

单词 supra-


Stress is usually determined by a subsequent element and vowels may be reduced accordingly.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin suprā-.
Etymology: < classical Latin suprā-, use as combining form of suprā , adverb and preposition (see supra adv. and adj.).Uses in Latin. Classical Latin suprā- is attested only in suprāscriptum (see suprascript adj.). It is rare in post-classical Latin before the early modern period, occurring in e.g. supracaelestis (see supracelestial adj.), suprapositio (see supraposition n.), supravidere (see supravise v.). It has remained relatively rare in more recent use in most semantic fields in post-classical Latin and scientific Latin; compare e.g. post-classical Latin supramundanus supramundane adj., suprabipartiens (see suprabipartient n. at sense 4), supralapsarius (see supralapsarian n.), scientific Latin supra-axillaris (see supra-axillary adj. at sense 1a(b)), suprafoliaceus (see suprafoliaceous adj. at sense 1a(b)). The exception is in anatomy and zoology, where it is found with greater frequency forming adjectives with the meaning ‘situated above, or on the dorsal side of (sometimes, upon the upper surface of) the part or organ designated by the second element’ (and in uses of such adjectives as nouns), as in post-classical Latin supraspinatus supraspinatus n., suprascapularis suprascapulary adj., suprarenalis suprarenal adj., scientific Latin supracostalis (see supracostal adj. at sense 1a(a)). Uses in English. Found earliest in English in borrowings and adaptations of Latin words, as supracelestial adj., supravisor n., supravise v., supraspinatus n. Formations within English are apparently shown from the first half of the 17th cent. in supranature n., supraordinary adj., supra-passion n., supralunary adj. For the most part the uses of supra- prefix are parallel to, but less common than, those of super- prefix. As in Latin, the exception is uses in senses 1a(a) and 1a(b), which are very common. Compare French supra- and German supra- , both of which are found occasionally in modern technical formations. Several English formations in supra- prefix are modelled on French formations in sur- or sus- . Pronunciation. The typical stress patterns for compounds of supra- prefix are similar to those described in the note at super- prefix.
1. Forming adjectives and nouns denoting a thing which is situated over, above, higher than, or (less commonly) upon another.
a. In prepositional relation to the noun implied in or constituting the second element. Cf. super- prefix 1a.
(a) Anatomy and Zoology. Forming adjectives (some of which are also used as nouns) denoting a location above, or on the dorsal side of, or (sometimes) on the upper surface of the part denoted by the second element; = super- prefix 1a(b).
supra-abdominal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəabˈdɒmᵻnl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌæbˈdɑmən(ə)l/
1831 J. E. Gray in J. E. Gray Zool. Misc. 48 Trimesurus carinatus... Scales large, strongly keeled, the supra-abdominal series with a white central streak.
1961 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 25 Feb. 580/2 The habitus of the patient reflected these changes with..supra-abdominal grooves in front and subcostal grooves dorsally.
2010 M. C. Brodsky Pediatric Neuro-ophthalmol. (ed. 2) xi. 573/2 Ventral developmental defects such as sternal pits, sternal clefting, and supra-abdominal raphe are common.
supra-acromial adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəəˈkrəʊmɪəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəəˈkroʊmiəl/
1830 J. W. Sterling tr. A. Velpeau Treat. Surg. Anat. I. iii. 251 It anastomoses with the scapulary and supra-acromial [Fr. sus-acromiens] filaments.
1893 H. Morris Treat. Human Anat. 831 The supra-acromial branches cross the clavicular insertion of the trapezius and the acromion process.
2008 J. O'Neill in J. O'Neill Musculoskeletal Ultrasound ii. 29 The supraacromial bursa lies within the subcutaneous tissues superficial to the acromion.
supra-anal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈeɪnl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈeɪn(ə)l/
1849 E. Forbes in Figures & Descr. Brit. Org. Remains (Mem. Geol. Surv. U.K.: Decades) I. Pl. V. 2 The centre of it is occupied by the supra-anal plate, which is of a hexagonal shape.
1900 Amer. Naturalist 34 861 Subgenital plate small, rounded and smooth, projecting beyond the supra-anal lamina.
2005 W. H. Robinson Handbk. Urban Insects & Arachnids iv. 55/1 The male has a short, truncate supraanal plate.
supra-arytenoid adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəarəˈtiːnɔɪd/
U.S. /ˌsuprəəˈrɪtnˌɔɪd/
1832 R. Dunglison Human Physiol. I. 361 Two small bodies that tip the arytenoid cartilages, and are met with only in man—the capitula Santorini, or the supra-arytenoid cartilages.
1941 Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 93 109 As with the blackfish, the lip of the supra-arytenoid cartilages is emarginate.
2010 B. W. Pearson & P. J. Donald in P. J. Donald Difficult Case Head & Neck Cancer Surg. iv. 181 Notice the supraarytenoid mucosa (which includes the cuneiforms and the corniculates).
suprabranchial adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈbraŋkɪəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈbræŋkiəl/
1856 Encycl. Brit. XII. 263/1 Short, fine, crowded villiform or bristle-like teeth on the jaws and arc of the vomer; a complex suprabranchial apparatus.
1934 Biol. Bull. 66 57 The entire structure was forced first into the supra-branchial passage.
2006 A. G. van der Valk Biol. Freshwater Wetlands iv. 79 (caption) Other modified spaces and chamber include the suprabranchial chamber.., pharyngeal sacs.., the pneumatic duct, [etc.].
suprabuccal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈbʌkl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈbək(ə)l/
now rare.
1859 Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 319 From the supra-œsophageal centre arise the nerves..of the supra-buccal velum.
1883 Encycl. Brit. XVI. 665/1 Large special ganglia (optic, stellate, and supra-buccal) are developed in the higher forms (Siphonopoda).
1985 P. Skidmore Biol. Muscidae World 6 In all instars one or more pairs of suprabuccal teeth may be present around the anterior margin of the opening.
supracaecal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈsiːkl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈsik(ə)l/
1901 P. C. Mitchell in Trans. Linn. Soc.: Zool. 8 188 In Spheniscus the portion between the supra-duodenal loop and the rectum..is expanded into a minor fold,..to which I give the name ‘supra-cæcal kink’.
1932 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 15 Oct. 730/1 For caecal or supracaecal obstructions..spinal block is the undoubted and safest anaesthetic of choice.
2008 V. V. Tkach in D. I. Gibson et al. Keys Trematoda III. xxiii. 324 Vitellarium in form of numerous extra- or supracaecal bunch-like clusters of follicles.
supracondylar adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈkɒndᵻlə/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈkɑndələr/
1866 R. Owen On Anat. Vertebr. II. xxvi. 482 The supracondylar ridges are but little produced.
1899 T. C. Allbutt et al. Syst. Med. VI. 659 Supracondylar fracture may readily implicate the nerve.
1950 Amer. Jrnl. Nursing 50 547/1 The supracondylar tendoplastic amputation has the advantage of being a simpler surgical procedure.
2007 L. M. Chiappe in Z. Gasparini et al. Patagonian Mesozoic Reptiles x. 264 The dorsal supracondylar process of the humerus.
supracondyloid adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈkɒndᵻlɔɪd/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈkɑndəˌlɔɪd/
1838 H. Hancock tr. A. Velpeau Anat. Regions xiii. 462 MM. Jobert, Ashmead, and Bourjot recommended the internal supra-condyloid fossa [Fr. la fossette ou la rainure sus-condylienne] as the spot for exposing the popliteal artery in cases of aneurism.
1876 T. Bryant Pract. Surg. (ed. 2) II. xxxvi. 570 The supra-condyloid amputation of the thigh.
2000 P. C. Amadio & J. H. Dobyns in B. F. Morrey Elbow & its Disorders (ed. 3) xiv. 176/1 Soft tissue anomalies may coexist with mild osseous anomalies, such as those related to the supracondyloid process.
supracostal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈkɒstl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈkɑst(ə)l/
[after scientific Latin supracostalis (1710 or earlier)]
1844 J. J. G. Wilkinson tr. E. Swedenborg Animal Kingdom II. ii. v. 228 The pleural membrane covers the nerves and vessels that enter the respiratory, or infra-costal, intra-costal, and supra-costal muscles.
1924 Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 1923 75 326 Cephalic pronotal process less produced, the supra-costal tooth proportionately smaller.
2002 G. Bartsch et al. in J. Y. Gillenwater et al. Adult & Pediatric Urol. (ed. 4) I. i. 16/2 The supracostal approach affords broad exposure of the retroperitoneal space.
supracoxal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈkɒksl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈkɑks(ə)l/
1865 Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 16 105 Thorax marked with eight slender, greyish or tawny lines, of which four are on the upper surface and two on each side, including the supracoxal streak.
1941 Amer. Midland Naturalist 26 514 Supra-coxal processes (Fig. 3) low and obtuse.
2009 M. J. Colloff Dust Mites iii. 117/2 Dust mites, like ticks, secrete hygroscopic salty saliva from the supracoxal glands.
supracranial adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈkreɪnɪəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈkreɪniəl/
1846 R. Owen Lect. Compar. Anat. Vertebr. Animals i. iv. 75 The maxillary arch..is suspended by a ligament from its ascending or palatal process, to the notch between the vomerine and the anterior supra-cranial cartilaginous plate.
