

单词 traduction
释义 traduction|trəˈdʌkʃən|
[a. OF. traduction (13th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), or ad. L. trāductiōn-em ‘leading across, transference, leading in triumph, public exposure’; in Christ.L. also in sense 3; also, in It. traduzzione, F. traduction 16th c., in sense of ‘translation’ into another lang.]
1. Conveyance from one place to another; bringing over, transportation, transference. Obs.
1501(title) A remembraunce for the traduction of the Princesse Kateryne, doughter to the right high and right myghty Prince the Kinge and Quene of Spayne.1536in Strype Eccl. Mem. (1721) I. App. lxxvi. 182 Concerning the traduction of the..Duke of Orleans into the realm of England there to bee educated.1627Hakewill Apol. (1630) 233 [That] the soule of the Baptist, or Elias, or of one of the Prophets, was by traduction passed into our Saviours bodie.a1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. ii. vii. 198 All the possibility there could be for traduction of the Brutes into America from the known World, could only be by Shipping.
b. ? Course. Obs. rare—1.
1675Ogilby Brit. Pref. 1 Some following the Natural Traduction of Rivers and Mountains.
2. Translation into another language; concr. a translation. Obs. or arch.
a1533Ld. Berners Gold. Bk. M. Aurel. (1546) B v, I confesse to deserue no merytes for my traduction.1549Compl. Scot. To Rdr. 10 He that hes the gyft of traductione, compiling or teching, his faculte is..honest.1663Cowley Pind. Odes Pref., The verbal Traduction of him into Latin Prose.1716M. Davies Athen. Brit. III. 5 The Jesuit Rapin's Critical Parallels (whereof the English Traduction was so greedily bought up).1822Scott Nigel xxxii, Whilk we do not perceive even in the Latin version of the Septuagint, much less in the English traduction.1823Byron Juan xi. xix. note, If there be any gem'man so ignorant as to require a traduction.
3. Transmission by generation to offspring or posterity; production, propagation; derivation from ancestry, descent. (Common in 17th c.; now rare or Obs.)
1593R. Harvey Philad. 46 The vertues of men are euerlasting, yea and their bodies by traduction are immortall.1600O. E. Repl. Libel ii. iii. 55 Pelagius going about to ouerthrow the traduction of originall sinne in the posteritie of Adam.1617Hieron Wks. (1620) II. 145 A great question, diuersly disputed to and fro, touching the traduction of the soule.1640Bp. Reynolds Passions xxxii. 393 To have Being by Traduction, is, when the soule of the Child is derived from the soule of the Parent, by the meanes of Seed.1652N. Culverwel Treat. i. xi. (1661) 87 The Traduction of the Soul is inconsistent with the Immortality of it.1875E. White Life in Christ iii. xx. (1878) 282 From the first Adam they have received by traduction of being a nature which is animal and perishable.
b. gen. Transmission; derivation; handing down, tradition. Obs.
1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. i. x. 37 Another Agent, who..proceedeth to obscure the diviner part, and efface all tract of its traduction.1652H. L'Estrange Amer. no Jewes 50 The generall conflagration of all by fire might easily be conveyed by Sems off-spring, and traduction from Adam.a1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. ii. iii. 150 Arts have their successive invention and perfection and traduction from one People to another.1727De Foe Syst. Magic i. i. (1840) 14 His wise dictates..which for so many ages were preserved by oral traduction, and were called the precepts of Noah.1827G. S. Faber Orig. Expiat. Sacr. 167 That altars and sacrifices were alike independently derived, both to Judaism and to Gentilism, from the common source of primeval Patriarchism: and this traduction he justly deems agreeable to both reason and to history.
c. transf. Something transmitted or derived.
1643Sir T. Browne Relig. Med. ii. §14 God..loves us but for that part which is as it were himself, and the traduction of his Holy Spirit.1677Gale Crt. Gentiles II. iii. 6 Corrupt traductions or broken traditions.1794G. Wakefield Exam. Paine's Age Reason 49 If no written memorials of the Jewish and Christian dispensations were..in existence, the present condition of the professors of these systems, as a traduction of believers in a certain system,..cannot be accounted for.
4. (rendering L. traductio.) A rhetorical figure consisting in the repetition of a word (or its derivatives) for some particular effect. Obs. rare—1.[1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie iii. xix. (Arb.) 213 Then haue ye a figure which the Latines call Traductio, and I the tranlacer: which is when ye turne and tranlace a word into many sundry shapes as the Tailor doth his garment, and after that sort do play with him in your dittie... Here ye see how..this word life is tranlaced into liue, liuing, liuely, liuelode.]1626Bacon Sylva §113 The Reports, and Fuges, have an Agreement with the Figure in Rhetorick,..of Repetition, and Traduction. [1875E. J. Payne Burke's Sel. Wks. II. 297 The word is repeated, by the figure called traductio, in a contemptuous way.] 5. The action of traducing or defaming; calumny, slander, traducement. rare.
1656Blount Glossogr., Traduction, a conveying from one place to another, a translating; a slandering, defaming or traducing.1793J. Williams Life Ld. Barrymore 57 But who can restrain the dirty movements of Traduction and Illiberality?1881J. Nichol Death Themistocles 17, I left traduction to its perjuries.1889Daily News 9 Apr. 2/6 The plaintiffs had a right to have their character preserved free of traduction.
6. Logic (after deduction, induction). Transference or transition from one classification or order of reasoning to another.
1847Jas. Broun Let. in De Morgan Formal Logic App. 332 When, abandoning one scheme of classification, we transfer our knowledge directly to another, we use traduction and traductive syllogism... In political science, what has been predicated by historians of men classed geographically is transferred to men classed according to constitutions of government by traduction.1855Miss Cobbe Intuit. Mor. 76 By a process which modern logicians have happily named ‘Traduction’ we pass from one order of Reasoning [deductive] to the other [inductive].1870Jevons Elem. Logic xxv. 212 Each conclusion applies to just such an object as each of the premises applies to. To this kind of reasoning the apt name of traduction has been given.
Hence traˈductionist, one who believes in the ‘traduction’ of the soul (see sense 3 above).
1889Farrar Lives Fathers I. 232 He [Tertullian] maintains the views of the Traductionists, that the souls of all mankind are derived from Adam.




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