

单词 subalternate


Brit. /sʌbɔːlˈtəːnᵻt/, /sʌbɒlˈtəːnᵻt/, U.S. /səbˈɔltərnət/, /səbˈɑltərnət/
Forms: late Middle English–1500s subalternat, late Middle English– subalternate.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Perhaps also partly formed within English, by derivation; perhaps modelled on a Latin lexical item. Etymons: Latin subalternatus ; sub- prefix, alternate adj.
Etymology: < post-classical Latin subalternatus (in logic) subordinate (from 1267 in British sources), (in medical context) subordinate (1363 in Chauliac), use as adjective of past participle of subalternare subaltern v. In sense A. 4 probably showing an independent formation < sub- prefix + alternate adj., perhaps after post-classical Latin subalternus (1788 or earlier in this sense; compare quot. 1808 at subalternately adv. 3). Compare subaltern adj., subaltern n.
A. adj.
a. Subordinate, inferior, or subservient (to); = subaltern adj. 2. Now chiefly U.S. subalternate together (in quot. ?a1425): (of two or more things) inferior or subordinate to one another in turn.
the mind > goodness and badness > inferiority or baseness > [adjective] > subordinate
second line1797
the mind > attention and judgement > importance > unimportance > [adjective] > low or subordinate
lower case1917
?a1425 tr. Guy de Chauliac Grande Chirurgie (N.Y. Acad. Med.) f. 53v Of þe leche as ministre, worching with 5 entencionz subalternate togider [a1500 Cambr. yche vnder oþere to-gidre; ?c1425 Paris vndercaste; L. adinvicem subalternatis].
c1443 R. Pecock Reule of Crysten Religioun (1927) 17 Al þe doctryne of þis present book, wiþ alle bookis whiche to hym ben subalternat or vndir ordyned and to hym nyȝ perteynyng.
?a1475 (?a1425) tr. R. Higden Polychron. (Harl. 2261) (1871) III. 123 iiij. principalle realmes,..x. other realmes, subalternate to theyme.
1595 in 12th Rep. Royal Comm. Hist. MSS (1890) App. ix. 173 What ministers of state and subalternat governors, as counsaile and magistrats.
1611 in 10th Rep. Royal Comm. Hist. MSS (1885) App. i. 546 In putting so muche difference between an absolute king and a subalternate Queen.
1638 R. Baker tr. J. L. G. de Balzac New Epist. II. 79 As though the present time, were but subalternate to the future.
1686 F. Spence tr. A. Varillas Ἀνεκδοτα Ἑτερουιακα 15 The Enditement was drawn up by the Subalternate Judges.
1704 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 24 1702 An account of the several kinds of subalternate Species of Plants.
1747 R. Gough tr. D. Martin Hist. Bible 570 He worshipped him with a subalternate, but nevertheless religious Worship.
1898 Macon (Georgia) Tel. 5 Mar. 4/4 The blood of American sailors, whether shed by authority of the Spanish government, or by subalternate officers or private citizens of Havana.
1914 Amer. Law Rev. 48 772 The accumulation of all the subalternate evidentiary facts lends an importance to each.
1966 Waterloo (Iowa) Daily Courier 14 Dec. 4 The subalternate leaders in this massive distributive network were simply physically afraid of ‘Jimmy’.
1997 G. Rabassa tr. M. de Carvalho God strolling in Cool of Evening (1998) xvi. 217 She scorned my insignificantly subalternate position as a human.
b. Philosophy and Theology. In Aristotelian and scholastic philosophy: designating a science which is subordinate to a higher science from which axioms can be drawn. Cf. subalternating adj. 1.The concept of subalternate sciences was adopted by Thomas Aquinas to demonstrate that theology was to be classified as a science; he argued that, although theology was not based on axioms, it drew its first principles from divine revelation to which it was subalternate.
1635 D. Person Varieties v. 95 These things are transcending, and doe exceed the limits of particular and inferiour Sciences, as Physick, Geometry, Arithmetick, and the Sciences which are subalternate and subordinate to them.
1670 W. Clarke Nat. Hist. Nitre 51 Medicine being a subalternate Art to Philosophy.
1701 J. Norris Ess. Ideal World I. ii. 104 So only the subalternate sciences suppose their objects, as taking them from the superior science wherein they are proved.
