

单词 foil
foil1 nounfoil2 verb
foilfoil1 /fɔɪl/ ●○○ noun Word Origin
1300-1400 Old French, Latin folium ‘leaf’
  • Cover the turkey with foil and bake in a hot oven.
  • A useful foil for bright flowers.
  • Fashion has often been a foil to the seriousness of art.
  • The hardier hot foil printing burns the foil on to the leather so that it doesn't rub off.
  • The new clothes became a clever foil for his old self.
  • Then reduce oven setting to 200°C, 400°F, Gas Mark 6 and open the foil so that the bread browns and crisps.
  • They could conveniently make a foil out of all the churches, because so many conservatives in churches opposed suffrage.
  • Wrap in foil and bake in a 350 F oven until garlic is very soft and sweet, about 1 hour.
word sets
abalone, nounacetic acid, nounadditive, nounaftertaste, nounà la carte, adjectiveal dente, adjectivealfresco, adjectiveambrosia, nounangelica, nounaniseed, nounantipasto, nounappetizer, nounarrowroot, nounbad, adjectivebaker, nounbaking powder, nounbaking soda, nounbanana split, nounbanger, nounbanquet, nounbanqueting hall, nounbarbie, nounbarley, nounbasil, nounbass, nounbatch, nounbay leaf, nounBBQ, nounbean, nounbean curd, nounbeansprout, nounbeef, nounbeefburger, nounbeefsteak, nounbeet, nounbell pepper, nounberry, nounbetel, nounbetel nut, nounbicarbonate of soda, nounbilberry, nounbill of fare, nounbinge, nounbinge, verbbistro, nounblackberry, nounblack-eyed bean, nounblack pepper, nounblack pudding, nounblend, verbblend, nounblueberry, nounboard, nounbolt, verbbone, verbbon vivant, nounbony, adjectivebox lunch, nounbramble, nounbran, nounbrandy butter, nounbrasserie, nounbrawn, nounbreakfast, nounbrisket, nounbroiler, nounbroiler chicken, nounbroth, nounbrown rice, nounbrunch, nounbubble gum, nounbuckwheat, nounbuffet, nounbun, nounbus, verbbusboy, nounbutcher, nounbutcher, verbbutchery, nounbuttercream, nounbutty, nouncafé, nouncafeteria, nouncaff, nouncaffeine, nouncake, nouncan, verbcandy, nouncanned, adjectivecapon, nouncapsicum, nouncaraway, nouncarbohydrate, nouncare package, nouncarvery, nouncassava, nouncater, verbcaterer, nouncatering, nouncatsup, nouncatwalk, nouncayenne pepper, nouncereal, nouncheese, nounchef, nouncherry tomato, nounchickpea, nounchilli, nounChinese, nounchip shop, nounchives, nounchocolate, nounchocolatey, adjectiveChristmas dinner, nounchuck steak, nouncitric acid, nouncitron, nounclotted cream, nounclub sandwich, nouncob, nouncobbler, nouncocoa, nouncocoa bean, nouncoconut milk, nouncoffee house, nouncoffee shop, nouncold cuts, nouncold storage, nouncold store, nouncommissary, nounconcentrate, nouncondensed milk, nouncondiment, nouncone, nounconfection, nounconfectioner, nounconfectioner's sugar, nounconfectionery, nounconserve, nouncontent, nouncontinental breakfast, nounconvenience food, nouncook-chill, adjectivecooker, nouncookie, nouncooking, nouncooking oil, nouncorn bread, nouncorn chip, nouncorncob, nouncorned beef, nouncornet, nouncornflakes, nouncornflour, nouncornmeal, nouncorn on the cob, nouncorn pone, nouncornstarch, nouncorn syrup, nouncottage cheese, nouncotton candy, nouncourgette, nouncourse, nouncover charge, nouncrab, nouncrab apple, nouncracker, nouncrackling, nouncranberry, nouncrayfish, nouncream, nouncream cheese, nouncream cracker, nouncreamer, nouncreamy, adjectivecress, nouncrisp, nouncrisp, adjectivecrispbread, nouncrispy, adjectivecroissant, nouncroquette, nouncrouton, nouncrumb, nouncrumpet, nouncrunchy, adjectivecrust, nouncrusty, adjectivecrystallized, adjectivecucumber, nouncud, nouncuisine, nouncupcake, nouncurd, nouncurdle, verbcurrant, nouncustard, nouncut, nouncutlet, noundainty, nounDanish pastry, noundate, noundefrost, verbdelicacy, noundemerara sugar, noundesiccated, adjectivedevilled, adjectivedevour, verbdiabetic, adjectivedigest, verbdigestible, adjectivedill, noundill