1958 Herpetologica 14 90 Supracranial fold distinct and in juxtaposition with posterior orbital border.
2000 T. W. Cranford in W. W. L. Au et al. Hearing by Whales & Dolphins iii. 124 Investigators could then be certain that dolphin sonar signals were produced using pressurized air in the supracranial nasal passages.
supraethmoid n. and adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈɛθmɔɪd/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈɛθˌmɔɪd/
1874 Nature 11 June 108/2 The supra-ethmoid of the salmon is absent, but the lateral ethmoid is represented by a membrane-bone.
1933 Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 23 397 The median interorbital and supra-ethmoid fossa is present and bordered by raised orbital flanges of the frontals.
1994 Copeia No. 4. 845/2 We removed the supraethmoid bones from the ethmoid cartilage..and cleaned the dermis from the supraethmoids.
2009 T. W. Pietsch Oceanic Anglerfishes i. ii. 30 They are narrowly separated by cartilage from the supraethmoid anteriorly and the supraoccipital posteriorly.
suprahepatic adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəhᵻˈpatɪk/
U.S. /ˌsuprəhəˈpædɪk/
1826 N.-Y. Med. & Physical Jrnl. 5 362 The radicles of the supra-hepatic veins and those of the excretory canals are in the centre of the granulations.
1904 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 17 Sept. 672 In suprahepatic abscess the pus occurs between the layers of the coronary ligament.
2003 Techniques Coloproctol. 7 103/1 Four rubber drains were placed inside the abdomen to drain subhepatic, suprahepatic, splenic and recto-uterine locations.
suprahyoid adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈhʌɪɔɪd/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈhaɪˌɔɪd/
1832 Periscope Oct. in Medico-chirurg. Rev., & Jrnl. Pract. Med. 17 434/2 In the neck we find them..under the jaw, between the supra-hyoid aponeurosis, and the inferior wall of the cavity of the mouth.
2004 M. Bakke in I. Klineberg & R. G. Jagger Occlusion & Clin. Pract. viii. 77/1 Jaw opening or depression is accomplished by the suprahyoid muscles.
supra-iliac adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈɪlɪak/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈɪliˌæk/
1829 Periscope Oct. in Medico-chirurg. Rev., & Jrnl. Pract. Med. (1830) 12 172/2 The suprà-iliac tumour was hard, and about the size of a man's fist.
1935 Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 75 155 The dorsal contour of the supra-iliac crest.
2004 R. M. Malina et al. Growth, Maturation, & Physical Activity (ed. 2) iv. 87/1 The suprailiac fold is measured over the anterior superior spine of the iliac crest.
supramastoid adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈmastɔɪd/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈmæˌstɔɪd/
1853 Descriptive Catal. Osteol. Series Mus. Royal Coll. Surgeons II. 824 The supramastoid ridge is less marked than in the preceding skull.
1934 Proc. Royal Irish Acad. 1932–4 C. 41 260 The mastoid processes are large, and the supra-mastoid crests are pronounced.
2005 T. D. White & P. A. Folkens Human Bone Man. vii. 95 The temporalis muscle may also attach in this region when the supramastoid crest is present on the mastoid area.
supranasal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈneɪzl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈneɪz(ə)l/
1837 Analyst 7 314 The same..held true with the rictorial and supra-nasal vibrissæ of birds.
2006 M. Teschler-Nicola Early Mod. Humans Moravian Gate xii. 362 Hauser and DeStefano..caution against confusing an anterior metopic remnant for a supranasal suture.
supranervian adj. Obsolete
1879 Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 3 319 The genital gland is on the median line around the supranervian blood-vessel.
1888 Encycl. Brit. XXIV. 679 In Lumbricus there are three longitudinal trunks which run from end to end of the body—(1) dorsal, (2) supranervian, (3) subnervian.
supraneural adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈnjʊərəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈn(j)ʊrəl/
1875 Q. Jrnl. Microsc. Sci. 15 Pl. XV (caption) Supra-neural vessel.
1951 Ecol. Monogr. 21 117/1 A pair of anterior arteries surround the gut and join ventrally to form the supraneural artery.
2007 R. L. Carroll & R. B. Holmes in B. K. Hall Fins Limbs xiii. 186/1 Both Acanthostega and Ichthyostega retain a large, fishlike tail, with variable expression of supraneural vertebral supports.
supranuclear adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈnjuːklɪə/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈn(j)ukliər/
1875 Irish Hosp. Gaz. 15 Mar. 122/2 The upper cells are relatively much smaller in size, chiefly at the expense of their supra-nuclear portion.
1899 T. C. Allbutt et al. Syst. Med. VIII. 623 The supranuclear connections of the nerve.
1977 Lancet 12 Nov. 1029/2 Periodic vertigo due to a supranuclear vestibular lesion.
2003 A. G. Lee & P. W. Brazis Clin. Pathways Neuro-ophthalmol. (ed. 2) xiv. 311 Supranuclear structures coordinate the action of muscle groups and control two types of eye movements.
suprapatellar adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəpəˈtɛlə/
U.S. /ˌsuprəpəˈtɛlər/
1829 London Med. & Physical Jrnl. New Ser. 7 34 Whether it came from a wound of the joint or merely from the supra-patellar bursa, could not be ascertained.
2002 S. D. Waldman Atlas Common Pain Syndromes lxiii. 254/2 The suprapatellar bursa extends superiorly from beneath the patella under the quadriceps femoris muscle and its tendon.
supraseptal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈsɛptl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈsɛpt(ə)l/
1852 Trans. Microsc. Soc. 3 125 Other portions of the organism (excepting along the supraseptal spaces) are densely crowded with them.
1928 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) B. 216 224 (caption) Dorsal or supra-septal compartment of the mantle cavity.
2000 W. Maier in P. F. Whitehead & C. J. Jolly Old World Monkeys (2006) v. 123 Sometimes, isolated supraseptal cartilages become integrated into this planum.
suprastapedial n.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəstəˈpiːdɪəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəstəˈpidiəl/
1869 T. H. Huxley in Proc. Zool. Soc. 393 Muscular fibres..proceed from this cartilaginous margin..to the margin and outer face of the cartilage called ‘malleus’ by Prof. Peters, but which I shall term the ‘suprastapedial’ cartilage.
1936 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) B. 226 27 Whether the whole of the extra- or supra-stapedial structure is bony is unknown.
2007 A. Albino in Z. Gasparini et al. Patagonian Mesozoic Reptiles iv. 94 Extracolumella-intercalary element contacting quadrate suprastapedial process; [etc.].
suprasternal n.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈstəːnl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈstərn(ə)l/
1830 J. W. Sterling tr. A. A. L. M. Velpeau Treat. Surg. Anat. I. ii. 135 Upon its surface we observe, in the course of the median line; inferiorly, the supra-sternal fossette [Fr. la fossette sus-sternale].
1932 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 13 Feb. 278/1 Most foreign bodies..are impacted at this suprasternal or sterno-clavicular level.
2002 B. Anderson Echocardiography (2004) ii. 36/1 The scan plane is directed towards the region between the suprasternal notch and left clavicle.
supratrochlear adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈtrɒklɪə/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈtrɑkliər/
1820 B. Travers Synopsis Dis. Eye ii. iii. 225 A disagreeable sense of numbness and coldness affects the integument of the glabella and forehead, after the division of the frontal and supratrochlear nerves.
1911 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 26 Aug. 444/1 The supratrochlear gland became slightly swollen, but no tenderness or enlargement of the axillary glands occurred.
2006 K. D. Rose Beginning Age Mammals viii. 125/1 A humerus with a prominent greater tuberosity and a supratrochlear foramen.
supratympanic adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprətɪmˈpanɪk/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌtɪmˈpænɪk/
1845 Proc. Zool. Soc. 13 82 A very remarkable feature in the skull of the Phasc. latifrons is the supra-tympanic cell excavated beneath the base of the zygoma.
1933 Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 1932 84 24 Throat washed with dusky; supratympanic fold black; a black interorbital triangle.
2006 J. Himmelman Discovering Amphibians viii. 138 In bullfrogs, the supratympanic fold, or ridge, begins behind the eye and wraps around the tympanic membrane.
supraumbilical adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəʌmˈbɪlᵻkl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəəmˈbɪlək(ə)l/
1799 W. G. Browne Trav. Afr. xxi. 333 One of its outward symptoms is a tumor..in the neighbourhood of the spleen and general inflation in the supra-umbilical region.
1906 Practitioner Dec. 781 It is advisable to adopt Oppenheim's division of the reflex into a supra-umbilical and infra-umbilical zone.
