

单词 would not come amiss

> as lemmas

—— would not come (or go) amiss
b. Chiefly with come and go. Contrary to one's wishes or tastes, or to what is needed or called for. Chiefly in negative contexts. In later use frequently in conditional constructions, esp. in —— would not come (or go) amiss (originally U.S.): —— would be just what is wanted, —— would be welcome, handy, or useful.
1553 J. Brooks Serm. Notable Paules Crosse sig. B.vii [They] wil take on them..the iudgement & decision of any matier in controuersie: none commeth amisse to them.
1646 J. Evelyn Mem. (1857) I. 252 Sometimes we shot at fowls and other birds: nothing came amiss.
1736 J. Addison tr. Petronius Wks. 87 He was a great Punker, and nothing that wore a Cap came amiss to him.
1775 S. Ward Mod. Syst. Nat. Hist. VII. 130 Though corn is the favourite food of this bird, there is hardly any thing that comes amiss to it.
1804 T. Truxton Let. 21 July in European Mag. Oct. 311/1 They had been most of the night on the water, and a dish of good coffee would not come amiss.
1856 C. Dickens Little Dorrit (1857) ii. ix. 401 About mid-day when a glass of sherry and a humble sandwich..might not come amiss.
1892 Temple Bar Nov. 324 Reviewing alone came amiss to Irving, for, says his nephew, ‘he wished to be just and could not bear to be severe’.
1960 New Castle (Pa.) News 8 Dec. 8/2 A towel shower for the mission would not go amiss.
2009 A. McCall Smith Corduroy Mansions xcix. 349 I think that this occasion will be one where ties are not worn... And yet a bit of colour would not go amiss.
extracted from amissadv.adj.n.
as lemmas




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