pickle, noundine, verbdiner, noundining car, noundinner, noundinner dance, noundinner party, noundinner theater, noundinnertime, noundissolve, verbdoggy bag, noundoily, noundollop, noundough, noundown, verbdrain, verbdredge, verbdried, adjectivedried fruit, noundripping, noundrumstick, noundry goods, noundunk, verbEaster egg, nouneat, verbeatery, nouneating apple, nouneats, nounEccles cake, nounéclair, nounEdam, nounedible, adjectiveeel, nounegg, nouneggplant, nounegg roll, nounelevenses, nounendive, nounEnglish breakfast, nounEnglish muffin, nounentrée, nounepicure, nounescalope, nounevaporated milk, nounfast food, nounfeed, verbfeed, nounfeta cheese, nounfig, nounfilbert, nounfillet, verbfilling, adjectivefilling, nounfilo, nounflounder, nounfloury, adjectiveflyblown, adjectivefoil, nounfoodstuff, nounforage, nounfork, verbfortify, verbfreeze-dried, adjectiveFrench bean, nounFrench bread, nounFrench dressing, nounFrench fry, nounFrench loaf, nounFrench stick, nounfries, nounfromage frais, nounfrozen, adjectivefruit, nounfudge, nounfull-fat, adjectivegaram masala, noungarlic, noungarnish, noungarnish, verbgastronomic, adjectivegastronomy, noungel, verbginger, nounglass, nounglassware, noungolden raisin, noungoody, noungourmand, noungrain, nounGranary, adjectivegranulated, adjectivegreasy, adjectivegreasy spoon, noungreen, adjectivegrill, noungristle, noungrocer, nounground, adjectiveground beef, noungrub, noungruel, nounguava, noungum, noungumball, noungumbo, noungumdrop, nounhalal, adjectivehalibut, nounham, nounhamburger, nounhaunch, nounhead table, nounhealth food, nounheart, nounhearty, adjectiveheat, nounherb, nounhigh tea, nounhome economics, nounhot dish, nounhygiene, nounhygienic, adjectiveiceman, nounindigestible, adjectiveindigestion, nouninedible, adjectiveinfected, adjectiveingest, verbinn, nouninsipid, adjectiveintake, nounirradiate, verbjellied, adjectivejoint, nounjuice, nounjuicy, adjectivejunk, nounjunk food, nounknuckle, nounkosher, adjectivelaxative, nounlean, adjectiveleavings, nounleg, nounlight, adjectiveliquorice, nounlive, adjectiveloaf, nounlocker, nounloin, nounlotus, nounlukewarm, adjectivelump, nounlunch, nounlunch, verblunchbox, nounlunch break, nounluncheon, nounlunch hour, nounlunchroom, nounlunchtime, nounluscious, adjectivemace, nounMadeira cake, nounmain course, nounmaitre d', nounmaize, nounmandarin, nounmandarin orange, nounmangetout, nounmango, nounmaple syrup, nounmargarine, nounmarge, nounmarmalade, nounmarrow, nounmarshmallow, nounMason jar, nounmasticate, verbmature, adjectivemature, verbmeal, nounmealie, nounmealtime, nounmealy, adjectivemeat, nounmeat-packing, nounmeaty, adjectivemellow, adjectivementhol, nounmentholated, adjectivemenu, nounmess, nounmess, verbmess hall, nounmilk chocolate, nounmillet, nounmince, nounmint, nounmocha, nounmolasses, nounmoreish, adjectivemorsel, nounmouldy, adjectivemouth, nounmouthful, nounMSG, nounmunch, verbmung bean, nounmush, nounmushroom, nounmustard, nounnibble, verbnibble, nounnosh, nounnourish, verbnourishment, nounnugget, nounnut, nounnutcracker, nounnutshell, nounnutty, adjectiveoatmeal, nounoats, nounoffal, nounokra, nounon, prepositiononion, nounorder, nounoregano, nounorganic, adjectiveoverindulge, verboxtail, nounpackaging, nounpacker, nounpap, nounparcel, nounpaste, nounpastille, nounpastry, nounpatisserie, nounpearl barley, nounpectin, nounpeel, verbpeel, nounpepper, nounpepper, verbpeppercorn, nounpeppermint, nounperishable, adjectivepetit four, nounpiccalilli, nounpicnic, nounpicnic, verbpie, nounpilaff, nounpilau, nounpimento, nounpinto bean, nounpit, nounpizza parlor, nounpizzeria, nounplain chocolate, nounplain flour, nounploughman's lunch, nounpoor boy, nounpork, nounpork pie, nounpork rinds, nounporridge, nounporterhouse steak, nounportion, nounpostprandial, adjectivepotato, nounpotato