

单词 to look like

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to look like
a. to look like.
(a) To have the appearance of being, to seem to be; to resemble in appearance.to look like a million dollars: see million adj. 5.
the world > physical sensation > sight and vision > thing seen > appearance or aspect > have (specific) appearance [verb (transitive)]
to look likec1390
to make likea1881
the world > relative properties > relationship > similarity > render similar to [verb (transitive)] > be like, resemble, or take after
to bear a resemblance toa1225
to look likec1390
to take after ——1553
turn after ——1848
c1390 (a1376) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Vernon) (1867) A. vii. l. 164 Hongur..Buffetede þe [brutiner] aboute boþe his chekes; He lokede lyk a Lanterne al his lyf After.
a1450 York Plays (1885) 281 (MED) He lokis like a lambe.
1533 T. More Debellacyon Salem & Bizance ii. xvi. f. lxxxvv A periured wytnesse, that wyll loke lyke a lambe, and saye contrarye to that he hathe deposed before.
1581 J. Studley tr. Seneca Hippolytus iv, in T. Newton et al. tr. Seneca 10 Trag. f. 67 Lyke lusty young Perithous he looketh in the face.
1629 J. Earle Micro-cosmogr. (ed. 5) xxxiv. sig. G4v One that lookes like a proud man, but is not.
1662 E. Stillingfleet Origines Sacræ ii. v. §3 There is some thing looks very like this in the proceedings of the people of Israel against the Prophet Jeremiah.
1711 J. Addison Spectator No. 50. ¶8 The Women look like Angels.
a1715 Bp. G. Burnet Hist. Own Time (1724) I. 606 He had a humour in his leg, which looked like the beginning of the gout.
1773 O. Goldsmith She stoops to Conquer ii. 46 My dear squire, this looks like a lad of spirit.
1846 Columbian Mag. Sept. 100/1 Don't you think he looks like you, Frank?
1861 M. Pattison in Westm. Rev. Apr. 410 The payment in kind, and not in money, looks like a customary acknowledgment from an old-established guild.
1884 W. C. Smith Kildrostan 43 She..looked like a monument planted there.
1919 Bessemer Monthly (Grove City, Pa.) Sept. 11/2 ‘You look like an idiot!’ said a disgusted father to his son.
1970 N. Marsh When in Rome v. 127 ‘Wouldn't it be a yell if..you were The Man?’ ‘Do I look like it?’
2011 T. Ronald Becoming Nancy (2012) xix. 258 Miss Jibbs..looks like a coke fiend to me.
(b) With gerund, verbal noun, or noun: to give promise or indication of, show a likelihood of.
the mind > mental capacity > belief > uncertainty, doubt, hesitation > probability, likelihood > be or seem likely [verb (intransitive)]
to have some show1556
to look like1594
to put fairc1595
had liked to1600
to show for ——1776
1594 W. Shakespeare Lucrece sig. E3 Thou look'st not like deceipt, do not deceiue me. View more context for this quotation
1694 Bp. G. Burnet Four Disc. iii. 73 This Exposition has a fair appearance, and looks like being true.
1747 Gentleman's Mag. Aug. 383/1 Parties may be abolish'd, but the late dissolution of the parliament don't look much like it.
1868 E. Yates Rock Ahead II. ii. viii. 245 Wooded uplands suggested good cover-shooting; broad expanse of heath looked very like rabbits.
1883 J. W. Sherer At Home & in India 158 Later on, indeed, after supper, he grew worse—looked like biting—and..tore the bouquet in pieces.
1888 H. F. Lester Hartas Maturin II. ii. 34 It looks like rain.
1923 Humorist 1 Sept. 141/2 (caption) Looks like being a 'ot day. Blinking good job I put me straw 'at on!
1973 A. Broinowski Take One Ambassador ii. 21 I look like being in and out of the office a lot in the next few days.
2012 Independent 27 June 21/1 If the eurozone really looks like breaking up,..then the poor old German taxpayers will be made to stump up.
(c) colloquial. (it) looks like.
(i) Chiefly followed by it: it appears to be the case; it seems likely.
the mind > mental capacity > belief > uncertainty, doubt, hesitation > probability, likelihood > be likely [phrase]
as (it) is likely1395
it is likely1395
it is odds (that, but)1589
(the) odds are1697
looks like?1746
?1746 T. Sheridan Brave Irishman i. ii. 11 Capt. May be he has a mind to put the Front upon me. Cheat. It looks like it, very like it, Captain.
1825 ‘E. Hardcastle’ 29th May II. vi. 82 ‘This I suppose is the last act of..the glorious sixteen hundred and sixty.’ ‘By the Lord, as you say, Master D'Urfey, it looks like it.’
1892 A. Conan Doyle Adventures Sherlock Holmes (U.S. ed.) x. 320 ‘You have been reading the papers diligently of late, have you not?’ ‘It looks like it,’ said I, ruefully.
1910 W. M. Raine Bucky O'Connor 55 Your cook, Anderson, kid-napped the child, looks like to me.
1972 G. Bromley In Absence of Body viii. 101 ‘And now I suppose you've got to find a replacement?’ ‘Looks like it.’
2004 N. Redfern Three Men seeking Monsters xv. 232 ‘You mean I have to go trudging through another bloody wood?’ ‘It certainly looks like it, mate.’
(ii) Originally U.S. With following clause: it appears as though, seems likely that (something is the case).
1866 Detroit Free Press 31 Jan. It looks like they are really humbugging the poor darkey.
1890 Atlanta Constit. 18 June 1/6 The republican leaders have taken the bit in their teeth and it looks like they are going to run right square into a warmer country before they can be checked.
1936 M. Mitchell Gone with the Wind i. i. 11 Don't it look to you like she would of asked us to stay for supper?
1973 Guardian 31 Jan. 4/7 Looks like your child's birthday is news again this year.
2012 T. Wolfe Back to Blood xviii. 598 He had his arms stretched out. It looked like he was about to embrace them both in a Russian bear hug.
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