1297 in L. M. Midgley (1942) I. 225 (MED) Et de 5 s. 1 d. de Stephano, seruiente Ade Haym, pro leytherwyte.
a1400 R. Higden (Caius) (1869) II. 96 Lethirwite [c1425 Corpus Cambr. 96 Letherwithe; a1400 Cambr. Ii.3.1 Leyrwyte, id est emenda pro corruptione nativæ].
1527 (new ed.) f. lxxxvi Letherwyte that is that ye shall take amendis of him that coruptith your nature without your lycence.
1579 (new ed.) f. 148 Lotherwite, that is that you may take amendes of him which doth defile your bondwoman without your licence.
1600 W. Vaughan i. xiii. sig. D9v Woe therefore be vnto you, landlords, who..do flay and vexe your tenants and inferiours with extraordinary imposts, with asking of beneuolences, letherwits, and such like.
1686 R. Plot viii. 279 The Lords enjoy another odd custom, or privilege of Lotherwits or Lyerwits at this day.
1716 H. Curson (ed. 2) Addenda 614 In ancient time the King's Courts, and especially the Leets, had power to inquire of, and punish Fornication and Adultery, by the Name of Letherwite.
1860 J. Williams I. xiv. 184 The lord had..from husbands of wives who committed adultery, 5s., for ‘letherwite’ 5s.
1866 509 From them, it would seem, sprang the copyholders, who plainly were serfs, as amenable to ‘lotherwit’ and other tests of serfage.
1912 W. Farrer & J. Brownbill VII. 184/2 Merchet for sons and daughters and letherwit for sons were due.
2013 2 46 Childwite..was a fine paid by a man to his lord for unlawfully impregnating his bond women. It was also called letherwite (leirwite).