

单词 suppling


Brit. /ˈsʌplɪŋ/, /ˈsʌpl̩ɪŋ/, U.S. /ˈsəp(ə)lɪŋ/
Forms: see supple v. and -ing suffix1; also 1500s–1600s suppleing.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: supple v., -ing suffix1.
Etymology: < supple v. + -ing suffix1.
1. The action of making something more supple, soft, or flexible; an instance of this.
the world > life > the body > loose or stiff condition > [noun] > action of producing
1542 in J. B. Paul Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1908) VIII. 132 Twa barkit hors hidis,..for sowpelling and grathing thairof.
1574 T. Cartwright in J. Whitgift Def. Aunswere to Admon. 693 The washing and supplyng of their feete was required.
1577 B. Googe tr. C. Heresbach Foure Bks. Husbandry ii. f. 86v Of oyle, some part serueth for meate, and other for the sowpling of the body.
1655 T. Moffett & C. Bennet Healths Improvem. xv. 132 The butter..is most thin, liquid, moist and penetrating, whereby such a suppleing is procured, that their Cheeses do rather ripen then dry with long lying.
1668 Bp. J. Wilkins Ess. Real Char. ii. vi. §5. 173 That Cavity or Glandule..containing an unctuous substance for the suppling of the Feathers.
1676 T. Mace Musick's Monument 56 That part..will ask good Suppleing with Water and Heat, before it will yield.
c1721 W. Gibson True Method dieting Horses x. 163 The suppling of the Joints [of a horse], which is generally first practised, is very reasonable.
1889 R. S. S. Baden-Powell Pigsticking 124 A few hours of quiet suppling and bending will amply repay the trouble.
1913 A. R. Chaffee tr. Man. Equitation of French Army for 1912 iv. 82 In the trot, by reason of the mechanism of the gait, the movement on two tracks forms a suppling as much more complete as the impulsion is greater and the gait more cadenced.
1993 Dressage & CT Apr. 10/1 Baucher was precisely acknowledging—although implicitly—one reproach which had been made to his method in the past, namely to produce ‘disarticulated’ necks by dint of excessive supplings.
2. figurative.
a. The action of making a person or animal compliant, submissive, or more easily influenced. Now rare.
society > authority > subjection > obedience > manageability > [noun] > compliancy > making compliant
1566 Actis & Constit. Scotl. f. xxix The King gar assist to him in the suppleing of him and his Officiaris, gif ony wald tak on hand to disobey, or ganestand.
1617 R. Fenton Treat. Church Rome 64 It cureth by way of suppling, to teach them to be gracious Soveraignes, to establish their royal thrones by mercy.
1625 J. Donne First Serm. King Charles 26 For the suppling of boysterous, and for the becalming of tempestuous humours.
1705 tr. G. Guillet de Saint-Georges Gentleman's Dict. i. Cavesson, is a sort of Nose-band,..which is clapt upon a Horse's Nose to wring it, and so forward the suppling and breaking of the Horse.
1802 C. James New Mil. Dict. Siguette,..a sort of nose-band..which is put on the nose of a horse, to forward the suppling or breaking of him.
b. The action of making the mind, heart, etc., more responsive, adaptable, or open to change.In quot. 1721 in an editorial redaction of quot. 1534 at supplying n.2
the world > time > change > change to something else, transformation > adaptation > [noun]
1671 E. Stillingfleet Disc. Idolatry iv. 324 It must be a hard heart indeed that would not yield with so much suppling.
1721 J. Strype Eccl. Memorials I. xxxi. 220 A prayer fore the mollifying and suppling of our hard Hearts.
1853 J. Ruskin Stones of Venice II. vi. 192 That quickening and suppling of the dull spirit that cannot be gained for it but by bathing it in blood.
1865 J. R. Lowell Scotch Snake in Prose Wks. (1890) V. 245 We doubt if any substantial excellence is lost by this suppling of the intellectual faculties.
1919 J. L. Garvin Econ. Found. Peace 437 That almost indefinable broadening and suppling of a nation's mind which comes from responsibility for moral leadership.