crisp, nounpotted, adjectivepoultry, nounpraline, nounprawn, nounprepacked, adjectivepreservative, nounpreserve, verbpreserve, nounpretzel, nounprovision, verbprune, nounpuff pastry, nounpumpernickel, nounpumpkin, nounpuree, verbquince, nounQuorn, nounrabbit, nounrancid, adjectiverare, adjectiveravenous, adjectiveraw, adjectivered meat, nounreheat, verbrennet, nounrepast, nounreplete, adjectiverestaurant, nounrestaurant car, nounrestaurateur, nounrib, nounrice, nounrigatoni, nounrind, nounripe, adjectiveroadhouse, nounrock, nounroe, nounroll, nounroot vegetable, nounrose hip, nounrusk, nounrutabaga, nounsaccharin, nounsalad cream, nounsalad dressing, nounsalami, nounsalmon, nounsalsa, nounsalt, verbsalt, adjectivesalty, adjectivesandwich, nounsardine, nounsassafras, nounsatisfying, adjectivesatsuma, nounsauerkraut, nounsausage, nounscallion, nounscampi, nounscone, nounscoop, nounScotch broth, nounscratchings, nounseafood, nounseasoned, adjectiveseed, verbsemolina, nounservery, nounservice charge, nounserving, nounset, adjectiveshallot, nounshellfish, nounsherbet, nounshish kebab, nounshortbread, nounshortcake, nounshortcrust pastry, nounshoulder, nounshrimp cocktail, nounside order, nounsillabub, nounsimnel cake, nounsingle cream, nounsirloin, nounsitting, nounskimmed milk, nounskin, nounskin, verbslaw, nounslice, nounsliced bread, nounsloe, nounsloppy joe, nounsmorgasbord, nounsnack bar, nounsnow pea, nounsoda fountain, nounsodium chloride, nounsoft fruit, nounsorghum, nounsoul food, nounsour, adjectivesour, verbsourdough, nounsoya, nounsoya bean, nounspearmint, nounspinach, nounsponge, nounsponge cake, nounsponge pudding, nounspoon, verbspoonful, nounspotted dick, nounspread, nounspring onion, nounspring roll, nounsprout, nounspud, nounsquash, nounsquid, nounstaple, nounstarfruit, nounstarter, nounsteak, nounsteakhouse, nounsteak tartare, nounstew, nounstick, nounStilton, nounstir-fry, verbstodge, nounstone-ground, adjectivestrawberry, nounstring bean, nounstringy, adjectivestrudel, nounsub, nounsucrose, nounsuet, nounsugar, nounsugar, verbsugar-coated, adjectivesugar cube, nounsugar lump, nounsugary, adjectivesultana, nounsun-dried, adjectivesup, verbsupper, nounsustenance, nounswallow, verbswallow, nounswede, nounsweetcorn, nounsweetened condensed milk, nounsweetener, nounsweetmeat, nounsweet pepper, nounsweet potato, nounsyrup, nounsyrupy, adjectivetable d'hôte, nountaco, nountaffy, nountainted, adjectivetakeaway, nountakeout, nountangerine, nountapas, nountapioca, nountaramasalata, nountariff, nountart, nountartare sauce, nountaste, verbtasteless, adjectivetaster, nountasting, nountater, nountattie, nounT-bone steak, nountea, nounteacake, nountender, adjectivetin, nountinned, adjectivetitbit, nountoffee apple, nountofu, nountomato, nountongue, nountop, nountopping, nountop round, nountopside, nountop table, nountortilla, nountough, adjectivetransport cafe, nountreacle, nountrifle, nountripe, nountrotter, nountruck stop, nountruffle, nountub, nountuna, nounturkey, nounTurkish delight, nounturnip, nounturnover, nountutti frutti, nounTV dinner, nounTVP, noununadulterated, adjectiveunleavened, adjectiveunpalatable, adjectivevacuum-packed, adjectivevanilla, nounveal, nounvegan, nounvegetable, nounvegetarian, nounvegetarianism, nounveggie, nounvenison, nounvictual, verbvictuals, nounvoracious, adjectivevoucher, nounwaiter, nounwaitress, nounwalnut, noun-ware, suffixwarmed-over, adjectivewedge, nounwell, nounwell-done, adjectivewell-fed, adjectivewet fish, nounwheat, nounwhite, nounwhite flour, nounwhite pepper, nounwhite sauce, nounwholefood, nounwholemeal, adjectivewhole wheat, adjectivewiener, nounwild rice, nounwishbone, nounwrap, nounyeast extract, nounyoghurt, nounyogurt, nounyolk, nounyule log, nounyummy, adjectivezucchini, nounzwieback, noun
 Cover the chicken with silver foil and bake.
