

单词 white rent

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white rent
white rent n. [probably a variant of quit-rent n., with reanalysis of the first element as white (compare forms in whit- at quit adj.)] now historical = quit-rent n.; spec. (in Devon and Cornwall) a rent or duty of eight pence a year payable by every tin miner to the Duke of Cornwall.The association with silver money found in some of the quotation evidence and in N.E.D. (which has as its definition ‘rent payable in silver money’, with cross-references to sense A. 2b and blackmail n. 2) is likely to reflect folk etymology.
society > trade and finance > fees and taxes > hire or rent > rent (land or real property) > [noun] > paid in money
white rent1562
1562 All Statutes Stannary (new ed.) sig. Bv Euery person that so coyneth white tynne, shal pay..yerely at Myghelmas .viii. d. called white rente.
a1628 J. Doddridge Hist. Wales, Cornewall & Chester (1630) 99 White rent..is a dutie payable yeerely by euery Tynner in the County of Deuon,..that is, of euery Tynner 8.d.
1664 H. Spelman Glossarium Quietus redditus..Vulgo Quit rente, qui & alias White rente nuncupatur, quod in denariis & argento penditur.
1717 in J. C. Hodgson Northumbrian Documents (1918) 61 A white-rent of 13s. 6d. from two or three freeholds in Woodburne.
1862 Mining & Smelting Mag. 1 271 Annuity from Consolidated Fund in lieu of tin coinage dues, post groats, and white rents, £16,216 15s.
1996 M. Bush Pilgrimage of Grace viii. 315 Usually the amount for cornage included the white rent of £7.11.4 which has to be subtracted to obtain the actual income from noutgeld and sergeant corn.
extracted from whiteadj.adv.n.
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