2005 Brit. Jrnl. Dermatol. 153 1053 The initial presentation of these two infants with supraumbilical raphes..suggested the diagnosis of isolated congenital sternal malformation.
supraventricular adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəvɛnˈtrɪkjᵿlə/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌvɛnˈtrɪkjələr/
1837 London & Edinb. Philos. Mag. 10 222 The corpus callosum, or great commissure which unites the supraventricular masses of the hemispheres..is wholly absent in the latter animal.
1974 Ciba Symp. 20 133 Localization of the infiltrate in the AV node blocks the supraventricular impulses when the atrial rate increases.
2007 M. N. Levy & A. J. Pappano Cardiovascular Physiol. (ed. 9) iii. 51/1 Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia is much more ominous than supraventricular tachycardia.
(b) = super- prefix 1a.
supra-aerial adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈɛːrɪəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈɛriəl/
now rare situated above the air or atmosphere.
1724 E. Halley in Philos. Trans. 1722–3 (Royal Soc.) 33 120 The Firmament, supposed by Moses to sustain a Supra-aerial Sea.
1897 I. N. Vail Alaska 2 It was specifically claimed that the entire ocean came as annular installments from supra aerial vapors via the polar regions.
1903 ‘G. Sweven’ Limanora ii. xi. 566 Beings as intricately organised as themselves left impressions on their supra-aerial lavolans.
supra-angular adj. and n.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈaŋɡᵿlə/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈæŋɡjələr/
Zoology (a) adj. designating a bone above the angular bone of the lower jaw in some vertebrates; (b) n. such a bone.
the world > animals > animal body > general parts > constituent materials > [adjective] > of part of lower jawbone
the world > animals > animal body > general parts > constituent materials > [noun] > jawbone > specific bones of lower jaw
splenial bone or piece1848
1831 H. McMurtrie tr. G. Cuvier Animal Kingdom II. 473 A small portion of the Supra-Angulare.
1835–6 Todd's Cycl. Anat. & Physiol. I. 277/1 The anterior extremities of the angular and supra-angular pieces are wedged into corresponding grooves of the symphyseal element.
1896 A. Newton et al. Dict. Birds: Pt. IV 872 The bones forming the right and left Mandibulæ..namely, the Dentals, Splenials, Supra-angulars, Angulars and Articulars.
1955 Copeia No. 1. 1 Width of external mandibular foramen greater than width of supra-angular and angular.
2009 C. H. Ernst & J. E. Lovich Turtles U.S. & Canada (ed. 2) 13 On the dorsal side, behind the crushing surface, are the coronoid and the supraangular bones.
supra-auricular adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəɔːˈrɪkjᵿlə/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌɔˈrɪkjələr/
Medicine = super-auricular adj. at super- prefix 1a(a).
1859 Lancet 20 Aug. 187/1 (heading) Supra-auricular nævus.
2007 E. J. Moore & K. D. Olsen in E. N. Myers & R. L. Ferris Salivary Gland Disorders xv. 253/2 A biopsy-proven malignant melanoma..centered over the temporal skin in the supra-auricular area.
supra-axillary adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəakˈsɪl(ə)ri/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈæksəˌlɛri/
[after scientific Latin supra-axillaris (1751 or earlier)] Botany (esp. of a branch or a bud) growing or situated above an axil.
the world > plants > part of plant > stem or stalk > [adjective] > situated in or near axil
1760 J. Lee Introd. Bot. iii. xxi. 213 Supra-axillary, such as come out above the wings; as in the Asperifoliæ.
1862 Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 1860–2 5 188 The male flowers..are supra-axillary, being at a small distance above their subtending bracts.
1909 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) B. 200 66 An upward displacement of branches clearly takes place in some axes, so that the branches become supra-axillary.
2007 A. F. Rhoads & T. A. Block Plants Pennsylvania (ed. 2) 182 Inflorescence unbranched, the lowest pistillate heads supra-axillary and usually peduncled.
suprachiasmatic adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəkʌɪəzˈmatɪk/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌkaɪəzˈmædɪk/
Anatomy located above the optic chiasma (cf. supra-optic adj.); spec. designating a nucleus of the medial zone of the hypothalamus.
the world > life > the body > nervous system > cerebrospinal axis > brain > parts of brain > [adjective] > commissure
1915 Jrnl. Compar. Neurol. 25 232 A median canal..communicates cephalad with the suprachiasmatic portion of the third ventricle.
1938 W. E. Le Gros Clark in W. E. Le Gros Clark et al. Hypothalamus 17 The suprachiasmatic nucleus undergoes mild atrophy following enucleation of the eye in cats.
1972 Brain Res. 42 205 The suprachiasmatic region is essential to the maintenance of a normal adrenal corticosterone rhythm in the rat.
2006 G. Buzsáki Rhythms of Brain v. 117 Each of the 20,000 neurons in the human suprachiasmatic nucleus is a circadian oscillator.
supracoralline adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈkɒrəlʌɪn/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈkɔrələn/
Geology (now rare) lying immediately above the coralline oolite.
1876 Proc. Geologists’ Assoc. 1874–6 4 353 The Supra-Coralline formations more immediately succeeding the Coral Rag.
1928 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) B. 216 156 Its relation to the Supra-Coralline beds of Yorkshire is still somewhat obscure.
supracretaceous adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəkrᵻˈteɪʃəs/
U.S. /ˌsuprəkrəˈteɪʃəs/
Geology lying above the Cretaceous series; cf. super-cretaceous adj. at super- prefix 1a(a).
the world > the earth > structure of the earth > age or period > stratigraphic units > [adjective] > supracretaceous
1832 H. T. De la Beche Geol. Man. (ed. 2) iv. 221 The marine supracretaceous rocks of the South of France.
1852 C. Lyell Man. Elem. Geol. (ed. 4) ix. 103 Groups of Fossiliferous Strata..Tertiary, Supracretaceous, or Cainozoic.
1998 Org. Geochem. 28 613/2 Widely different types of organic matter accumulated in the Supracretaceous basement of Cerro de la Mesa are analyzed.
supracrustal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈkrʌstl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈkrəst(ə)l/
[after Swedish suprakrustal (A. G. Högbom 1908, in Geol. Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandl. 30 27)] Geology (of a stratum, formation, etc.) lying above the basement rocks of the crust.
the world > the earth > structure of the earth > [noun] > supracrustal part
the world > the earth > structure of the earth > [adjective] > supracrustal
1910 Bull. Geol. Inst. Univ. Upsala 10 47 Another area of supracrustal rocks extends between the granite-massives.
1946 Amer. Jrnl. Sci. 244 851 The supracrustal formations are subjected to folding, plastic deformation, fractures and thrusts in which the blocks of the basement also take part.
1989 Nature 26 Jan. 352/1 Supracrustal rocks from the Loch Maree Group of the Lewisian were deposited after the main 2.7-Gyr granulite facies metamorphic event.
suprafoliaceous adj. [after scientific Latin suprafoliaceus (1774 or earlier)] Botany Obsolete rare = suprafoliar adj.
the world > plants > part of plant > leaf > [adjective] > on or above a leaf
1777 S. Robson Brit. Flora 21 Suprafoliaceous, coming out above the leaves, as in Asperifoliæ.
1834 G. Don Gen. Syst. Gardening & Bot. III. 519/2 Stipulas large, sheath-formed, supra-foliaceous, and are as well as the leaves pilose.
suprafoliar adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈfəʊlɪə/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈfoʊliər/
Botany situated on or above a leaf.
the world > plants > part of plant > leaf > [adjective] > on or above a leaf
1866 J. Lindley & T. Moore Treasury Bot. II. 1111/1 Suprafoliar, growing upon a leaf.
1924 A. H. Wolley-Dod Roses of Brit. 93 None of them have suprafoliar glands.
2004 Amer. Jrnl. Bot. 91 628/1 In Theophrasta the laterally born racemes are found strictly suprafoliar.
supragingival adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprədʒɪnˈdʒʌɪvl/
U.S. /ˌsuprədʒᵻnˈdʒaɪvəl/
[compare German supragingival (1885 in phonetics, with reference to the position of the tongue, or earlier)] Medicine of, relating to, or located on the part of a tooth that is not covered by the gum (gingiva).
1898 W. C. Barrett Oral Pathol. & Pract. xxviii. 105 No reference here is intended to the hard, black, smooth, supragingival, slow deposit which is but a modification of the usual form of calculus.
1961 Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 105 110/1 The aim of the study was to secure information on the timing of the earliest stages of supragingival eruption.
2008 M. Wilson Bacteriol. Humans viii. 241/2 The supragingival surface of the tooth is an aerobic environment.
supraglacial adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈɡleɪʃl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈɡleɪʃəl/
Geology = superglacial adj. at super- prefix 1a(a).
1869 D. Mackintosh Scenery Eng. & Wales iii. xx. 385 Is a moraine a mixture of supraglacial and subglacial debris?
1968 C. Embleton Glacial & Periglacial Geomorphol. (1971) ii. xii. 263 These supraglacial streams sooner or later lose themselves down crevasses in the ice.
