Kozakov, Mikhail

Kozakov, Mikhail Emmanuilovich


Born Aug. 11 (23), 1897, in the stanitsa (large cossack village) of Romodan, in present-day Mirgorod Raion, Poltava Oblast; died Dec. 16, 1954, in Moscow. Soviet Russian writer.

Kozakov graduated from the law department of Petrograd University (1922); in the same year he began to publish. He wrote the collection of short stories The Parrot’s Luck (1924), the novellas Adameiko the Philistine (1927) and A Boor and a Half (1927), and the plays The Chekists (1939) and Vehement Vissarion (1948). Kozakov’s principal work is the novel Nine Points (books 1–4, 1929–37; a revised edition came out in 1956 under the title The Collapse of the Empire), devoted to World War I and the February Revolution of 1917. The book, begun as a family chronicle, grew into a historical novel encompassing many areas of life. The novel The Residents of This City and the novella Petrograd Days came out posthumously in 1957.


Izbr. soch., vols. 1–4. Leningrad, 1929–31.
Krushenie imperil, parts 1–4. Introductory article by K. Fedin. Moscow, 1956.


Vinogradov, I. Uglublenie temy: O tvorchestve M. Kozakova. Leningrad, 1934.
Literaturnaia Gazeta, Dec. 18, 1954. (Obituary.)