

单词 yesternight


Brit. /ˈjɛstənʌɪt/, U.S. /ˈjɛstərˌnaɪt/, West African English /ˌjɛstaˈnait/
Forms: Old English gystran niht, Middle English ȝersteneniȝt, Middle English ȝester neite, Middle English ȝisternight, Middle English ȝistyrnyȝt, Middle English ȝusterniȝt, Middle English ȝustirnyȝt, Middle English yesternyght, Middle English yesternyȝt, Middle English yesturnyghte, Middle English yestyrnyth, Middle English yisternight, Middle English yistrenyght, 1500s yesternyghte, 1500s yisternyght, 1500s–1600s yeasternight, 1500s– yesternight, 1800s yisserneet (English regional (northern)), 1900s yisterneet (English regional (Yorkshire)), 1900s yusterneet (English regional (Yorkshire)), 1900s– yesterneet (English regional (northern)); also Scottish pre-1700 ȝesternicht, pre-1700 ȝister nyght, pre-1700 ȝisternicht, pre-1700 ȝisternycht, pre-1700 ȝistirnycht, pre-1700 yesterne nycht, pre-1700 yesterneight, pre-1700 yesternyght, pre-1700 yisternight, pre-1700 yisternihtt, pre-1700 1800s yisternicht, pre-1700 1900s– yesternicht.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation Etymons: Old English giestran , gierstan , night n.
Etymology: < Old English giestran, gierstan (late West Saxon gystran , gyrstan ) yesterday (chiefly attested as first element in compounds, especially yesterday adv.: see discussion at that entry) + night n. Compare yestern eve adv., yester-eve adv., and also yesterday adv.In Old English in adverbial use with unmarked dative (or accusative) singular of niht night n. as second element. However, it is possible that quot. OE may reflect preservation of gystran as simplex adverb in Old English verse, and that in this instance the word might not show a true compound, but rather a syntactic combination of two adverbs; compare discussion at yesterday adv. Variant forms. With the form ȝersteneniȝt compare the α. forms at yesterday adv., n., and adj. The later Scots form yesterne nycht perhaps shows reanalysis of the first element, perhaps after forms of yestreen adv.; compare also yestern eve adv. (although this is not attested in the 16th cent.) and later yestern adv.
Chiefly archaic and regional in later use (esp. West African and Indian English).
A. adv.
On or during the night of yesterday; last night.In early use occasionally more broadly: yesterday.
the world > time > relative time > the past > yesterday > [adverb] > yesterday afternoon or last night
yestern eveOE
yesterday evening1490
this hinder nighta1549
the world > time > relative time > the past > yesterday > [adverb]
this hinder day1487
OE Beowulf (2008) 1334 Heo þa fæhðe wræc þe þu gystran niht Grendel cwealdest.
c1330 (?c1300) Bevis of Hampton (Auch.) l. 3088 Wel þe grete þat ilche kniȝt, Þat sopede wiþ þe ȝerstene niȝt.
c1380 Sir Ferumbras (1879) l. 148 Ȝester neite wan we had fiȝt ȝonder out on þe playne.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 15988 Ne sal he neuer vp-rise eft,..Ar sal þis cok vp-rise was skald yisternight [Fairf. ȝuster-niȝt, Gött. ȝisternight, Trin. Cambr. ȝustir nyȝt].
?1449 W. Tailboys in Paston Lett. & Papers (2005) III. 74 And now, yistre nyght, my lord Welles come to Boston with iiijxx horses.
a1513 W. Dunbar Poems (1998) I. 127 My heid did ȝak ȝester nicht.
1546 J. Heywood Dialogue Prouerbes Eng. Tongue i. xi. sig. E Toward nyght yesternight..we cam thither.
1553 G. Douglas tr. Virgil Eneados viii. ix. 3 From the hie fete he stert And first the slokynnyt fyris has he gart The rakit harthis, and Ingil yesterne nycht [a1522 ȝistir-nycht] On hercules alcare.
1573 G. Gascoigne tr. Ariosto Supposes ii. i, in Hundreth Sundrie Flowres 13 Yesternight in the euening I walked out, and founde Pasiphilo.
1612 H. Savile in Hist. MSS Comm.: Rep. MSS Duke of Buccleuch (1899) I. 123 in Parl. Papers (C. 9244) XLVI. 1 Sir Th. Bodley..died yesternight between 5 and 6 of the clock after noon.
1690 J. Kirkwood Let. 30 Oct. in R. Boyle Corr. (2001) VI. 314 Yesternight I received your very kind & obligeing Letter.
1775 S. Johnson Let. 1 Aug. (1992) II. 258 I forgot that the post went out yester night... I therefore send this by the bypost.
1808 R. Southey Select. from Lett. (1856) II. 47 I have received two letters, both from persons whom I have never seen, one yesternight, and the other this evening.
1814 H. F. Cary tr. Dante Vision I. xx. 86 Yesternight The moon was round.
1888 G. M. Fenn Dick o' the Fens xii. 185 After our bad time with him yesternight, I mean to have some sleep.
1927 Sewanee Rev. 35 295 If I had let him kiss me yesternight.
1956 Times 22 Sept. 8/6 I recall a [Nigerian] cook of ours, who used to cheer my thoughts of the left-overs by referring to ‘something remaining from yesternight’.
1987 F. Oguntuase Scoundrels in Uniform viii. 98 Our team yesternight set a new Nigerian record in the schools boys' relay race!
2016 Sun (Nigeria) (Nexis) 31 May We met with Mr. President at the Villa yesternight. He was frank and blunt with us and we were honest with him.
B. n.
The night immediately before today.
the world > time > day and night > night > [noun] > previous or yesterday night
the world > time > relative time > the past > yesterday > [noun] > yesterday night
a1522 G. Douglas tr. Virgil Æneid (1959) x. iii. l. 54 Mnestheus..Quham the renowne of this ȝistir nycht,..Full prowd maid in hys curage our the laif.
1591 H. Savile tr. Tacitus Ende of Nero: Fower Bks. Hist. i. 46 Excessiue affection it was towarde mee,..which bred..yeasternights trouble.
a1655 in T. Matthew Coll. Lett. (1659) 83 My impatience, to know..whether you suffered anie thing, or no, by the ill accident of yester-night.
1700 W. Penn in Mem. Hist. Soc. Pennsylvania (1870) IX. 5 Thow wilt by this time have mine of yesternight.
1812 S. T. Coleridge Let. 7 Dec. (1959) III. 424 They reminded me of my words the very yester-night.
1816 S. T. Coleridge Christabel i. 5 She had dreams all yesternight Of her own betrothed knight.
1830 Ld. Tennyson Ode to Memory ii, in Poems 59 Flinging the gloom of yesternight On the white day.
1920 Irish Monthly Sept. 454 She, trembling and grief stricken, tells her husband of her dream of yesternight.
1972 Econ. & Polit. Weekly 2 Sept. 1818/3 They would slink to office, nursing yesternight's hangover, at around ten thirty.
1988 Brit. Jrnl. Philos. Sci. 39 345 Whereas the experiences of yesterday are both felt to be continuous with, and deemed relevant to, those of today, the experiences of yesternight are not.
2012 Mercury (S. Afr.) (Nexis) 16 Dec. 3 There is no tomorrow without a yesterday. There is no tonight without a yesternight.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2019; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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