2007 O. Slaymaker & R. E. J. Kelly Cryosphere & Global Environmental Change vi. 185/1 Dump moraines are commonly formed adjacent to retreating glaciers which dump supraglacial material on to the former subglacial surface.
supralineal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈlɪnɪəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈlɪniəl/
chiefly Textual Criticism written above the line of the text; cf. superlineal adj. at super- prefix 1a(a), superlinear adj. 3.
society > communication > writing > written text > layout > [adjective] > written above the line
1874 T. H. Key Lang. 61 The fact of its [sc. the aspirate's] having passed into a mere supra-lineal mark in classical Greek suggests the question whether it had not even in those days become an unmeaning symbol.
1998 Classical Rev. 48 557 My only criticism of the technical presentation is the..replacement of the customary supralineal ligature to indicate a nexus of letters by a rather baffling circumflex.
supraliteral adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈlɪt(ə)rəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈlɪdərəl/
Linguistics and Textual Criticism (of a diacritic or other mark used in writing) written above a letter.
1949 Archivum Linguisticum 1 164 A mark of palatalization in the shape of a supraliteral meniscus.
1958 Slavonic & E. European Rev. 36 531 No difference is made between supraliteral dots and strokes.
1981 Zeitschr. f. Papyrologie u. Epigraphik 44 162 With λ the supraliteral stroke would be anomalous.
2005 D. Sider Libr. Villa dei Papiri 108 The supraliteral mark, like an acute accent,..used to note the ictus (beat).
supralittoral adj. (and n.)
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈlɪt(ə)rəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈlɪdərəl/
Ecology situated immediately above the limit of high tides; spec. designating an ecological zone extending from mean high tide to the limit of the influence of sea spray; also as n., such a zone.
the world > life > biology > balance of nature > environment or habitat > [noun] > types of
home range1904
open vegetation1905
open community1909
controlled environment1914
the world > life > biology > balance of nature > environment or habitat > [adjective] > conditions of
1839 C. Darwin in Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 129 55 So as to allow of the upper part being considered as a supralittoral delta.
1913 Jrnl. Ecol. 1 210 No sharp line can be drawn between the supralittoral and littoral vegetation.
1949 T. A. Stephenson & A. Stephenson in Jrnl. Ecol. 37 298 We therefore formally propose that the three main zones of the shore be called: Supralittoral Fringe, Midlittoral Zone, Infralittoral Fringe.
1967 Oceanogr. & Marine Biol. 5 464 The plants and animals living in the supralittoral zone can either tolerate or need a permanent or almost permanent emersion, but with moistening by sprays and waves.
2002 J. Lundberg & S.-E. Lauritzen in K. Hewitt et al. Landscapes Transition viii. 191 The supra-littoral shows the best developed and largest bowls.
supramarine adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəməˈriːn/
U.S. /ˌsuprəməˈrin/
chiefly Geology situated or occurring above the surface or level of the sea; cf. supermarine adj.
the world > the earth > water > sea or ocean > [adjective] > above or on sea
1802 R. Kirwan in Trans. Royal Irish Acad. 8 Science 384 The heat it possesses at the height of 21800 feet was given at the average both of the supra-marine and supra-terrene columns.
1831 C. Lyell Let. 29 Aug. in Life, Lett. & Jrnls. (1881) I. xiii. 328 Through these [strata] the supra-marine volcanos burst.
1863 C. Lyell Geol. Evid. Antiq. Man xiii. 232 Difficulty in distinguishing between the effects of the submarine and supramarine agency of ice.
1953 E. Palmer tr. S. P. Ekman Zoogeogr. Sea xiii. 293 The North Atlantic Transversal Ridge between Scotland and Greenland..carries as its supramarine parts the Shetlands, Faroes and Iceland.
1997 R. J. O'Connell Plato on Human Paradox iv. 75 The sunlight and starlight they glimpsed would be dim and wavering..; the same would be true of every other supramarine reality of which they might catch..sight.
suprameatal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəmɪˈeɪtl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌmiˈeɪdl/
Zoology and Anatomy situated above the acoustic meatus.
the world > life > the body > positions or directions in body > [adjective] > specific
1853 Descriptive Catal. Osteol. Series Mus. Royal Coll. Surgeons II. 639 The oblique expanded inner termination of the meatus auditorius is shown, and its relative position to the small suprameatal and large inframeatal divisions of the tympanic cavity.
1922 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 29 July 164/2 Later experience in using this suprameatal angle as a guide has been extensive.
2006 K. D. Rose Beginning Age Mammals viii. 133 Each subgroup of arctoids has its own distinctive morphology of the suprameatal fossa.
supramedial adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈmiːdɪəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈmidiəl/
located above the medial position, middle, or midline; cf. supermedial adj.
1841 Penny Cycl. XX. 55/2 Hence Mr. Conybeare's method of superior, supramedial, medial, submedial, and inferior orders of strata.
1855 J. Phillips Man. Geol. 157 Millstone grit (supramedial group).
2004 A. S. Shah & D. D. Glower in D. J. Goldstein & M. Oz Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surg. (ed. 2) xx. 276 (caption) The supramedial incision..is in the third intercostal space.
supraocular adj. and n.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈɒkjᵿlə/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈɑkjələr/
Zoology (a) adj. situated above the ocular region; (in reptiles) designating small scales above the superciliaries; (b) n. a supraocular scale.
1831 J. J. Audubon Ornithol. Biogr. I. 181 Forehead, sides of the head, supra-ocular region, and under parts generally deep yellow.
1850 Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 1848–9 4 59 An anterior frontal, a frontal properly called, a pair of supra-oculars [etc.].
1953 Copeia No. 3. 140/1 A category having both the supraocular spine and black bands on the back absent.
2005 Jrnl. Herpetology 39 541 (abstract) It is further characterized by..absence of granules between superciliaries and supraoculars.
supra-oesophageal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəᵻsɒfəˈdʒiːəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəəˌsɑfəˈdʒiəl/
Zoology designating a nerve ganglion in invertebrates that is on the dorsal side of the oesophagus.
1833 Lancet 30 Nov. 348/1 In the rotiferous animalcules, there are supra and infra œsophageal ganglia.
1918 Biol. Bull. 34 20 The central nervous system consists of a two-lobed supraœsophageal ganglion in front of the œsophagus.
2008 K. Ito & T. Awasaki in G. M. Technau Brain Devel. Drosophila Melanogaster ix. 139 The supraoesophageal ganglion is divided into three neuromeres.
suprapapillary adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəpəˈpɪləri/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈpæpəˌlɛri/
Medicine located or occurring above a papilla, esp. the papilla of Vater or a dermal papilla.
1882 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 28 Oct. 823/2 The cast shows the suprapapillary space as a rounded solid mass.
1955 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 12 Nov. 1191/1 The frequency of occurrence of the tumour at different sites of the duodenum is: 20% suprapapillary; 60% peripapillary; 20% infrapapillary.
1983 Prostaglandins 26 434 Examination of abraded lesional skin showed that most or all of the suprapapillary epidermis had been removed.
2007 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 65 129/2 The role of the suprapapillary puncture technique in the management of patients with biliary pathology needs to be further defined.
suprapedal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈpɛdl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈpid(ə)l/
[originally after French supra-pédieux (1884 in Houssay)] Zoology (in a mollusc) designating a mucous gland located above the foot.
1884 Jrnl. Royal Microsc. Soc. 4 869 F. Houssay finds it necessary to distinguish the suprapedal from the other glands of the foot.
2001 G. M. Barker in G. M. Barker Biol. Terrestr. Molluscs i. 48 The suprapedal gland opens by a pore at the front end of the longitudinal groove in the sole.
suprapharyngeal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəfəˈrɪn(d)ʒɪəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəfəˈrɪndʒ(i)əl/
Zoology situated above the pharynx; esp. (in invertebrates) = supra-oesophageal adj.
1865 Q. Jrnl. Microsc. Sci. 5 111 Each lobe of the cephalic or supra-pharyngeal ganglion is a pyriform sac.
1934 Q. Rev. Biol. 9 183/1 He observed the ventral nerve cord, two pharyngeal commissures and the dorsal brain or suprapharyngeal ganglion.
2006 A. A. Cullinane et al. in A. Higgins & J. R. Snyder Equine Man. (ed. 2) i. 77 Suprapharyngeal lymph node abscesses usually drain into the pharyngeal area.
suprapygal n. and adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈpʌɪɡl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈpaɪɡ(ə)l/
Zoology (a) n. (in tortoises and turtles) a plate of the carapace located immediately in front of the pygal plate; (b) adj. of or relating to such a plate.
1889 H. A. Nicholson & R. Lydekker Man. Palæontol. (ed. 3) II. 1086 While..the nuchal is a cartilage bone, the pygal and suprapygals are of purely dermal origin.
1928 O. P. Hay Further Considerations Shell of Chelys 4 Völker concedes that the suprapygal bones belong to the thecal skeleton.
2007 P. C. H. Pritchard in P. T. Plotkin Biol. & Conservation Ridley Sea Turtles iii. 49/2 The anterior supra-pygal progressively embraces the posterior one.
suprarimal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈrʌɪml/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈraɪm(ə)l/
Medicine (now rare) located above the rima of the glottis; = supraglottic adj.