1865 H. E. Manning Temporal Mission Holy Ghost (1866) ii. 109 It [sc. Theology] is a science subalternate, deriving its principles from the science in God by faith.
1874 W. Humphrey in H. E. Manning Ess. Relig. & Lit. III. 317 Theology is a science subalternate to Revelation.
1900 Amer. Eccl. Rev. Dec. 652 In this way the several departments of special metaphysics, and indeed all the special sciences, are subordinate, though not subalternate to ontology.
1975 E. D. Sylla in J. E. Murdoch Cultural Context Medieval Learning iii. 355 Optics or perspective is subalternate to geometry.
1997 Jrnl. Hist. Ideas 58 281 Barrow has in mind mixed sciences different from the synthetical subalternate sciences.
2. Logic.
a. Designating both of a pair of propositions consisting of a universal proposition and a particular proposition having the same subject and predicate and being of the same quality (i.e. affirmative or negative); designating the particular proposition of such a pair; (also) of, relating to, or designating this relation. Cf. subaltern adj. 1a.
the mind > mental capacity > philosophy > logic > logical proposition > [adjective] > of types of propositions
1599 T. Blundeville Art of Logike iii. ii. 61 How many kinds of opposite Propositions be there? Foure: Contrarie, Subcontrarie, Contradictorie, and Subalternat.
1671 J. Newton Introd. Art Logick i. xix. 61 Subalternate Opposition is the repugnancy of 2 affirmative or 2 negative propositions in their quantity.
1707 J. Oldfield Ess. Improvem. Reason xviii. 207 Here follows a Scheme of Modal Propositions, with the Synonymous, Subalternate, Contradictious, and Contrary Enunciations, according to the Modes, that are commonly taken notice of in Logic.
1725 I. Watts Logick ii. ii. 250 The Canons of subalternate Propositions are usually reckoned these three.
1843 J. S. Mill Syst. Logic I. ii. i. §2 221 Of two subalternate propositions the truth of the universal proves the truth of the particular.
1880 N. K. Davis Theory of Thought iii. ii. 111 In semi-definite thought the rule for subalternate opposition becomes ‘If either is true, the other is false.’
1930 A. E. Taylor Faith of Moralist (1931) I. ii. 48 In strict logic a ‘subalternate’ proposition can never be inferred simply from its subalternans.
1974 E. J. Ashworth Lang. & Logic in Post-medieval Period ii. iv. 237 There are, of course, twenty four valid direct modes and it is the five subalternate modes that are missing.
1988 T. S. Maloney in tr. R. Bacon Compend. Study Theol. 162 Subalternate propositions are those derived from universal (affirmative and negative) propositions.
b. A genus which is itself a species of a higher genus; = subaltern adj. 1b.
the mind > mental capacity > philosophy > logic > logical classification > [adjective] > relating to categories > of relations between categories
1599 T. Blundeville Art of Logike i. iv. 6 [Genus is divided] Into two, that is, Genus most generall, and genus subalternat.
1651 tr. P. Ramus Dialectica i. xxvii, in Compend. Art of Logick & Rhetorick in Eng. Tongue 64 The subalternate Genus, as also the subalternate Species, is that which is the species of this, but the genus of that.
1789 J. Bentham Introd. Princ. Morals & Legisl. xvi. §26 The fictitious entries, characterized by the two abstract terms, trust and condition, are not subalternate but disparate.
1853 S. Neil Art Reasoning xiii. 133 Subalternate genera and species are interchangeable names.
1884 Dublin Rev. Apr. 275 Every subalternate species is a metaphysical whole, just as every subalternate genus is a logical whole.
1981 J. F. Ross Portraying Analogy ii. 44 The fact that the genus of engines was neither the same as nor subalternate to that of animals.
2008 H. Lagerlund in D. M. Gabbay & J. Woods Mediaeval & Renaissance Logic 322 Genus is also divided into the most general genus..and subalternate genera.
3. Succeeding in turn; successive. Obsolete.
the world > time > relative time > the future or time to come > succession or following in time > [adjective]
1649 W. Charleton in tr. J. B. van Helmont Ternary of Paradoxes Prolegomena sig. c4 From the remote dependencies of Effects upon their particular Causes, ushereth us along by a subalternate Series.
1652 W. Charleton Darknes Atheism ix. 306 A subalternate series of Causes, whose Constitution, reciprocal concatenation, and eternal duration are made by, and dependent upon it self.