 The simple stone floor is the perfect foil for the brightly coloured furnishings.
formal (=make it fail)· Troops loyal to the general foiled the assassination attempt.
(=stop it from being successful)· The government foiled an armed coup by rebel soldiers.
(=prevent it from being successful)· The plot was foiled when he was stopped by US Customs agents.
· His work makes a perfect foil to Brown's insane language games.· The bright flavor of paprika, in combination with sour cream, is a perfect foil for the succulent meat of rabbit.· A simple round neck style with wrist length sleeves it makes the perfect foil for a favourite scarf or piece of jewellery.· The intensely flavored, spicy mole, with chocolate as its base, is the perfect foil for wild turkey.
· A tube of silver foil folded over a loop of line pulled down about eighteen inches between bite alarm and reel.· I love the shiny brown line, I love the crinkle of the silver foil.· To make top class budget reflectors for fluorescent tubes, line some guttering with silver foil.· My front rod-rests are fitted with electric bite alarms and I couple these with tubes of silver kitchen foil as indicators.· There is no silver foil, so Crilly sets us up with an empty chocolate wrapping from his pocket.
· Take 4 large pieces of aluminium foil and place a quarter of the potatoes, onions and apples on each.· Small moulds for casting blocks can be made from aluminium foil.· A final covering of aluminium foil or carbon paper reduces the risk of detection by X-ray machines.· Weight the bird; transfer to a rack in a roasting tin and cover with aluminium foil.· Waxed paper and aluminium foil are also used.· Place each chicken roll on a square of aluminium foil.
· Cover with aluminum foil to keep warm.· Cut four sheets of heavy duty aluminum foil into 8-inch squares.· CutRite was a leap in convenience, but aluminum foil carried wrapping to another level.· By surrounding the radio with aluminum foil, we neutralize or block the radio waves.· Manning had some aluminum foil that they were tinkering with at the plant.· When the war ended and demand for aluminum declined, Reynolds Metals focused more energy on developing a household aluminum foil.· Cover pheasant with aluminum foil and let rest in a warm place.· Meanwhile, cover the outside of the prepared springform pan with aluminum foil to prevent water leakage during the baking.
· To increase the amount of light, line the box with aluminium kitchen foil.· Don't use ordinary kitchen foil unless you are willing to replace it seasonally, since it tends to tarnish.· Put kitchen foil, shiny side facing you, on the wall behind any radiators fitted on outside walls to reflect heat.· Put a piece of kitchen foil on the plate and then the mould on top of that.· My front rod-rests are fitted with electric bite alarms and I couple these with tubes of silver kitchen foil as indicators.
· They put on tin foil hats and spoke an incomprehensible vernacular.· They carry with them covered dishes, salad bowls, and platters covered with tin foil.· He lost three stones in weight and had to be wrapped in tin foil in hospital because of heat loss.· Because, for us, tin foil cups house more than custards.
· Press the rice into the tin, cover it with foil and press down on all sides until it is compressed.· Remove and cover with foil or put in a warm oven.· A final covering of aluminium foil or carbon paper reduces the risk of detection by X-ray machines.· They carry with them covered dishes, salad bowls, and platters covered with tin foil.· When completely cold, cover the pot with foil or greaseproof paper.· When boar is finished cooking, remove strings and set on platter. Cover with aluminum foil to keep warm.· Place on a baking sheet and cover squash lightly with foil.· Meat should-be tender and juicy. Cover pheasant with aluminum foil and let rest in a warm place.