1874 Med. Press & Circular 4 Feb. 85/1 Ulcers more of the mucous patchy character..are usually supra-rimal, and may affect the epiglottis alone.
1919 A. P. Brubaker Text-bk. Human Physiol. (ed. 6) xxvii. 673 The space above the vocal bands, the supra-glottic or supra-rimal space, is triangular in shape.
1946 S. L. Polyak Human Ear iv. 46/1 In this way a thin, elastic musculo-membranous diaphragm is formed which separates the suprarimal or supraglottal from the infrarimal or infraglottal space.
suprasellar adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈsɛlə/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈsɛlər/
Medicine located or occurring above the sella turcica.
the world > life > the body > positions or directions in body > [adjective] > specific
1912 H. Cushing Pituitary Body & its Disorders ii. 42 The conditions found at autopsy make it clear that the suprasellar extension of the tumor was doing the chief damage.
1977 Lancet 9 Apr. 780/1 Air encephalograms were performed on 7 of the 12 patients..and in all 7 suprasellar extension of the tumour was found.
2004 V. Siomin & S. Constantini in G. Cinalli et al. Pediatric Hydrocephalus xii. 163 Hydrocephalus due to suprasellar tumors is primarily a pediatric neurosurgical problem.
supratidal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈtʌɪdl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈtaɪd(ə)l/
Ecology situated immediately above the limit of high tides (= supralittoral adj.); inhabiting or found in such an area.
1917 Proc. Royal Soc. Edinb. 37 56 Large communities of Ligia were found completely immersed under stones that rested in supra-tidal saline pools.
1940 Bios 11 118 The dominant member of the supratidal community is the ghost or sand crab, Ocypoda albicans.
1964 Jrnl. Paleontol. 38 482/2 The mammals are typically grassland or savannah dwelling forms but it is not unlikely that they would extend their browsing activities to the supratidal zone.
2009 Biol. Bull. 216 245/1 The control of the timing of larval release shifts to the female in intertidal and supratidal species.
supratropical adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈtrɒpᵻkl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈtrɑpək(ə)l/
Ecology (a) designating a climatic zone between the latitudes of 24° and 36° (now historical and rare); (b) designating a bioclimatic belt in the tropics, usually related to altitude but defined in terms of local temperature.
1826 W. Kirby & W. Spence Introd. Entomol. IV. xlix. 485 Beginning at 84° N.L. he [sc. Latreille] has seven Arctic ones [i.e. northern hemisphere climates], which he names polar, subpolar, superior, intermediate, supratropical, tropical, and equatorial.
1895 Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 4 464 Collections of Odonata were made at the following places: (a) in the upper or supra-tropical portion..at El Rosario 30° 7' N.
1997 Global Ecol. & Biogeogr. Lett. 6 351/1 It = (T + m + M) 10... These authors propose six bioclimatic belts in Andean Perú: infratropical (It>610), thermotropical (It 610–471), mesotropical (It 470–311), supratropical (It 310–171), orotropical (It 170–50), and cryotropical (It<50).
2005 Plant Ecol. 176 115/1 In the study area the Mesotropical belt reaches ca. 3200 m a.s.l.; the Supratropical begins at 3200-3300 m a.s.l.
b. In adverbial relation to the second element. Cf. super- prefix 1b.
supranominated adj. [compare post-classical Latin supranominatus (from 8th cent. (frequently from 11th cent.) in British sources)] Obsolete above-named.
the mind > language > speech > [adjective] > commenting or mentioning > aforementioned
the mind > language > naming > [adjective] > mentioned by name > named or specified above or below
1599 A. M. tr. O. Gaebelkhover Bk. Physicke 344/2 Take..of the supra-nominatede poudre 3 qu. of an ownce.
1683 E. Hooker in J. Pordage Theologia Mystica Pref. Epist. 105 The Architypous Globe, or Original Beeing is the Basis..of all other Essences,..brought forth out of the Womb of pure Nature supra~nominated.
suprasoriferous adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəsəˈrɪf(ə)rəs/
U.S. /ˌsuprəsəˈrɪf(ə)rəs/
Botany (now rare) bearing sori on the upper surface.
the world > plants > part of plant > reproductive part(s) > spore or sporule > [adjective] > of or having a spore case
1857 T. Moore Handbk. Brit. Ferns (ed. 3) 46 Crenato-lobate above, suprasoriferous.
1869 M. T. Masters Veg. Teratol. 190 Those varieties which have the margin crenated or lobed seem most liable to assume this abnormal supra-soriferous condition.
1929 Hereditas 12 175 Absence or partial abortion of the indusium occurs in S. vulgare on the suprasoriferous forms.
c. In adjectival relation to the second element. Cf. super- prefix 1c.
(a) Prefixed to nouns, forming nouns denoting the upper part of something, or an object situated on top of another, as supracrust, suprasoil, suprastructure.
1818 Mem. Philadelphia Soc. for promoting Agric. IV. 260 To ascertain whether the supra-soil or spungy substance be so thick, as to fall greatly when decomposed.
1921 R. H. Bell Woman from Bondage to Freedom 77 It persists only as a flaw in every suprastructure that ever has been builded on the bedrock of decency and natural commonsense.
1969 Pacific Affairs 42 166 The democratic suprastructures so launched..lacked congruity with the then existing socio-economic foundations or substructures.
1992 D. Roeder & P. Scandone in D. Blundell et al. Continent Revealed vi. 206 Imbrication within the detached supracrust.
(b) Anatomy and Zoology.
supracommissure n.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈkɒmᵻʃə/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈkɑməˌʃʊr/
now rare a commissure of nerve fibres above and in front of the pineal gland.
the world > life > the body > nervous system > cerebrospinal axis > brain > parts of brain > [noun] > commissure
corpus callosum1706
optic commissure1848
optic chiasma1856
1885 H. F. Osborn in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 1884 270 In the discovery of the supracommissura and the invariable position of the recessus pinealis, between this and the postcommissura, we find unmistakable anatomical evidence for Goette's conclusions.]
1886 Jrnl. Compar. Med. & Surg. 7 226 The post-commissure [in the dolphin] is enormous..and the supra-commissure, to which, as far as we know Wilder first directed attention, is exceedingly well developed also.
1917 Jrnl. Compar. Neurol. 28 100 There is in most cases a well marked suprapineal recess extending upward and backward over the supracommissure.
supradural adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈdjʊərəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈd(j)ʊrəl/
Anatomy occurring or located above or in the outer layer of the dura mater.
1886 Boston Med. & Surg. Jrnl. 115 177/1 In each instance there was found a marked supra-dural extravasation in the region of the arteria meningea media.
1940 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 22 June 1035/1 The whole of the left hemisphere was depressed for about two inches in depth..by supradural blood clot.
2004 E. D. Milligan et al. in Z. D. Luo Pain Res. vii. 79 Threading the PE-10 catheter at a more shallow angle can lead to supradural catheter placement.
supramamma n.
Brit. /ˈsuːprəˌmamə/
U.S. /ˈsuprəˌmæmə/
[after German Supramamma (E. Baelz 1901, in Zeitschr. f. Ethnol. 33 217)] rare (now disused) a rudimentary mamma located slightly above the normal mamma between it and the axilla.
1902 Amer. Anthropologist 4 172/1 The significance of the ‘supramamma’ (a sort of rudimentary mamma).
supramaxilla n.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəmakˈsɪlə/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌmækˈsɪlə/
(a) Anatomy the maxilla or upper jaw (now disused); (b) Zoology (in some fishes) each of one or more small bones lying above or overlapping the posterior end of the maxillary bone.
1880 Jrnl. Compar. Med. & Surg. 1 39 It [sc. a fungal disease of cattle] manifests itself in tumefactions of the premaxillae and the great supramaxilla.
1916 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 15 Jan. 88/1 It [sc. the bullet] had injured the base of the skull, the hard palate, and the left supramaxilla.
1933 Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 23 86 Maxillæ serving as levers for depression of alveolar bar of premaxilla; one supramaxilla (except in the most primitive berycoids).
2000 M. L. J. Stiassny in G. K. Ostrander Lab. Fish vi. 113 Supramaxillae have been lost numerous times among teleost lineages.
(c) Anatomy and Zoology. Prefixed to adjectives, forming adjectives and nouns.
supralabial adj. and n.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈleɪbɪəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈleɪbiəl/
(a) adj. designating each of a series of scales on the upper lip of a reptile; (b) n. such a scale; usually in plural.
1843 T. Bell in C. Darwin Zool. Voy. H.M.S. Beagle V. 21 There are, in addition to the regular series of larger supralabial scales, at least three distinct series of smaller ones.
1904 Biol. Bull. Nov. 293 A black spot, just above the sixth supralabial.
1972 L. M. Klauber Rattlesnakes (ed. 2) I. 218 The vertical light line on the prenasal and first supralabial scales of the eastern diamondback.
