

单词 moor
moor1 nounmoor2 verb
moormoor1 /mʊə $ mʊr/ noun [countable usually plural] Word Origin
Old English mor
  • He was holding a light in his hand and looking out on to the moor.
  • I can not tell you why, but please do what I ask you, and never come near the moor again.
  • I put on my coat and went for a long walk on the moor.
  • One night he was over the moors around North Stainmore and had to return home at dead of night.
  • The cottage, with its lichen-covered roof, looked as though it had grown out of the moor.
  • The road fizzled out at a gate plastered with fire hazard warnings, leading on to the moor itself.
  • These tough animals, who live on the moors year round, were once used extensively in the coal mines.
word sets
backwater, nounbank, nounbank, verbbare, adjectivebarrier reef, nounbay, nounbayou, nounbeach, nounbeck, nounbelt, nounbillow, nounbiting, adjectivebitter, adjectiveblack ice, nounblast, nounblazing, adjectivebleach, verbblizzard, nounblow, verbblowy, adjectivebluff, nounbluster, verbblustery, adjectivebog, nounboiling, adjectiveboulder, nounbracing, adjectivebreaker, nounbreeze, nounbreezy, adjectivebrook, nounbrush, nounbrushwood, nounburn, nounbutte, nouncanyon, nouncascade, nouncataract, nouncave, nouncavern, nounchange, verbchasm, nounchoppy, adjectiveclap, nounclear, verbclement, adjectivecliff, nouncloud, nouncloudburst, nouncloudy, adjectivecoast, nouncoastal, adjectivecoastline, nouncone, nouncopse, nouncountry, nouncranny, nouncrater, nouncreation, nouncreep, verbcrisp, adjectivecrosswind, nouncumulus, nouncyclone, noundale, noundell, noundense, adjectivedew, noundewdrop, noundewfall, noundewy, adjectivedisgorge, verbdog days, noundownpour, noundownriver, adverbdownstream, adverbdownwind, adverbdrift, verbdrift, noundriftwood, noundrizzle, noundrop, verbdrop, noundrought, noundry, adjectivedry land, noundull, adjectivedune, nounduster, noundust storm, nouneast, adjectiveeddy, nounelectrical storm, nounequable, adjectiveeye, nounface, nounfail, verbfair, adjectivefall, nounfell, nounfen, nounfield, nounfierce, adjectivefiord, nounfirth, nounfjord, nounflood, verbflood, nounflood tide, nounflotsam, nounflow, nounflow, verbflower, nounflurry, nounfog, nounfogbound, adjectivefoggy, adjectivefoothill, nounfoothold, nounford, nounforeshore, nounforest, nounfoul, adjectivefreak, adjectivefreeze, nounfresh, adjectivefreshen, verbfreshwater, adjectivefrost, nounfury, noungale, noungale force, adjectivegap, noungentle, adjectivegeyser, nounglacial, adjectiveglen, noungnarled, adjectivegrassy, adjectivegreen, adjectivegreenery, nounground, nounground level, noungulley, noungully, noungust, noungust, verbgusty, adjectivehail, nounhailstone, nounhailstorm, nounhaze, nounheadwind, nounheath, nounheather, nounheat wave, nounhigh tide, nounhigh water, nounhill, nounhillock, nounhillside, nounhill station, nounhilly, adjectivehoarfrost, nounhot spring, nounhummock, nounhurricane, nounice, nouniceberg, nounice cap, nouninclement, adjectiveincline, nounIndian summer, nouninland, adjectiveinland, adverbinlet, nouninshore, adverbisland, nounisle, nounislet, nounjetsam, nounjungle, nounknoll, nounlake, nounlakeside, adjectiveledge, nounlightning, nounlip, nounloch, nounlough, nounlow tide, nounlow water, nounmarshland, nounmeadow, nounmere, nounmild, adjectivemillpond, nounmire, nounmist, nounmisty, adjectivemoan, verbmoan, nounmonsoon, nounmoonless, adjectivemoor, nounmoorland, nounMother