

单词 throwing net

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throwing net
C2. attributive. Designating a weapon or tool designed for throwing through the air, as throwing axe, throwing club, throwing knife, throwing net, throwing spear, etc.Some of the more established compounds of this type are treated at Compounds 3. See also throwing-stick n.
1598 W. Phillip tr. J. H. van Linschoten Disc. Voy. E. & W. Indies ii. 200/1 Besides these kniues, they vse throwing kniues [Du. werp Messen], with three or foure poyntes, being verie dangerous.
1770 J. Cook Jrnl. 23 Aug. (1955) I. 396 By the help of these throwing sticks..they will hit a Mark at the distance of 40 or 50 Yards.
1845 C. H. Smith in Kitto's Cycl. Biblical Lit. I. at Arms Among these [instruments at first employed in the chase] were the club and the throwing-bat.
1880 J. G. Wood Uncivilized Races Men (new ed.) I. lxxii. 729/1 At fig. 6..is seen a very formidable variety of the throwing-spear.
1895 Cornhill Mag. Dec. 634 The soldiers..had brought him down with throwing-clubs.
1898 A. J. Butler tr. F. Ratzel Hist. Mankind III. 72 Throwing-knives are among the notable properties of the races of the Monbuttu type north of the Congo.
1902 L. Loat in G. A. Boulenger Zool. Egypt, Fishes Nile (1907) Introd. 21 At Cairo..the commonest net of all is a circular throwing-net,..with an average circumference of about 50 feet and a half-inch mesh.
1903 R. Kipling in Windsor Mag. Sept. 370/1 Tegumai..was holding his stone throwing-hatchet in one hand.
1919 Munsey's Mag. Oct. 588/1 In the depths of the chest behind the racks were a number of broad-headed throwing-axes.
1950 H. L. Lorimer Homer & Monuments viii. 452 In Homeric warfare the pair of throwing-spears is normal.
2014 Stirling Times (Perth) (Nexis) 1 July 14 He was subsequently stopped and searched and found to be in possession of a throwing knife.
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