2007 M. O'Shea Boas & Pythons World 14/1 In boas and pythons the pits consist of a series of slit-like openings in the upper and lower lip scales (supralabials and infralabials).
supramaxillary adj. and n.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəmakˈsɪl(ə)ri/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈmæksəˌlɛri/
(a) adj. †of or relating to the maxilla or upper jaw (obsolete); (in later use) of or relating to a fish's supramaxilla; (b) n. = supramaxilla n. (b) at sense 1c(b).
1827 Q. Periscope Pract. Med. July in Medico-chirurg. Rev., & Jrnl. Pract. Med. 7 173 Both proceed to join the supra-maxillary nerve, or the spheno-palatine ganglion of Meckel.
1858 Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 1857 68 The supra-maxillary teeth are long, smooth, unequally spaced.
1878 Johnson's New Universal Cycl. (new ed.) III. 1424/2 The supramaxillaries more or less closing under the preorbitals.
1941 Copeia No. 4. 233 All three hitherto known species of the genus also have an anterior as well as a posterior supramaxillary.
2008 G. Arratia in L. Cavin et al. Fishes & Break-up Pangaea 78 The two supra-maxillary bones present in varasichthyids are well-developed as in other primitive teleosts.
a. Forming adjectives (and related adverbs and nouns) designating things which are higher in quality or degree than what is expressed by the second element. Cf. super- prefix 2a.
(a) Prefixed to adjectives (and related adverbs and nouns).
supra-Christian adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈkrɪstʃ(ə)n/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈkrɪstʃən/
1868 A. C. Swinburne W. Blake 266 Thus prophesies Blake, in a fury of supra-Christian dogmatism.
1958 Huntington Libr. Q. 21 106 The first alternative is sub-Christian, and the second supra-Christian; most men try to avoid the one (or say so), and cannot attain the other.
2003 R. Steigmann-Gall Holy Reich iv. 117 Insisting that Nazism as a state would not distinguish between Protestant and Catholic, he recognized only a common supra-Christian faith.
supradecent adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈdiːsnt/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈdisənt/
1938 S. Beckett Murphy v. 90 As different..as a voyeur's from a voyant's, though Wylie was no more the one in the indecent sense than Murphy was the other in the supradecent sense.
supradialectal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprədʌɪəˈlɛktl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌdaɪəˈlɛkt(ə)l/
1937 London Mediaeval Stud. 1 70 It was a word likely to be affected by a supra-dialectical, clerical pronunciation.
1947 PMLA 62 585 Many archaic words are found that were no longer used in prose in any dialect. There was consequently, to some extent, a supra-dialectal language for poetry.
1986 Trans. Philol. Soc. 167 The first is the supradialectal standard variety, MSA, and the second is a pecking-order of local dialect prestige.
supra-historical adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəhɪˈstɒrᵻkl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌhɪˈstɔrək(ə)l/
1848 J. M'Clintock & C. E. Blumenthal tr. A. Neander Life of Jesus Christ 132 The manifestation of Christ, indeed, can only be rightly understood when it is conceived as being originally Divine and supra-historical, and as having become historical.
1894 N. Buchanan tr. A. von Harnack Hist. Dogma I. ii. 97 History and doctrine are surrounded by a bright cloud of the suprahistorical.
1991 Jrnl. Theol. Stud. 42 405 We are instructed to learn from Hegel that God cannot be thought of as a supra-historical subject.
supra-historically adv.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəhɪˈstɒrᵻkli/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌhɪˈstɔrək(ə)li/
1959 R. Winston et al. tr. T. Mann Last Ess. 156 The age he desires and prophesies is one in which men, unhistorically and suprahistorically, take care not to set up patterns for the universal process or even plot mankind's history.
1979 Maynooth Rev. 5 32 Three different pictures of man, each of them represented ‘supra-historically’ by an historical figure, and each claiming to be the type of the authentic man.
2010 M. Depaepe in P. Smeyers & M. Depaepe Educ. Res.: Ethics & Aesthetics of Statistics iii. 34 So should one continue to use these educational levels supra-historically in order to measure the degree of schooling or people's social status?
supra-individual adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəɪndᵻˈvɪdʒʊəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌɪndəˈvɪdʒ(ə)wəl/
1883 H. Maudsley Body & Will i. ii. 24 What a gross absurdity it is at once seen to be to find in the particular consciousness anything that transcends its antecedents, anything supra-individual, anything universal or absolute!
1936 Mind 45 293 I would fain hold..that the highest values are, not only supra-individual, but supra-national.
1986 Oxf. Art Jrnl. Jan. 30/1 The communication involved here..is supra-individual.
supra-individualism n.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəɪndᵻˈvɪdʒʊəlɪz(ə)m/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌɪndəˈvɪdʒ(ə)wəˌlɪzəm/
1907 D. T. Suzuki Outl. Mahyâyâna Buddhism xi. 284 While individualism is a predominant feature in the religious practice of the Çrâvakas and the Pratyekabuddhas, universalism or supra-individualism, if I am allowed to use these terms, is the principle advocated by the Bodhisattvas.
1951 Hudson Rev. 4 449 A logical apparatus of analysis had equipped them to expose every form of supra-individualism as based on subtle technical muddles.
2008 G. Most in K. Zacharia Hellenisms vi. 159 National supra-individualism posits the nation as having precedence over the individual.
supra-individually adv.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəɪndᵻˈvɪdʒʊəli/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌɪndəˈvɪdʒ(ə)wəli/
1906 D. T. Suzuki tr. S. Shaku Serm. Buddhist Abbot 213 We understand.., by the immortality of the soul the perpetuation of spiritual life, not individually but supra-individually.
1982 Hist. & Theory 20 57 Previous statements and stories, which..are interconnected supraindividually on the basis of multiple embeddings.
2004 J. Becker Deep Listeners v. 129 Trancing and playing music are personally manifested but exist supra-individually.
supraintellectual adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəɪntᵻˈlɛktʃʊəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌɪn(t)əˈlɛk(t)ʃ(əw)əl/
1681 R. Boyle Disc. Things above Reason 15 A Proposition may speak of somewhat that is supra-intellectual.
1885 A. Seth Sc. Philos. vi. 188 The hungering and thirsting of men's hearts after..some supra-intellectual union..with the source of all.
1997 Mystics Q. 23 119 A description of the consummation of mystical union as the acquisition of supraintellectual knowledge.
supralegal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈliːɡl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈliɡəl/
1675 R. Baxter Two Disputations of Orig. Sin 234 The pardon is but a singular and supra-legal act, and limited as is expressed.
1704 J. Sage Reasonableness of Toleration to Episcopal Perswasion iv. 127 We cannot know what stores of Supra-legal Clemency he has kept in Reserve.
1875 K. E. Digby Introd. Hist. Law Real Prop. vi. 249 He would..be restrained..by the extra-legal, or, if the expression may be allowed, supra-legal power of the Chancellor.
1994 Austin (Texas) Amer.-Statesman (Nexis) 15 July c3 The seats may be the best in the business. Equally remarkable is the absence of engine and wind noise in the cabin, even at supralegal speeds.
supramechanical adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəmᵻˈkanᵻkl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəməˈkænək(ə)l/
1740 G. Cheyne Ess. Regimen 3 Impossible..that an Animal Body could have been..formed without a Supra-mechanical Organisation.
1897 H. R. Evans Hours with Ghosts i. ii. 198 The result of a force emanating from the human personality, supra-mechanical, or spiritual.
2000 Mod. Lang. Rev. 95 672 The task calls for recognition of the supramechanical nature of mind and the suprarational nature of truth.
supramoral adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈmɒrəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈmɔrəl/
1833 T. Parson et al. tr. E. Swedenborg Delights of Wisdom 219 If you will, you shall see, that I am supra-moral among the moral, supra-rational among the rational, yea, supra-spiritual among the spiritual.
a1894 G. J. Romanes Thoughts Relig. (1895) i. ii. 81 Without being supra-moral..He may be unmoral.
2002 Gazette (Montreal) (Nexis) 10 May d6 It is always worth arguing for the supra-moral status of art, whether or not the position is tenable.
supraracial adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈreɪʃl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈreɪʃ(ə)l/
1896 Far East 20 Feb. 8 It seems to be left for Japan to show that the sphere of civilization may be supra-racial.
1922 J. Joyce Ulysses iii. xvii. [Ithaca] 684 With what antagonistic sentiments were his subsequent reflections affected?.. Abnegation? In virtue of..extraracial attraction, intraracial inhibition, supraracial prerogative.
2008 Newsweek (Nexis) 11 Aug. 28 He is a Democrat, which has been a supra-racial fatal flaw in the South over the last 40 years.
suprarational adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈraʃn̩(ə)l/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈræʃ(ə)nəl/
1694 J. Locke Reason & Relig. 7 And what a strange, prodigious, wonderful, suprarational, mysterious, incredible, incomprehensible Thing is this!
1764 A. Pirie Candid Exam. Mr. Gib's Pamphlet 62 To which may be added a few thoughts about the moral sense and supra-rational intuition.