Nature, nounmound, nounmountain, nounmountainous, adjectivemountainside, nounmountaintop, nounmouth, nounmudflat, nounmull, nounmurmur, verbmurmur, nounnarrows, nounnestle, verbnew moon, nounnook, nounnorth, adjectivenortheast, adjectivenortheaster, nounnortheasterly, adjectivenortherly, adjectivenorthwest, adjectivenorthwester, nounnorthwesterly, adjectivenotch, nounoasis, nounonshore, adjectiveooze, nounoutcrop, nounovercast, adjectiveozone, nounpack ice, nounpalisade, nounpanorama, nounparch, verbparched, adjectivepass, nounpatchy, adjectivepeak, nounpeal, nounpeasouper, nounpebble, nounpelt, verbpenumbra, nounperishing, adjectivepinewood, nounpinnacle, nounpitiless, adjectivepond, nounpour, verbprecipice, nounprospect, nounpuddle, nounquicksand, nounradiate, verbraging, adjectiverain, nounrainbow, nounrain drop, nounrainfall, nounrainstorm, nounrainwater, nounrainy, adjectiverange, nounrapids, nounrarefied, adjectiveravine, nounraw, adjectiverecede, verbreedy, adjectivereef, nounreservoir, nounridge, nounrift, nounrime, nounrise, verbrise, nounrock, nounrocky, adjectiveroll, verbrolling, adjectiverough, adjectiverural, adjectivescenery, nounscud, verbsea breeze, nounsea mist, nounset, verbshore, nounsky, nounslope, nounsludge, nounsnow, nounsnowbound, adjectivesnow-capped, adjectivesnowdrift, nounsnowfall, nounsnowflake, nounsnowstorm, nounsnowy, adjectivesouth, adjectivesoutheast, adjectivesoutheaster, nounsoutheasterly, adjectivesoutherly, adjectivesouthwest, adjectivesouthwesterly, adjectivespinney, nounspring, nounstream, nounsullen, adjectivesultry, adjectivesummer, nounsummit, nounsun, nounsundown, nounsun-drenched, adjectivesunrise, nounsunset, nounsunshine, nounswamp, nounsweep, verbswollen, adjectivetempestuous, adjectivethaw, verbthaw, nounthicket, nounthin, adjectivethunder, verbthunderbolt, nounthunderstorm, nounthundery, adjectivetide, nountreeless, adjectivetree-lined, adjectivetrough, nounturf, nountussock, nountwilight, nounvale, nounvalley, nounverdant, adjectivevisibility, nounvoid, nounwashout, nounwater, nounwatercourse, nounwaterfall, nounwaterside, nounwaterspout, nounwax, verbwest, adjectivewest, adverbwestbound, adjectivewesterly, adjectivewesternmost, adjectivewestward, adverbwet, adjectivewhirlpool, nounwhirlwind, nounwhite horses, nounwhitewater, nounwild, adjectivewill o' the wisp, nounwind, nounwindstorm, nounwindswept, adjectivewindy, adjectivewood, nounwooded, adjectivewoodland, nounwoodsy, adjectivewoody, adjectivezephyr, noun
(=tie it to something so that it stays in one place)· You can tie up the boat to that tree.· How much does it cost to moor a boat here?
· She must get him on to his feet and down from the high moor before the impending storm.· Go left here, along the valley floor before turning left again to return to your start point over the high moors.· When the laundry maid had told her he had been married, she had gone up to the high moors and wept.
· We were now on the cold, open moor.· The beautiful green fields with their thick hedges were behind us, and we were now on the cold, open moor.· The open moors now bore the names and the marks of their Covenant spirit.· Sometimes you hear them in the call of the curlew across the vast open moor.· I was alone on the open moor, with no money or possessions.
· But why did he come out on to the moor?· Then a terrible cry came across the moor.· I came over the moors through the snow to the Grange.· He was waiting for them with his barge by the first footbridge over the canal as they came down from the moor.· I can not tell you why, but please do what I ask you, and never come near the moor again.
