

单词 apposition


Etymology: < Old French aposicion, apposition, variant of opposition , in medieval Latin sense of oppōnĕre : see appose v.1
A public disputation by scholars; a formal examination by question and answer; still applied to the ‘Speech day’ at St. Paul's School, London.
society > education > educational administration > examination > [noun] > university examinations > dissertation or disputation
vesper disputations1715
1660 S. Pepys Diary 9 Jan. (1970) I. 12 My brother John's speech which he is to make the next Apposition.
1864 Press 18 June 588 St. Paul's School..celebrated its annual Apposition on Wednesday.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1885; most recently modified version published online March 2018).


Etymology: < (perhaps through modern French apposition 16th cent.) Latin appositiōnem, noun of action < appōnere to put to: see apposite adj.
1. The action of putting or placing one thing to another; application.
the world > space > distance > nearness > [noun] > contiguity > bringing into contiguity
?1541 R. Copland Guy de Chauliac's Questyonary Cyrurgyens iv. sig. Ojv Yf after the fyrste apposycyon..it blede nat wel.
1559 P. Morwyng tr. C. Gesner Treasure of Euonymus 367 All suche thinges as..fomentacions, apposicions, embroches, etc.
1650 T. Fuller Pisgah-sight of Palestine iv. vi. 117 By apposition, or putting of sweet odours to the dead body.
1726 J. Ayliffe Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani 308 By the Apposition of a Publick Seal.
1875 E. Poste tr. Gaius Institutionum Iuris Civilis (ed. 2) ii. 220 The apposition of the seals of seven attesting witnesses.
2. That which is put to or added; an addition.
1632 Guillim's Display of Heraldrie (ed. 2) i. i. 11 For distinction sake, to annex some apposition over, and aboue their paternall Coate.
1655 T. Fuller Church-hist. Brit. ii. 67 The Place is plainly written Cern, without any paragogical apposition.
3. The placing of things in close superficial contact; the putting of distinct things side by side in close proximity.
the world > space > distance > nearness > [noun] > adjacency > placing in
1655 T. Stanley Hist. Philos. I. ii. 13 The mistion of the Elements is by apposition.
1669 T. Gale Court of Gentiles: Pt. I i. vi. 35 [The word] according to the various apposition of the leters, may signifie either a foot, or a river.
1830 C. Lyell Princ. Geol. I. xiv. 255 These layers must have accumulated one on the other by lateral apposition.
1850 C. G. B. Daubeny Introd. Atomic Theory (ed. 2) iv. 121 The result of the apposition of an assemblage of smaller crystals.
4. The fact or condition of being in close contact, juxtaposition, parallelism.
the world > space > distance > nearness > [noun] > adjacency
1606 G. Carleton Tithes Examined iv. f. 21v There is an apposition betweene things of the same kinde.
a1652 J. Smith Select Disc. (1660) v. vi. 148 A mere kind of Apposition or Contiguity of our Natures with the Divine.
1820 H. Fuseli Lect. Painting II. iv. 174 The true medium between dry apposition and exuberant contrast.
1826 W. S. Landor Imaginary Conversat. (ed. 2) II. viii. 194 He places strange and discordant ideas in close apposition.
1876 T. Bryant Pract. Surg. (ed. 2) I. iv. 145 The cut surfaces and edges of the wounds are to be brought into apposition.
5. Rhetoric. The addition of a parallel word or phrase by way of explanation or illustration of another. Obsolete.
society > leisure > the arts > literature > style of language or writing > figure of speech > figures of structure or thought > [noun] > parallelism > of synonyms
1561 T. Norton tr. J. Calvin Inst. Christian Relig. iii. f. 187 Calling faith the worke of God, and geuing it that title for a name of addition, and calling it by figure of apposition Gods good pleasure.
a1638 J. Mede Wks. (1672) i. xxiv. 93 It is an Apposition, or ἐξήγησις, the latter words declaring the meaning of the former; ‘Peace on earth,’ that is, ‘Good will towards men.’
6. Grammar. The placing of a word beside, or in syntactic parallelism with, another; spec. the addition of one substantive to another, or to a noun clause, as an attribute or complement; the position of the substantive so added.
the mind > language > linguistics > study of grammar > syntax or word order > syntactic relations > [noun] > apposition
c1440 Gesta Romanorum (1879) 416 Yonge childryn that gone to the scole haue in here Donete this question, how many thinges fallen to apposicion?
1591 R. Percyvall Bibliotheca Hispanica Gram. sig. Ev A Preposition..either in Composition, as, Contrahecho..or in Apposition, as, En la casa.
1656 J. Smith Myst. Rhetorique Unvail'd 191 Apposition is a figure..whereby one Noune Substantive is for Declaration and distinction sake added unto another in the same case.
1860 B. Jowett Ess. & Rev. 398 In the failure of syntactical power..in various forms of apposition, especially that of the word to the sentence.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1885; most recently modified version published online June 2021).




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