

单词 in or out of tune

> as lemmas

in or out of tune
a. The state of being in the proper pitch; correct intonation in singing, or in instrumental music; agreement in pitch, unison, or harmony (with something): mostly in in or out of tune; cf. tone n. 2b, 2c. Also, simply, the pitch of a musical note (quot. 1694, obsolete).
society > leisure > the arts > music > musical sound > pitch > tuning or intonation > [adverb]
in (good, true) musica1382
in or out of tunec1450
society > leisure > the arts > music > musical sound > pitch > tuning or intonation > [adverb] > out of tune
in or out of tunec1450
society > leisure > the arts > music > musical sound > pitch > [noun]
c1450 Jacob's Well (1900) 82 Whanne an harpe is weel sett in tewne.
1483 Cath. Angl. 396/1 Oute of Tune, dissonus,..discors.
1530 Myroure Oure Ladye (Fawkes) (1873) i. 56 That all the notes be songe, as they ar in youre bokes, eche of them in theyre owne tewne.
1530 J. Rastell New Bk. Purgatory ii. xviii. sig. ev Whan his harpe is out of tune.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VII f. iii To set all the strynges in a monacorde and tune.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Hamlet (1623) iii. i. 161 Like sweet Bels iangled out of tune [1604 time], and harsh.
1617–18 in H. J. F. Swayne Churchwardens' Accts. Sarum (1896) 167 For keeping the Organ in tune.
1694 W. Holder Treat. Harmony ii. 6 The Tune of a Note..is constituted by the Measure and Proportion of Vibrations of the sonorous Body.
1707 I. Watts Hymns & Spiritual Songs ii. 95 Strange! that a Harp of thousand strings Should keep in Tune so long.
1774 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 63 268 The B flat of the spinnet..was perfectly in tune with the great bell of St. Paul's.
1884 Ld. Tennyson Becket Prol. 16 My voice is harsh here, not in tune.
extracted from tunen.
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