1999 C. Malcolmson G. Herbert & Protestant Ethic vi. 166 The suppling of the tenant's hard heart in ‘Love unknown’ is both a religious and a social event.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2012; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ˈsʌplɪŋ/, /ˈsʌpl̩ɪŋ/, U.S. /ˈsəp(ə)lɪŋ/
Forms: see supple v. and -ing suffix2; also 1700s suppleing.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: supple v., -ing suffix2.
Etymology: < supple v. + -ing suffix2. Compare slightly earlier suppling n.
1. Having the quality of softening or soothing the skin, or making the joints of the body more supple; (also occasionally more generally) softening, emollient.
the world > health and disease > healing > medicines or physic > medicines for specific purpose > medicine to draw, disperse, etc., matter or humours > [adjective] > softening
1548 N. Udall et al. tr. Erasmus Paraphr. Newe Test. I. Pref. Luke f. viiiv Neither any hearbe ne any supplyng plaister hath healed them, but thy word, o Lord, whiche healeth all thynges.
1563 Burnynge Paules Church sig. Eviiiv Nothinge does more ease the paines of the sicke bodye than these supplinge oiles.
1638 W. Rawley tr. F. Bacon Hist. Nat. & Exper. Life & Death 428 Onely three Set Diets: The Opiate Diet; the Diet Malacissant, or Suppling; and the Diet Emaciant, and Renewing.
1639 T. de Gray Compl. Horseman ii. xv. 272 Mollifie the heeles of the Horse with suppling things.
1648 R. Herrick Hesperides sig. F2 All those suppling-healing herbs and flowers.
1650 T. Venner Baths of Bathe in Via Recta 356 The Crosse-bath is an excellent temperate soupling bath.
1710 T. Fuller Pharmacopœia Extemporanea 422 By means of..suppleing Oils, those Fibrillae are..lubricated, and relaxed.
1785 Sportsman's Dict. (ed. 3) at Withers Do every thing you can..in bringing the swelling to maturity, which cannot be more effectually done than by a suppling poultice.
1852 T. Gwynne School for Fathers 68 He informed Jack he must perfect himself in a variety of suppling exercises before he would allow him to touch a foil.
1871 Daily News 11 Apr. 6 Good marching..tells of weary but necessary hours over the goose step, of laborious and oft-repeated ‘suppling’ motions.
1982 J. Richardson Horse Tack 17/2 Once a week, a suppling preparation such as Kocholine, Flexalan or Harris's Saddle Paste should be rubbed by hand into the flesh side before soaking.
2009 Fantasy & Sci. Fiction Apr. 179 He went into the house to have a suppling rubdown.
2. figurative or in figurative context. That softens or soothes; spec. that weakens resistance or renders something susceptible to an external influence. Now rare.
the mind > will > motivation > persuasion > [adjective] > persuaded > able to be > open to the influence of
1563 Form Medit. in W. K. Clay Liturg. Services Q. Eliz. (Parker Soc.) 505 Mollify..O Lord, our flinty hearts with the suppling moisture of thy Holy Spirit.
1595 R. Southwell St. Peter's Complaint lxxx Pour suppling showers upon my parchèd ground.
a1633 G. Herbert Priest to Temple (1652) xviii. 73 This he doth discretely, with mollifying, and suppling words.
1659 W. Chamberlayne Pharonnida ii. v. sig. L5v If ere thy sober Reason did submit, To suppling Mirth.
1713 Countess of Winchilsea Misc. Poems 382 Employ my Hand, yet warm, to close the Wound, And with my suppling Tears disperse the anguish.
1727 P. Walker Some Remarkable Passages Semple, Welwood & Cameron 43 In the 1719, there was a softning, soupling, sweetning Oil, composed and made up by the cunning Art of carnal Wit, and State-policy.
1828 Catholic Misc. Nov. 310 Banners shiver in the suppling breeze.
a1894 R. L. Stevenson Coll. Poems (1950) 73 Some song that shall be suppling oil To weary muscles strained with toil.
1942 E. W. Sutton & H. Rackham tr. Cicero De Oratore I. i. xviii. 59 Theirs is a polished and flowery sort of diction, redolent rather of the training-school and its suppling-oil than of our political hurly-burly and of the Bar.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2012; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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