1894 N. Buchanan tr. A. von Harnack Hist. Dogma I. App. iii. 346 The Divine Original Essence is supra-rational.
1978 M. S. Peck Road Less Travelled ii. 174 Since love is an intangible, incompletely measurable and suprarational phenomenon, it has not lent itself to scientific analysis.
suprarationalism n.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈraʃn̩əlɪz(ə)m/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈræʃənlˌɪzəm/
1831 Encycl. Americana V. 467 In theology, this opposition appears in the systems of rationalism and suprarationalism.
1884 P. Schaff et al. Relig. Encycl. III. 1995 Their..views were designated as supranaturalism, and not as suprarationalism or irrationalism.
1994 J. Houston Reported Miracles iii. 42 When Locke deals with the miraculous in Book iv of the Essay, there is no suggestion of irrationalism or suprarationalism.
supraregional adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈriːdʒn̩(ə)l/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈridʒənəl/
1942 Far Eastern Surv. 11 135/2 A dim outline of a new international commonwealth is being sketched which is both supranational and supraregional.
1973 R. C. van Caenegem Birth of Eng. Common Law i. 14 The justices in eyre or itinerant royal judges..were called justitiarii totius Angliae, to indicate that their commission was supraregional.
2003 New Scientist 4 Oct. 76 (advt.) The laboratory..offers a supra-regional service for non-commercial FISH tests for certain disorders.
supracorporeal adj. (and n.)
Brit. /ˌsuːprəkɔːˈpɔːrɪəl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌkɔrˈpɔriəl/
existing beyond or at a higher level than the corporeal; (also occasionally as n.) that which is supracorporeal.
1666 D. Coxe Let. 5 Mar. in R. Boyle Corr. (2001) III. 82 This extraordinary gift of healing in Mr Greatrix is a mix'd thing partly Complexionall, partly supracorporeall.
1908 Hibbert Jrnl. Jan. 436 The intelligence..tries to apprehend the supra-corporeal in terms of the corporeal.
1991 Hypatia 6 1 The supra-corporeal aspirations of those theoretical paradigms that have thus far been of most use to feminist theorists.
supra-ethnic adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈɛθnɪk/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈɛθnɪk/
transcending or not restricted by ethnicity or ethnic identity.
1953 Jewish Social Stud. 15 190 Bacon and Moore wrote in Latin but would not qualify as Italian authors. They were part and parcel of a multi-or supra-ethnic cultural sphere.
1962 Spectator 21 Sept. 388 Two parties that claim to be supra-ethnic.
2009 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 7 July a10/4 (advt.) English is what I call supra-ethnic... It's above ethnic, crossing cultural boundaries.
supralogical adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈlɒdʒᵻkl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈlɑdʒək(ə)l/
characterized by a quality or capacity, esp. of the mind, exceeding or transcending that of logical analysis.
1874 J. H. Newman Ess. Gram. Assent (ed. 4) ii. viii. 316 That supra-logical judgment, which is the warrant for our certitude about them, is not mere common-sense, but the true healthy action of our ratiocinative powers.
1936 Ess. & Stud. 21 136 In the case of words like ‘spell’ and ‘Host’ the supra-logical connotation and accidental associations reinforce the literal meaning.
1983 R. H. Nash Concept of God iii. 40 A supralogical God would be unknowable and unintelligible.
supramolecular adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəməˈlɛkjᵿlə/
U.S. /ˌsuprəməˈlɛkjələr/
Biology organized at a higher level than the molecular level; = supermolecular adj.
the world > life > biology > organism > [adjective] > of level of organization > of higher organization than a molecule
1896 E. B. Wilson Cell ix. 334 With Herbert Spencer we assume the germ-plasm to be an aggregation of like units, molecular or supra-molecular.
1961 Nature 8 July 145/1 A supramolecular organization of the enzyme systems.
2003 Nature 24 July 378/2 Amphiphilic organic molecules..spontaneously form supramolecular aggregates (such as micelles) of near-uniform size.
suprarelational adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprərᵻˈleɪʃn̩(ə)l/
U.S. /ˌsuprərəˈleɪʃ(ə)nəl/
chiefly Philosophy transcending that which is embedded in or constituted by particular relations.In early use chiefly in, or with reference to, the philosophy of F. H. Bradley.
the mind > mental capacity > philosophy > absolute idealism > [adjective] > of other doctrines and their adherents
1894 Contemp. Rev. Nov. 711 The objection must still be urged that this supra-relational reconciliation..remains..a name for ‘we know not what’.
1897 F. H. Bradley Appearance & Reality (ed. 2) App. 556 The idea of an all-inclusive and supra-relational experience.
1910 W. James Coll. Ess. & Rev. (1920) 497 Mr. Bradley tumbles to philosophy's call. Down he slides, to the dry valley of ‘absolute’ mare's nests and abstractions, the habitation of the fictitious suprarelational being which his will prefers.
1936 Mind 45 538 His initially hopeless attempt to make sense..of freedom and individuality in terms of his supra-relational whole.
2002 H. Shahidian Women in Iran i. 5 Individuals are believed to merely act out who they are supposed to be, to fulfill suprarelational tasks.
supra-sentential adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəsɛnˈtɛnʃl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌsɛnˈtɛn(t)ʃəl/
Linguistics designating a linguistic element which stands outside of a sentence, or operates at a higher level than the sentence; of or relating to such an element.
1961 Y. Olsson On Syntax Eng. Verb ii. 34 This constitutes a new kind of intersectional concord, often exceeding the limits of the sentence (supra-sentential concord).
1996 Independent 8 Feb. ii. 26/6 Humour works at a suprasentential level of language.
2003 M. Blackings & N. Fabb Gram. Ma'di ii. 26 They can take scope over the sentence as a whole and do not appear to have any special relation with any particular component of the sentence. We call them supra-sentential final elements.
supravulgar adj. Obsolete characteristic of the titled, wealthy, or privileged classes, as opposed to the ordinary people.
society > society and the community > social class > [adjective] > relating to status
1689 J. Collier Moral Ess. conc. Pride 78 If none of these Motives can prevail with a Man to furnish himself with Supravulgar and Noble Qualities, this is an argument that he is either under a natural incapacity, or else has abandoned himself to Sloth, and Luxury.
1694 J. Collier Misc. ii. 78 To furnish himself with Supravulgar and Noble Qualities.
1856 S. K. Hoshour Lett. to 'Squire Pedant (ed. 2) 49 Your supravulgar cogitations, as well as your position beyond the purlieus of the plebeiance, pre-monstrate it.
(c) Prefixed to a noun, forming an adjective designating something which exists at a higher level than, or is not restricted to, what is denoted by the second element. Cf. super- prefix 2a(b).
supraclan adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈklan/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈklæn/
chiefly Social Sciences
1957 Jrnl. Royal Anthropol. Inst. 87 82/1 (table) Supra-clan alignment.
1979 Social Sci. & Med. 13 d. 209/2 Within these dispersed people, there was no supraclan political system to organize for mutual defense.
2008 E. Azani Hezbollah v. 129 A widely covered media move to establish a supraclan party framework for the promotion of national and internal Lebanese issues.
supraclass adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈklɑːs/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈklæs/
1919 tr. V. Lenin in R. W. Postgate Bolshevik Theory (Appendix III) 201 This non-class, supra-class and general formulation of the question constitutes nothing else but a direct insult to the basic principle of Socialism.
1977 M. Walker National Front iv. 84 The NF's supra-class, supra-party appeal.
1993 R. Walser Running with Devil 106 The ruling class strives to impart a supraclass, eternal character to the ideological sign.
supra-Elder adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈɛldə/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈɛldər/
1958 D. Tait Tribes without Rulers 193 There is no supra-Elder authority to impose a solution on recalcitrants of a district.
supra-party adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈpɑːti/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈpɑrdi/
1935 El Paso (Texas) Herald-Post 18 Dec. 1/3 The Olson supra-party organization is known as the All-Party Union.
2007 Turkish Daily News (Nexis) 6 Aug. A female parliamentarian in her six-arrow uniform unfortunately violated the rule of ‘fair-play’ in this supra-party ceremony.
supra-state adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈsteɪt/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈsteɪt/
1914 Contemp. Rev. Aug. 200 If there is an inter-State life there is also a supra-State life.
2008 Morning Star (Nexis) 1 Feb. How about, for a start, putting into the public purse all the earnings of MPs and state and supra-state officials that are over and above their state salary?
supravillage adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈvɪlɪdʒ/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈvɪlɪdʒ/
chiefly Social Sciences
1956 F. M. Keesing & M. M. Keesing Elite Communication in Samoa iii. 48 Supravillage levels—consultations of matai in relation to the larger kin and political structures of Samoan society.
1974 tr. W. F. Wertheim Evol. & Revol. iii. 245 The creation of supra-village organizations.
2009 J. C. Scott Art not being Governed iv. 113 The hills also had little in the way of indigenous traditions that would legitimate any supravillage authority.
b. Forming nouns denoting something which exists beyond, or is greater than, what is expressed by the second element. Cf. super- prefix 2b.
supra-entity n.
