a minimum number of trains with a minimum mileage shall be run.
1910 Encycl. Brit. I. 768/2 The minimum voltage needed to break up the aluminium fluoride is 4.0.
1940 Economist 13 July 43/1 To ensure that a minimum number of films are made, renters must produce or acquire one British film.
1962 Listener 12 Apr. 626/2 Neither a minimum property qualification nor even a simple educational test..would be realistic or just in the present situation of South Africa.
1985 R. Cobb Classical Educ. viii. 98 He was a tall man, all public school headmasters have to be, there must be some sort of minimum requirement.
2000 M. Lewis New New Thing 164 I have a minimum time horizon of five years with which to pursue my objectives.


minimum charge n. the least amount payable for a particular service or which must be spent in a restaurant, etc.
1868 Economist 5 Sept. 1021/2 It may be expedient to make the minimum charge a penny.
1940 Post Office Guide Aug. 413 Night telegraph letters..are accepted at any time... Minimum charge 1s. 3d for 36 words.
2000 Western Daily Press (Electronic ed.) 8 July There is no minimum charge and main courses are from £6.50.
minimum deterrence n. a defensive military strategy based on the use of a minimum deterrent.
1962 Observer 13 May 15/2 The ‘deterrence only’ school includes most of the adherents of finite deterrence (or minimum deterrence)... If each side can be certain of inflicting terrible damage on the other with its strategic forces, then neither side will use them.
1989 Guardian 7 July 10/4 Gorbachev..was prepared to accept an interim stage, where ‘the Soviet Union remains faithful to its non-nuclear ideals, and the West replaced its strategy of flexible nuclear deterrence with the strategy of minimum deterrence.’
minimum deterrent n. the smallest number of nuclear weapons needed to convince a potential aggressor of assured destruction in the event of a retaliatory counter-attack.
1964 Economist 1 Aug. 466/2 The [Soviet] position known as the ‘nuclear umbrella’ or ‘minimum deterrent’.
1991 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 27 June 49/3 The Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty would have to remain in effect in order to give both sides confidence that a sudden deployment of strategic defenses could not neutralize the minimum deterrent.
minimum free form n. Linguistics the smallest meaningful unit into which a linguistic element, structure, or utterance can be subdivided; a minimal free form (see minimal adj. 4a).
the mind > language > linguistics > semantics > unit of meaning > [noun] > other types of
minimum free form1926
1926 L. Bloomfield in Language 2 156 A minimum free form is a word..which may be uttered alone (with meaning) but cannot be analyzed into parts that may (all of them) be uttered alone (with meaning).
1958 C. F. Hockett Course in Mod. Linguistics xix. 171 Minimum free forms and lexemes also do not meet this requirement.
minimum lending rate n. Finance the minimum percentage at which a central bank will discount bills (introduced in Britain for the Bank of England in 1971, suspended in 1981 but occasionally briefly reintroduced); (more generally) the minimum interest rate charged on loans by a bank or other institution; abbreviated MLR.
society > trade and finance > financial dealings > moneylending > [noun] > moneylending at interest > interest > rate of interest
prime rate1815
mortgage rate1898
savings rate1904
saving rate1905
discount rate1913
base lending rate1933
prime lending rate1951
base rate1970
minimum lending rate1972
bank rate1974
1972 Times 14 Oct. 21/8 The Bank of England's minimum lending rate, which yesterday replaced Bank rate, begins life at 7¼ per cent.
1981 Daily Mail 31 July 2/1 Geoffrey Howe..revealed that Minimum Lending Rate would be abolished on August 20.
1998 Indian Express (Electronic ed.) 25 July Exim Bank managing director YB Desai said that the institution will offer credit at half the bank's minimum lending rate (MLR) for new product development.
minimum-security adj. (of a prison) having the minimum number of restrictive rules for prisoners.
society > authority > punishment > imprisonment > prison > [adjective] > open or minimum-security
1933 Amer. Jrnl. Sociol. 38 896 New types of detention (with recognition of the value of minimum security confinement).
1965 G. Jackson Let. 18 Apr. in Soledad Brother (1971) 73 I can also obtain a parole faster there or a transfer to some minimum security camp.
1993 Globe & Mail Rep. on Business Feb. 28/2 [The prisoner] was transferred from the relatively cushy confines of Beaver Creek minimum security institution to the cinder-block bunkers of Warkworth Penitentiary.
minimum thermometer n. a thermometer which records the lowest temperature reached since it was last reset.
the world > matter > properties of materials > temperature > measurement of temperature > [noun] > instrument > self-registering or recording thermometers
maximum thermometer1852
minimum thermometer1858
1858 J. Tyndall Let. 4 Aug. in M. Faraday Corr. (2008) V. 430 Water boils at 187° farht, at the top of the mountain. I left a minimum thermometer there.
1933 A. W. Barton Text Bk. Heat i. 6 The minimum thermometer is filled with alcohol and contains a metal index.
1963 Meteorol. Gloss. (Meteorol. Office) (ed. 4) 122 From 1906 to 1960, inclusive, the [British] Meteorological office practice was to record a ‘ground frost’ when the grass minimum thermometer reached 30°F or below.
minimum viable product n. an early, basic version of a product (such as a piece of technology, a computer program, etc.) which meets the minimum necessary requirements for use but can be adapted and improved in the future, esp. after customer feedback; abbreviated MVP.
1999 Marketing Managem. Spring 30/2 Getting to market quickly with a minimum viable product and services, aligned with the promise of the brand, is required just to be in the consideration set.
2019 Consilience 21 27 We have decided to postpone designing and programming the final application. Rather, we plan on building a ‘Minimum Viable Product’ (MVP) as a first step, to validate whether a business potential exists.
minimum vocabulary n. chiefly Philosophy (B. Russell's term for) the residual vocabulary of a body of knowledge after analysis, i.e. the set of words (or symbolic expressions) that are sufficient to express every proposition in that field (e.g. mathematics, logic, history, geography, or human experience in general) and such that no word in the vocabulary can be defined in terms of the other words in it; the ultimate object-vocabulary of any field of knowledge or beliefs.
the mind > language > linguistics > linguistic unit > word > [noun] > words collectively vocabulary > minimum
minimum vocabulary1944
1944 B. Russell in P. A. Schilpp Philos. B. Russell 14 I mean by a ‘minimum vocabulary’ one in which no word can be defined in terms of the others. All definitions are theoretically superfluous, and therefore the whole of any science can be expressed by means of a minimum vocabulary for that science.
1953 Philos. Rev. 62 274 It might therefore be suggested that Russell's statements concerning the structures of brain events, light rays, and flashes of lightning are to be translated into statements utilizing only the terms of the minimum vocabulary.
1967 Encycl. Philos. VII. 243/1 If there are alternative minimum vocabularies, then a simple, undefined term in one mode of formulation may turn out to be definable in another.
C2. Forming compound adjectives used attributively with the sense ‘involving or requiring a minimum of (that specified by the following word)’.
1959 Harrods News Summer 11 Little girl's sundress of minimum-iron cotton.
1962 A. Battersby Guide to Stock Control vi. 52 The best period may be found by a minimum-cost procedure.., that is, by minimizing the total costs of ordering and stockholding.
1970 Internat. Jrnl. Solids & Structures 6 353 (heading) The minimum weight design of Vierendeel frames.
1989 IMA Jrnl. Math. applied in Business & Industry 2 55 The minimum-degree algorithm and the symbolic algorithm described by George & Liu..are recommended.
1995 Flight Internat. 1 Mar. 24/2 To keep the balls rolling during minimum-thrust loading, we developed this duplex bearing.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2002; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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