

单词 to nail one's colours to the mast

> as lemmas

to nail one's colours (also flag) to the mast (also masthead)
P1. to nail one's colours (also flag) to the mast (also masthead) and variants: to declare one's opinions or beliefs openly; to stick to or be committed to a plan, opinion, policy, etc. [Apparently originally with allusion to a real practice of nailing a flag or ensign to the mast of a ship, after damage during battle has resulted in the ship's colours no longer being clearly displayed, which might otherwise be interpreted as a signal of surrender. Compare quot. 1800, and see also Mariner's Mirror 72 (1986) 212–3 for an account of an incident which apparently occurred during the Battle of Camperdown in 1797 and which was celebrated in a lithograph later in the same year.]
the mind > will > decision > constancy or steadfastness > be constant or steadfast [verb (intransitive)]
to stand stiffa1290
to stand or stick to one's tackling1529
to stand in this1538
to set down (the or one's) staff1584
to stand one's ground1600
to stand to one's pan pudding1647
to maintain one's ground1736
to nail one's colours (also flag) to the mast (also masthead)1808
to stay put1843
to stand firm1856
to sit tight1890
to keep the flag flying1914
to dig in one's toes1933
to hold the line1956
society > communication > manifestation > disclosure or revelation > disclose or reveal [verb (transitive)] > thoughts or feelings
to nail one's colours (also flag) to the mast (also masthead)1808
1800 in Ld. Nelson Dispatches & Lett. (1845) IV. 219 (note) Half past 6, shot away the main and mizen-masts: saw a man nail the French ensign to the stump of the mizen-mast.]
1808 W. Scott Marmion i. Introd. 11 Record, that Fox a Briton died!..Stood for his country's glory fast, And nailed her colours to the mast.
1844 Sir R. Peel in Croker Papers (1884) III. xxiii. 15 I never heard him make a speech in the course of which he did not nail, unnail, renail, and unnail again his colours.
1888 Pall Mall Gaz. 10 Nov. 11/1 He hastened..to nail his colours to the compromise of 1870.
1898 G. B. Shaw Let. 5 Jan. (1972) II. 7 He..does not deny his faiths, and will nail his atheism & socialism to the masthead incorruptibly enough.
1944 J. S. Huxley On Living in Revol. iv. 58 To nail some elaborate blue-print of international organization to our masthead.
1989 Great Outdoors Sept. 27/1 The prince neatly side-stepped nailing his colours to the mast in the national parks debate.
extracted from nailv.
as lemmas




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