

单词 that effect

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to that (also this) effect
a. A contemplated result, a purpose. Frequently in phrases, as to the effect that, to that (also this) effect. Obsolete.
c1390 (?c1350) Virgin of Antioch 502 in C. Horstmann Sammlung Altengl. Legenden (1878) 33 (MED) Þe bigynnyng of þis martirdom Furst of þat mayden com, But þe kniht þe effecte folfuld, For þat he was furst iculd.
c1405 (c1390) G. Chaucer Melibeus (Hengwrt) l. 1480 Lat mercy be in youre herte to theffect & entente þat god almyghty haue mercy on yow.
a1450 (?1420) J. Lydgate Temple of Glas (Tanner) (1891) 827 (MED) But þis theffecte of my mater finalle: Wiþ deþ or merci reles forto finde.
a1464 J. Capgrave Abbreuiacion of Cron. (Cambr. Gg.4.12) (1983) 215 (MED) Þe..duke of Lancastir..gaue it to þe Prince Edward, to þis effect, þat aftir his faderes deces he schuld be anoynted with þe same.
?1474 in C. L. Kingsford Stonor Lett. & Papers (1919) I. 148 (MED) I have spokyn with my cosyn Cottismore and aftyre the effect that ye and I comynyd.
a1522 G. Douglas tr. Virgil Æneid (1959) vi. ii. 131 Ane other goldin grane, to the ilk effect, Thou sal nocht myss.
1585 R. Lane Let. 12 Aug. in Trans. & Coll. Amer. Antiquarian Soc. (1860) 4 8 I have also wrytten to your honor, by your servante Mr. Russelle, to a lyke effecte; who..wyll..cleare hymselfe very well to your honor of every chardege or imputaccione whatsoever.
1597 J. Skene De Verborum Significatione at Mansus Carolus Magnus, to the effect that the Ministers of the worde of God suld not perish be hunger or povertie, gaue to ilke Kirke ane manse.
1652 J. Wadsworth tr. P. de Sandoval Civil Wars Spain 287 Hee incharged the same Don Pedro..to go and surprise the said Souldiers, giving him two hundred hors and five hundred Foot to that effect.
1687 T. Brown Diary 20 Jan. (1898) 42 Mr Jacksone..uyrwayes nameit merrie Andro..danced upon the rope..put up for that effect.
1755 Ld. Chesterfield in World No. 146. ⁋8 If I thought it could be of any use, I could easily present them with a round robin to that effect.
1793 T. Jefferson Let. 7 Apr. in Papers (1995) XXVI. 634 Measures to this effect are still taking.
extracted from effectn.
to that (also this) effect
b. Purport; drift, tenor, essential significance. Now only in phrases, as to the effect that, to that (also this) effect, words to that effect.
c1405 (c1390) G. Chaucer Nun's Priest's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 4325 His bakere and his butiller..they ne felte noon effect in dremes.
c1405 (c1395) G. Chaucer Merchant's Tale (Hengwrt) (1978) l. 1398 And for his freendes on a day he sente To tellen hem theffect of his entente.
a1450 (?c1421) J. Lydgate Siege Thebes (Arun.) (1911) 1903 (MED) My purpoos is breefly to expresse Theffecte only, as in sentement, Of the massage why that I am sent.
a1500 in F. J. Furnivall Polit., Relig., & Love Poems (1903) 78 Theffect of whych was thus in dede.
1569 E. Fenton tr. P. Boaistuau Certaine Secrete Wonders Nature f. 89v Whiche is the effecte of the Latin texte as neare as I can construe it.
1600 P. Holland tr. Livy Rom. Hist. xlii. 1129 He delivered unto them a script to this effect as followeth.
1605 T. Bodley in Lett. to T. James (1926) 147 Sir, I haue sette downe in Englishe, the effect of a speeche, which I should desire might be vsed to the king... I haue onely sette downe the roughe draught.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Julius Caesar (1623) i. ii. 280 Cask. He spoke Greeke. Cassi. To what effect ? View more context for this quotation
1666 Earl of Arlington Let. 11 Jan. (1701) I. 53 He tells me he answered it all in his own hand; of which he hath told me the effect.
1711 London Gaz. No. 4812/4 Pretends to be a Physician, having a Diploma to that effect from the College of Doway.
1775 Massachusetts Spy 3 May 3/1 The commanding officer accosted the militia in words to this effect, ‘Disperse you damn'd rebels!’
1818 W. Cruise Digest Laws Eng. Real Prop. (ed. 2) II. 17 A subsequent proviso was added to that effect.
1836 C. Dickens Sketches by Boz 2nd Ser. 335 Certain dark insinuations..to the effect that children in the lower ranks of life were beginning to choose chimney-sweeping as their particular walk.
1847 H. Staunton Chess-player's Handbk. 36 A Piece or Pawn touched must be played, unless at the moment of touching it the player say ‘J'adoube’, or words to that effect.
1935 Ann. Reg. 1934 ii. 305 References appearing in the London newspapers to the effect that ‘war debts are as dead as the Dodo’ were cabled to the American press.
1986 S. Penman Here be Dragons (1991) (U.K. ed.) i. xxxiv. 490 You said you'd sooner break bread with the Devil... Or words to that effect.
1998 Independent 17 Apr. i. 2/8 An elegant mechanism, to the effect that changes in the intensity of the solar wind..could affect the amount of cosmic rays entering the Earth's atmosphere.
2000 M. J. Nye in F. L. Holmes & T. H. Levere Instruments & Exper. Hist. Chem. xiv. 383 Hermann Staudinger..had just published a controversial paper to this effect.
extracted from effectn.
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