· Such inaction provides an ideal foil which leaves their assumed image of heterosexuality intact.· At ground level geraniums and hostas provide a contrasting foliar foil to neat gravel.
· Chill in the fridge until just before needed. 5 Remove the foil.· Flip and cook until other side is golden. Remove and cover with foil or put in a warm oven.
· Blind emboss a raised impression made without using ink or foil.· Don't use ordinary kitchen foil unless you are willing to replace it seasonally, since it tends to tarnish.
· They can also be wrapped separately in foil and refrigerated.· The dolls used to be porcelain, but these days tiny plastic babies wrapped in foil usually suffice.· He lost three stones in weight and had to be wrapped in tin foil in hospital because of heat loss.· Fold meat over to enclose stuffing, then wrap in aluminum foil to hold shape.· A white tablet, wrapped in foil, with a bird stamped on one side and a smiley face on the other.· They smiled a great deal; they offered him cigars and little, flat packages wrapped in gold foil.
1foil (1) [uncountable] metal sheets that are as thin as paper, used for wrapping foodsilver/aluminium/kitchen foil Cover the chicken with silver foil and bake. tinfoil2[uncountable] paper that is covered with very thin sheets of metal:  chocolates in foil wrappers3be a foil to/for somebody/something to emphasize the good qualities of another person or thing, by being very different from them:  The simple stone floor is the perfect foil for the brightly coloured furnishings.4[countable] a light narrow sword used in fencing
foil1 nounfoil2 verb
foilfoil2 verb [transitive] Word Origin
1300-1400 French fouler ‘to step on’
Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theyfoil
he, she, itfoils
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theyfoiled
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave foiled
he, she, ithas foiled
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad foiled
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill foil
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have foiled
Continuous Form
PresentIam foiling
he, she, itis foiling
you, we, theyare foiling
PastI, he, she, itwas foiling
you, we, theywere foiling
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been foiling
he, she, ithas been foiling
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been foiling
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be foiling
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been foiling
  • The burglar was foiled by a passer-by who noticed the broken window and phoned the police.
  • The escape attempt was foiled by police guards.
  • The government has foiled an attempted military coup.
  • An ambition to become a pilot was foiled by an eye-sight deficiency.
  • But troops loyal to the general foiled the attempt and he emerged with his customary grin and triumphal air-punching.
  • For the male, it is a stiff competition, but even the strongest can be unwittingly foiled.
  • He said this could foil the widely held expectation that cable and telephone companies will become chief competitors.
  • Or, to put it another way, genes that foil meiotic drivers will spread as surely as meiotic drivers will spread.
  • Read in studio An eighty four year old man has foiled a mugger who tried to steal his pension book.
  • Their first attempt, however, was foiled when they lost the centre leaf and had to walk out at this point.
Longman Language Activatorto prevent a plan or action from succeeding
to use something such as a law or an official order to prevent someone from doing something that they have been planning to do: · Britain has threatened to block new EU legislation on human rights.· The deal was blocked by the chairman, who was unwilling to commit so much company money to a risky investment.
to try to prevent someone from doing something by deliberately making it much more difficult for them: · The House of Lords has been accused of obstructing change and preventing scientific progress.· It is an offence to obstruct the police during the course of their duty.
formal to prevent someone from doing something, especially something that they very much want to do because it is personally important to them: · Harry knew now that nothing could thwart his plans.· An attempt to smuggle heroin worth £30 million into the country has been thwarted by customs officials.
to prevent something bad or criminal that someone is planning to do, by being more clever than they are: · The government has foiled an attempted military coup.· The burglar was foiled by a passer-by who noticed the broken window and phoned the police.
formal (=make it fail)· Troops loyal to the general foiled the assassination attempt.
(=stop it from being successful)· The government foiled an armed coup by rebel soldiers.
(=prevent it from being successful)· The plot was foiled when he was stopped by US Customs agents.
to prevent something bad that someone is planning to do:  A massive arms-smuggling plan has been foiled by the CIA.GRAMMAR Foil is often used in the passive.




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