An overseer of workmen. In modern use, the ‘underlooker’ of a colliery, ‘who receives his orders from the manager, and to whom the overmen and…
单词 | θ210890 |
释义 | society > occupation and work > worker > workers according to status > [noun] > overseer or foreman (50) stewarda1400 An overseer of workmen. In modern use, the ‘underlooker’ of a colliery, ‘who receives his orders from the manager, and to whom the overmen and… surveyorc1440 One who has the oversight or superintendence of a person or thing; an overseer, supervisor. gen. (also figurative) supervisorc1454 A person who has charge of or responsibility for a business, institution, department, etc.; an overseer; a person who directs or oversees a task… overlookera1513 A person whose business it is to superintend; an overseer. workmaster1525 A master workman; an overseer or employer of workers. supervisora1529 A person who oversees the work or conduct of another or others; (now) esp. a person directly in charge of an employee or workforce; (sometimes) a… foreman1574 The principal workman; spec., one who has charge of a department of work. foreman of the yard: one who superintends the gangers. working foreman… superintendent1575 In general sense. A person who superintends someone or something; an official in charge of an activity, group, or organization; an overseer… overman1606 Chiefly British. A foreman or supervisor in a mine or colliery. Cf. oversman, n. 2b. headman1725 A man placed in charge of other workers, labourers, etc., esp. on a farm; a foreman, an overseer; a senior subordinate. Now regional. overseer1766 A person who oversees others; a supervisor, a superintendent; a person in charge of a job or workforce. gang leader1775 (a) the leader or foreman of a gang of workers or labourers (now rare); (b) the head of a criminal or street gang. hagmaster1797 a person who organizes and oversees the work of manual labourers, esp. a subcontractor supplying casual labour. maistry1798 A master-workman, a foreman; (also) a skilled workman, such as a cook, a tailor, etc. gangsman1803 A person who oversees (and sometimes also assembles) a gang of labourers; a foreman. kangany1817 An overseer or headman of a gang of local labourers in Sri Lanka, southern India, and Malaya. capataz1826 In Spanish-speaking countries: a headman of a ranch or farm; a foreman or overseer of a group of labourers. gangman1830 A member of a gang of workers or labourers; (also) a foreman or overseer of such a gang (= gangsman, n. 2). Now chiefly Indian English: a member of… ganger1836 A person who oversees (and sometimes also assembles) a gang of workers; = gangsman, n. 2. Also: a member of a work-gang. gaffer1841 The foreman or overman of a gang of workmen; a headman. gang boss1863 (a) = gang leader n. (a); (b) = gang leader n. (b). ramrod1881 U.S. (originally regional (western)). A foreman, a manager; a person in charge. charge-man1885 the leader of a working squad; also, a workman who controls the supply of materials to a furnace, machine, etc. in a workshop or factory. mandor1885 In Malaysia and Indonesia: a foreman or overseer. Cf. kangany, n. captain1886 The foreman of a company of workmen or of a workshop in various trades. (Cf. also 6b.) overganger1887 A foreman. ephor1890 In modern Greece: An overseer, superintendent of public works. pusher1901 slang (originally and chiefly U.S.). A foreman of a work crew. Cf. push, n.2 11. gangster1913 A foreman or member of a gang of workers. rare. line manager1960 In business or management organization, the chain of command or responsibility; the persons responsible for the administration and organization of… Subcategories:— woman (2) — assistant or subordinate (3) — of gang of slaves (1) — in charge of particular piece of work (3) — one who happens to be in charge (1) — taskmaster (10) |
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