

单词 scroffles
释义 ˈscroffles, n. pl. Obs.
Also 5 scurffyls, skorphillys, 5–6 scrofulus, scruphules, 5–7 scrophules, 6 scrofules.
[a. OF. scrophules, ad. L. scrōfulæ: see scrofula.]
Scrofulous swellings.
[c1000Sax. Leechd. III. 62 Cyrneles & scrofelles.]a1400–50Stockh. Med. MS. 141 It desolwyth skorphillys.c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 19 (Addit. MS.) Þe þridde entencioun is to remevyn þat þat ys to myche as scurffyls [Ashm. MS. scrofulus] of þe hed & þe nekke.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 243/4 A poure woman that had a sone whyche was gretely tormented with scrophules.1541Copland tr. Guydon's Quest. Chirurg. S j b, Propre for scrophules and kyrnelles.1576Baker Jewell of Health (1597) 144 b, Instill two or three droppes into the eare of the pacient, on that syde where Scroffles be.1684tr. Bonet's Merc. Compit. xvi. 573 A certain Woman had the Scroffles all over her Neck.




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