

单词 fodder
fodderfod‧der /ˈfɒdə $ ˈfɑːdər/ noun [uncountable] Word Origin
Old English fodor
  • All the left-over crops are chopped up and used as cattle fodder.
  • Beet tops were left on the ground as fodder for a small flock of sheep.
  • If we wanted to be tabloid fodder we easily could be.
  • Is all fact simply fodder for legend?
  • Maybe if you were stoned at a light show the Jimi Hendrix Experience could be boogie fodder.
  • Potatoes are the only cash crop though even some of these are used for fodder.
  • The convictions certainly will provide more political fodder for Republicans intent on keeping the issue before voters.
  • Thus it is both a cash crop and a fodder crop.
Longman Language Activatorfood for animals
· New-born birds stay in their nest while their mother goes out in search of food.· Make sure you leave the cat plenty of food and water before you go.cat/dog etc food · Buddy won't eat the new dog food I bought.
food for animals such as cattle and horses, especially dried grass and raw vegetables: · All the left-over crops are chopped up and used as cattle fodder.· Beet tops were left on the ground as fodder for a small flock of sheep.
: chicken/hen/animal etc feed food for birds or animals, especially in the form of grain: · A large part of our income goes on animal feed.
agrarian, adjectiveagribusiness, nounagro-, prefixagro-industry, nounanimal husbandry, nounanimal rights, nounartificial insemination, nounbale, nounbale, verbbarn, nounbarnyard, nounbattery, nounbiotechnology, nounbreadbasket, nounbreed, verbbreeding, nounbroiler, nounbroiler chicken, nounBSE, nounbuckaroo, nounbull, nounbutcher, verbbyre, nouncapon, nouncattleman, nouncattle market, nouncattle prod, nounchaff, nounchicken, nounchicken run, nouncollective farm, nouncoop, nounco-op, nouncorral, nouncorral, verbcowboy, nouncowgirl, nouncowhand, nouncowpoke, nouncreamery, nouncroft, nouncrofter, nouncrofting, nouncultivate, verbcultivation, noundairy, noundairy cattle, noundairy farm, noundairymaid, noundairyman, nounDDT, noundip, verbdip, noundirt farmer, noundrover, noundry-stone wall, noundude ranch, nounDutch barn, nounextensive agriculture, factory farming, nounfallow, adjectivefarm, nounfarm, verbfarmer, nounfarmhand, nounfarmhouse, nounfarming, nounfarmland, nounfarmstead, nounfarmyard, nounfeedstock, nounfield, nounfishery, nounfish farm, nounfish meal, nounflail, verbflail, nounfleece, nounfodder, nounfold, nounfoot and mouth disease, nounforage, nounfowl, nounfree-range, adjectivefungicide, noungamekeeper, noungeld, verbgenetically modified, adjectivegentleman farmer, nounGM, adjectivegoatherd, noungraft, noungraft, verbgranary, noungreenhouse, noungreen revolution, nounGreen Revolution, nounhacienda, nounharrow, nounhatchery, nounhayloft, nounhaymaking, nounhaystack, nounheifer, nounhen house, nounherbicide, nounherd, nounherd, verbherdsman, nounhigh-yield, adjectivehired hand, nounhomestead, nounhomestead, verbhopper, nounhorticulture, nounhusbandry, nounhutch, nouninsecticide, nounintensive agriculture, irrigate, verbJersey, nounkibbutz, nounlamb, verbland agent, nounlasso, nounlasso, verblift, verblitter, nounlivestock, nounlonghorn, nounmad cow disease, nounmanure, nounmeat, nounmerino, nounmilk, nounmilk churn, nounmilking machine, nounmilking parlour, nounmilkmaid, nounmixed farming, nounmower, nounmuck, nounmuckheap, nounnursery, nounoast house, nounorangery, nounorchard, nounorganic, adjectiveorganic farming, paddock, nounpaddy, nounpasturage, nounpasture, nounpasture, verbpastureland, nounpen, nounperpendicular, adjectivepest, nounpesticide, nounpiggery, nounpigpen, nounpigsty, nounpigswill, nounpitchfork, nounplantation, nounplanter, nounplough, nounplough, verbploughboy, nounploughman, nounploughshare, nounpoultry, nounproducer, nounpullet, nounPYO, raise, verbranch, nounrancher, nounranching, nounrange, nounranger, nounrear, verbrick, nounrubber, nounrun, nounrustle, verbscarecrow, nounscythe, nounsharecropper, nounshare-cropper, nounshear, verbshearer, nounsheep-dip, nounsheepdog, nounsheep-pen, nounshepherd, nounshepherdess, nounsickle, nounsilage, nounsilo, nounslaughter, verbslaughterhouse, nounsmallholding, nounsow, verbsow, nounsprayer, nounstable, nounstable, verbstable boy, nounstall, nounstation, nounsteer, nounstock, nounstockbreeder, nounstockman, nounstockyard, nounstubble, nounsty, nounswill, nounswine, nounswineherd, nountenant farmer, nounterrace, nounthresh, verbthreshing machine, nountractor, nountrough, nountruck farm, nountrue, adverbudder, nounvillein, nounvineyard, nounweedkiller, nounweevil, nounwheat, nounwheatgerm, nounwheatmeal, nounwinnow, verbwool, nounwrangler, nounyoke, nounyoke, verb
· Children will be cannon fodder to boost a school's image.· Between them the eight runners had won three races; they were racing's cannon fodder.· If all three aspects are not addressed the 240 additional cannon fodder will not remain in the system either.
· The rains failed for two years in succession and the fodder crops planted in the demonstration ranch never materialized.· Thus it is both a cash crop and a fodder crop.· Forestry Management Planning, extension and training skills, with experience in reafforestation, agro- and community forestry, fodder crops.· Many of the fodder crops are sold to the hill farmers and some are used to fatten the lambs.
· Both are used for winter fodder.· The squatters used holly as winter fodder for their cattle.· The grass continues to grow almost all year, so only a little winter fodder is needed.
· Distant washes, jagged peaks and alluring nooks in remote canyons provide fodder for imagined adventures.· The convictions certainly will provide more political fodder for Republicans intent on keeping the issue before voters.
1food for farm animals2something or someone that is useful only for a particular purpose – used to show disapprovalfodder for The murders made prime fodder for newspapers. cannon fodder




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