Wiktor Gomulicki
Gomulicki, Wiktor
Born Oct. 17, 1848, in Ostroteka; died Feb. 14, 1919, in Warsaw. Polish writer.
In his poems Gomulicki followed mainly the romantic tradition, striving for a variety of verse forms and means of expression. He expressed sympathy for the lower classes and called for the rapprochement of peoples. He helped establish the theme of the city in Polish literature both in his poems and in his historical novels The Beautiful Townswoman (1897) and The Sword and the Elbow (1903). He was the author of critical studies and of historical works dealing with old Warsaw.
Wiersze wybrane. Warsaw. 1960.REFERENCE
Libera, Z. “Wiktor Gomulicki.” In Obraz literatury polskiej XIX i XX wieku. Seria 4—Literatura polska w okresie realizmu i naturalismu, vol. 1. Warsaw, 1965. Pages 281–308.B. F. STAKHEEV