· In the afternoons, my servant, Tabby, took them for long walks on the moors behind the house.· I walked out on the moors behind the house.· I walked across the moors as fast as I could, and arrived breathless at Wuthering Heights.· And so Branwell spent more and more time drinking, and taking laudanum, and walking alone on the moors.· And I was very worried that neither of us would be with Sir Henry when he walked across the moor that night.· Ross and Jackson had walked off the moor and returned to base.· Then on we walked, over heather moor land now.
especially British English a wild open area of high land, covered with rough grass or low bushes and heather, that is not farmed because the soil is not good enough:  They went grouse shooting up on the moors. the Yorkshire moors
moor1 nounmoor2 verb
moormoor2 verb [intransitive, transitive] Word Origin
1400-1500 Probably from Middle Low German moren
Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theymoor
he, she, itmoors
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theymoored
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave moored
he, she, ithas moored
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad moored
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill moor
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have moored
Continuous Form
PresentIam mooring
he, she, itis mooring
you, we, theyare mooring
PastI, he, she, itwas mooring
you, we, theywere mooring
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been mooring
he, she, ithas been mooring
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been mooring
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be mooring
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been mooring
  • Two battleships were moored to the east of Ford Island.
  • Merrill watched them walk across to where a group of small dinghies was moored.
  • Soon after, lifeguards gave up their search and ordered the crew to moor their patrol boat.
  • The dahabeeyah had moored for the night and the three girls had been up on the top deck enjoying the evening breeze.
  • The herring fleet was moored well inland, and the water was oil-tarnished.
word sets
adrift, adjectiveaft, adjectiveahoy, interjectionaircraft carrier, nounamidships, adverbanchor, nounanchor, verbanchorage, nounark, nounastern, adverbballast, nounbarge, nounbargee, nounbargepole, nounbarnacle, nounbarque, nounbarrage, nounbeach, verbbeam, nounbecalmed, adjectiveberth, nounberth, verbbilge, nounbill of lading, nounbillow, nounblade, nounboat, nounboat hook, nounboathouse, nounboating, nounboatman, nounbob, verbbollard, nounboom, nounbow, nounbridge, nounbrig, nounbulkhead, nounbunk, nounbuoy, nouncabin, nouncabin boy, nouncabin class, nouncabin cruiser, nouncable, nouncanal, nouncanal boat, nouncanoe, nouncanoe, verbcapstan, nouncaptain, nouncatamaran, nouncircumnavigate, verbclipper, nouncoast, verbcoaster, nouncoastguard, nouncockpit, nouncommodore, nouncompanionway, nounconning tower, nouncoracle, nouncordage, nouncox, nouncoxswain, nouncraft, nouncrew, verbcrossing, nouncrow's nest, nouncruise, verbcruise liner, nouncruiser, nouncruise ship, nouncutter, noundeck, noundecompression chamber, nounderrick, noundinghy, noundisembark, verbdisgorge, verbdisplacement, noundock, noundock, verbdocker, noundockside, noundockyard, noundory, noundownstream, adverbdraught, noundraw, verbdrawbridge, noundredge, verbdredger, noundrift, verbdrift, noundrifter, noundriftwood, noundrilling platform, noundrown, verbdry dock, noundugout, noundyke, nounembark, verbensign, nounferry, nounferry, verbferryboat, nounfigurehead, nounfirst mate, nounfirst officer, nounfleet, nounflotilla, nounfo'c'sle, nounforecastle, nounfounder, verbfrigate, nounfrogman, noungalleon, noungalley, noungangplank, noungangway, noungondola, noungondolier, noungrappling iron, nounground, verbgunnel, noungunwale, nounhalyard, nounharbour, nounhatch, nounhawser, nounhelm, nounhelmsman, nounhigh