

单词 fewterer
释义 ˈfewterer Obs.
Forms: α. 4–5 vewter. β. 6–8 feuterer, futerer, pheu-, phewterer, 6– fewterer.
[ME. vewter and early mod.E. fewterer appear to be corrupted adoptions of AF. veutrier (= Anglo-Lat. veltrarius) in same sense, f. OF. veutre, vautre, veltre (later F. vautre) = Pr. veltre, It. veltro:—popular L. *veltrum, corruption of L. vertragum (nom. -us) greyhound, a Gaulish word, f. Celtic ver- intensive prefix + root trag- to run.]
A keeper of greyhounds. Also in a wider sense, an attendant. Also with defining word prefixed; as fox-fewterer, yeoman-fewterer.
c1340Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 1146 To trystors vewters ȝod.c1450Bk. Curtasye 631 in Babees Bk. (1868) 320 Þo vewter, two cast of brede he tase, Two lesshe of grehoundes yf þat he hase.1545Joye Exp. Dan. iii. E v b, These pharisaicall foxe fewterers.1599B. Jonson Ev. Man out of Hum. ii. iii, And perhaps stumble upon a yeoman pheuterer, as I doe now.a1625Fletcher Woman's Prize ii, ii, A dry nurse to his coughs, a fewterer To such a nasty fellow.1691Blount Law Dict. s.v. Vautrier, Hence our corrupted word Feuterer, for a Dog-keeper.1741Compl. Fam.-Piece ii. i. 312 He that is chosen Fewterer, or that lets loose the Greyhounds.1801Sporting Mag. XVIII. 100 Feuterer, a dog-keeper.




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