1706 Phillips's New World of Words (new ed.) Subaltern or Subalternate, that succeeds by turns.
4. Chiefly Botany. Alternate, but tending to become opposite; intermediate between alternate and opposite.
the world > life > biology > physical aspects or shapes > physical arrangement or condition > [adjective] > arranged in other ways
the world > space > relative position > quality of having sides or being a side > [adjective] > situated at the side > alternately placed on either side > with tendency to become opposite
1791 Trans. Linn. Soc. 1 133 The last [branches] clothed with short subulate leaves, growing in a subalternate order.
1851 G. A. Mantell Petrifactions iii. §5. 309 The subalternate arrangement and reversed position of the upper and lower series of teeth.
1879 Geol. Mag. June 242 Four of these stems are shown in the larger specimen, each giving off laterally, and at subalternate distances, the secondary stems.
1900 Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 35 339 Stems angled and furrowed above, finely grayish pubescent or tomentulose; leaves subalternate (at least the upper ones).
1930 Ann. Missouri Bot. Garden 17 50 The branching is alternate to subalternate by the abortion or deferred development of an opposite axillary bud.
1990 Adv. in Bot. Res. 17 144 The seed-bearing laminae were arranged in two subalternate rows on the surface of the leaf.
2005 Novon 15 503 Leaves..with the innermost pair of primary veins diverging from the midvein in opposite or subalternate fashion.
B. n.
Logic. The particular proposition in a pair of subaltern propositions (see subaltern adj. 1a). Cf. subalternant n.
the mind > mental capacity > philosophy > logic > logical proposition > [noun] > universal proposition > subsidiary proposition
1651 tr. P. Ramus Dialectica ii. xviii, in Compend. Art of Logick & Rhetorick in Eng. Tongue 123 Why shall the subalternates follow?
1821 J. Hill tr. H. Aldrich Artis Logicæ Rudimenta (ed. 2) 97 If an universal is false, or a particular true, its subalternate or subalternans may be either true or false.
1867 L. H. Atwater Elem. Logic 109 In each pair of these the Universal is called the Subalternans, the Particular the Subalternate.
1906 Jrnl. Philos. 3 286 The gulf between a subaltern proposition and its subalternates.
1993 A. Broadie Introd. Medieval Logic (ed. 2) vii. 140 If we start to construct a square of opposition by placing P&Q as one of the intended subalternants, we have a choice as to which proposition to place under it as its subalternate.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2012; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ˌsʌbˈɔːltəneɪt/, /ˌsʌbˈɒltəneɪt/, U.S. /səbˈɔltərˌneɪt/, /səbˈɑltərˌneɪt/
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymons: Latin subalternat-, subalternare.
Etymology: < post-classical Latin subalternat-, past participial stem (see -ate suffix3) of subalternare (especially in logic) to subordinate (see subaltern v.). Compare earlier subalternate adj., subalternated adj., subalternating adj.
transitive. To subordinate (to), to make subaltern or subalternate; spec. (in Aristotelian and scholastic philosophy) to treat (a science) as subordinate to a higher science; cf. subalternate adj. 1b.
1697 J. Norris Acct. Reason & Faith ii. 91 Just as in the Subalternation of Sciences, that which is a Conclusion in one is a Principle in the other, so 'tis here in the Subalternation of these two Faiths, whereof that which is Explicit may be said to be Subalternated to that which is Implicit.
1701 tr. F. Burgersdijck Introd. Art Logick i. xxxii. 128 The Modes of Possible and Contingent, are Subalternated [L. subalternantur] to those of Necessary and Impossible.
1865 H. Edward Temporal Mission Holy Ghost ii. 110 Gregory of Valentia goes on to say, ‘Let theology, then, be neither science in itself..nor properly a science subalternated to the science of God and of the blessed.’
1883 Mind 8 399 The scientific part of mechanics is subalternated to pure mathematics.
1954 Italica 31 189 Fusco..warns against any mode of envisaging the art-work which may tend to subalternate it by stressing its documentary value.
2005 S. Boguslawski in J. P. Greenman & T. Larsen Reading Romans through Cents. v. 82 Any exegetical ‘science’ or investigative methodology must be subalternated to the integrity of this sacred doctrine.
This is a new entry (OED Third Edition, June 2012; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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