tide, nounhigh water, nounhigh water mark, nounhold, nounhoot, nounhoot, verbhouseboat, nounhovercraft, nounhulk, nounhull, nounhydrofoil, nounhydroplane, nounhydroplane, verbicebreaker, nouninboard, adjectiveinflatable, nouninflow, nounJet Ski, nounjetty, nounjib, nounjunk, nounkayak, nounkeel, nounketch, nounknot, nounkt, land, verblanding stage, nounlane, nounlaunch, verblaunch, nounleeward, adjectivelife belt, nounlifeboat, nounlife buoy, nounlife jacket, nounlifeline, nounlife preserver, nounlife raft, nounlife vest, nounlighter, nounlighthouse, nounlightship, nounliner, nounlist, verblock, nounlock keeper, nounlog book, nounlongshoreman, nounlow tide, nounlow water, nounlow water mark, nounlugger, nounmainmast, nounmainsail, nounmaritime, adjectivemast, nounmaster, nounmasthead, nounmerchantman, nounmerchant navy, nounmerchant seaman, nounminesweeper, nounmizzen, nounmoor, verbmooring, nounmother ship, nounmotorboat, nounnarrow boat, nounnautical, adjectivenavigable, adjectivenavigate, verbnavigation, nounoakum, nounoar, nounoarlock, nounoarsman, nounoarswoman, nounoceangoing, adjectiveoffshore, adjectiveoil slick, nounoil tanker, nounoutboard motor, nounoutrigger, nounoverboard, adverboyster bed, nounpacket boat, nounpaddle, nounpaddle, verbpaddle steamer, nounpassage, nounpelagic, adjectiveperiscope, nounpier, nounpilot, nounpilot, verbpitch, verbPlimsoll line, nounplot, verbply, verbpoop deck, nounport, nounporthole, nounport of call, nounpowerboat, nounprivateer, nounpromenade deck, nounpropeller, nounprow, nounpunt, nounpunt, verbpurser, nounquadrant, nounquarterdeck, nounquay, nounraft, nounrafting, nounreef, verbrefit, verbregatta, nounresurface, verbrig, verbrig, nounrigging, nounroll, verbroll, nounroll-on roll-off, adjectivero-ro, nounrow, verbrowboat, nounrowing, nounrowing boat, nounrowlock, nounrubber dinghy, nounrudder, nounsail, verbsail, nounsailboat, nounsailing, nounsailing boat, nounsailing ship, nounsailor, nounsaloon, nounsampan, nounschooner, nounscull, nounscull, verbscupper, verbscupper, nounscuttle, verbseaborne, adjectivesea captain, nounsea dog, nounseafaring, adjectiveseagoing, adjectivesea lane, nounsea legs, nounsealer, nounseaman, nounseamanship, nounseaworthy, adjectivesheet, nounship, nounshipmate, nounshipping, nounshipping lane, nounship's chandler, nounshipwreck, nounshipwright, nounshipyard, nounside-wheeler, nounskiff, nounskull and crossbones, nounslaver, nounslipway, nounsloop, nounsluice, nounsmack, nounsonar, nounspar, nounspeedboat, nounsplice, verbSS, starboard, nounsteam, verbsteamboat, nounsteamer, nounsteamship, nounsteerage, nounsteersman, nounstern, nounstevedore, nounsteward, nounstewardess, nounstoker, nounsub, nounsubmarine, nounsubmarine, adjectivesubmersible, nounsundeck, nounsupertanker, nounswab, verbswell, nounswing bridge, nountack, nountack, verbtender, nounthird class, nountiller, nountonnage, nountopside, adverbtowpath, nountransport, nountransport ship, nountrawler, nountrim, verbtrimaran, nountroopship, nountub, nountug, nounupstream, adverbvessel, nounvoyage, nounvoyage, verbwake, nounwardroom, nounwarship, nounwaterborne, adjectivewaterlogged, adjectivewaterway, nounweir, nounwhaler, nounwheelhouse, nounwhirlpool, nounwindjammer, nounwindward, adjectivewreck, nounyachting, noun
(=tie it to something so that it stays in one place)· You can tie up the boat to that tree.· How much does it cost to moor a boat here?
· By using fixed mooring systems for boats.· Soon after, lifeguards gave up their search and ordered the crew to moor their patrol boat.· David, who cruises with his wife and two children, moors the boat on the canal next to his home at Warrington.· Average working people subsidize the affluent to play golf and tennis or moor their boats.
to fasten a ship or boat to the land or to the bottom of the sea using ropes or an anchor:  Two or three fishing boats were moored alongside the pier.




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