Brit. /ˈsuːprəˌɛntᵻti/
U.S. /ˈsuprəˌɛn(t)ədi/
1647 R. Herrick Upon God in Noble Numbers 2 God is not onely said to be An Ens, but Supraentitie.
1898 ‘An Apologist’ Epic of Humanity 8 Love, supra-entity sublime, Transfiguring last phase of time, And even now in prospect grand Dawning a higher law for every land.
1990 Globe & Mail (Toronto) (Nexis) 1 Jan. A humongous European supra-entity, a hegemonial Japan and an expanding North American free-trading zone.
supra-world n.
Brit. /ˈsuːprəˌwəːld/
U.S. /ˈsuprəˌwər(ə)ld/
1907 E. E. Fournier d'Albe Two New Worlds Pref. p. v The main thesis of this work is that a universe constructed on a pattern not widely different from ours is encountered on a definite and measurable scale of smallness, and another on a correspondingly larger scale. To these universes I give the names Infra-World and Supra-World respectively.
1992 J. Houston Hero & Goddess vii. 191 Athena guides the initiate to the supra world, the world of civilization and enlightenment.
c. Forming nouns denoting something which is of a higher status or level, or a superior rank to what is expressed by the second element. Cf. super- prefix 2c.
supra-body n.
Brit. /ˈsuːprəˌbɒdi/
U.S. /ˈsuprəˌbɑdi/
1954 Sci. News-Let. 66 371/1 To act as supra-bodies over others already established.
1967 M. Ayub Khan Friends not Masters xi. 199 There was obviously no place for a supra-body of religious experts exercising a power of veto over the Legislature and the Judiciary.
2010 States News Service (Nexis) 20 Sept. Time and opportunity needed to be given to the new United Nations supra-body for women, UN Women, to be effective.
supra-council n.
Brit. /ˈsuːprəˌkaʊnsl/
U.S. /ˈsuprəˌkaʊnsəl/
1968 Daily Gleaner (Kingston, Jamaica) 15 July 1/4 The Regional Councils are not proposed as separate elected bodies but Supra-Councils to which Parish Councils in a particular area would nominate members of the Regional Council.
1974 Physics Bull. Mar. 86/1 A formalized supra-council of scientific institutions.
2005 Irish News (Nexis) 11 July 24 They have been enthusiastically joined by Sinn Fein, who..have gone even further and want return of housing powers to the newly constituted supra-councils.
supra-parliament n.
Brit. /ˈsuːprəˌpɑːlᵻm(ə)nt/
U.S. /ˈsuprəˌpɑrləmənt/
1955 Winnipeg (Manitoba) Free Press 11 Jan. 17/7 The UN ‘can't be a kind of supra-parliament or supreme court’.
1971 Rand Daily Mail (Johannesburg) 4 Dec. 12/2 There are plans for extra senates and supra-parliaments and multinational assemblies.
2009 Nation (Pakistan) (Nexis) 24 Aug. The forum as envisaged by Gen (retd) Musharraf was meant to act as a supra parliament and was rightly rejected by the opposition.
suprasystem n.
Brit. /ˈsuːprəˌsɪstᵻm/
U.S. /ˈsuprəˌsɪstəm/
1958 Managem. Sci. 4 367 In each group chosen for study each system has its environment and with it forms a suprasystem.
1964 Language 40 274 Modern Greek has two independent and partial phonological suprasystems.
2009 Daily Disp. (S. Afr.) (Nexis) 30 Sept. The State or government..should be viewed as an interconnected, coherent, dynamic, harmonic and nonlinear suprasystem at all levels.
d. Forming adjectives designating and nouns denoting something that exceeds the limit expressed by the second element.
supraoptimal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈɒptᵻml/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈɑptəm(ə)l/
1901 Amer. Jrnl. Physiol. Jan. 478 Under supra-optimal stimulation the angle at which the animal encounters the back wall..favors further progress away from the source of light.
2010 Life Sci. Weekly (Nexis) 29 June 1076 Interestingly, transferring the plants previously challenged with supraoptimal salinities..to the optimal salinity..substantially restored their growth activity.
supra-burgher n.
Brit. /ˈsuːprəˌbəːɡə/
U.S. /ˈsuprəˌbərɡər/
rare a person who is in some respect superior to (in quot. better company than) a burgher.
1905 J. Joyce Let. 19 July (1966) II. 99 Also desirables are..a sizeable beefsteak.., and..an intelligent supra-burgher like yourself to share the meal.
supraorganism n.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈɔːɡənɪz(ə)m/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈɔrɡəˌnɪzəm/
= superorganism n. at super- prefix 2b(d).
1896 N.Y. Med. Times July 205/2 Society is more complex than the organisms properly called, and may be distinguished by the designating title of a supra-organism, thus affording opportunity for further analogies.
1949 A. Koestler Insight & Outlook ii. xi. 167 We must expect the ultimate achievement of a proportionate superiority in the mature human supra-organism.
1993 Equinox Oct. 23/2 It redefines the complexity of whole ecosystems into one image, one supraorganism.
supraphysiological adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəfɪzɪəˈlɒdʒᵻkl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌfɪziəˈlɑdʒək(ə)l/
Biology higher in value than is normal in an animal or plant.
1907 Jrnl. Physiol. 35 302 This disappearance of lactic acid due to oxygen does not occur, or is masked, at supra-physiological temperatures.
1965 Plant Physiol. 40 116/1 Acropetal transport is essentially negligible except where..supraphysiological concentrations of auxin are employed.
2004 Star Ledger (Newark, New Jersey) (Nexis) 3 Dec. 63 Serious health problems arise because athletes..take what he called ‘supra-physiological’ levels of the steroids.
supraquantivalent adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəkwɒnˈtɪvələnt/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌkwɑnˈtɪv(ə)lənt/
rare of more than equivalent scope or extent.
the world > relative properties > quantity > greatness of quantity, amount, or degree > [noun] > condition of being more than another > condition of being more than equivalent
the world > relative properties > quantity > greatness of quantity, amount, or degree > [adjective] > greater in quantity, amount, or degree > more than equivalent
1902 Alienist & Neurologist Nov. 422 Hence it is necessary to return once more to the concept of the supraquantivalent idea.
1969 Kenyon Rev. 31 442/1 On a certain night there was a Polynesian party of the foreigners: it was as though God had chosen to make a laughing-stock of us supraquantivalent.
supraquantivalence n.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəkwɒnˈtɪvələns/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌkwɑnˈtɪv(ə)ləns/
rare a more than equivalent amount or extent.
1903 Alienist & Neurologist 24 50 Occupation is very especially suited to produce a supraquantivalence of certain ideas.
suprathermal adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈθəːml/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈθərm(ə)l/
Physics (of an electron, ion, etc.) having more energy than is associated with thermal excitations.
the world > matter > physics > quantum theory > raising energy level, excitation > [adjective] > having greater energy
1952 Jrnl. Amer. Chem. Soc. 74 2312/2 No significant fraction of radicals present at any one time is suprathermal and the acetaldehyde runs thus tend to be free from possible hot-radical effects.
1969 New Yorker 12 Apr. 104/3 The three pots are the passive seismic experiment, the solar-wind experiment, and the suprathermal-ion-detector.
2005 J. Lequeux Interstellar Medium viii. 183 Suprathermal electrons thermalize with the gas electrons within a characteristic time.
suprathreshold adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈθrɛʃ(h)əʊld/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈθrɛʃˌ(h)oʊld/
Physiology higher than the threshold value required for the perception of a stimulus.
the world > life > biology > biological processes > stimulation > [adjective] > qualities of stimulus
1911 Psychol. Rev. 18 170 The nervous effect of supra-threshold stimulation is probably qualitatively different from that of sub-threshold stimulation.
1946 Nature 27 July 131/2 The strength of the stimulating current was gradually increased to threshold and supra-threshold values.
2006 Science 6 Oct. 87 (caption) A fraction of the subthreshold stimuli gave rise to action potentials..; however, not all suprathreshold stimuli gave a response.
f. Forming nouns and adjectives referring to events occurring before a specified point in time. Cf. super- prefix 2e(b). See supralapsarian n. and adj., supra-creatarian n. and adj.
a. Forming adjectives (and related nouns and adverbs) designating something as possessing the quality expressed by the second element to the highest, a very high, or an excessive degree. Cf. super- prefix 3.
supra-fine adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈfʌɪn/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈfaɪn/
= superfine adj.
1812 Edinb. Rev. July 36 He saw dimly an opportunity for doing something suprafine, by interposing between the sovereign and the barons.
1819 S. Smith Game Laws in Wks. (1859) I. 259/1 The supra-fine country gentleman.
1996 Age (Melbourne) (Nexis) 21 May 15 In Australia, among a number of good choirs, is John O'Donnell's supra-fine Ensemble Gombert.
suprasubtle adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈsʌtl/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈsəd(ə)l/
= supersubtle adj.
1871 Madras Revenue Reg. 15 July 241/1 It is very melancholy that substantial justice should be defeated by supra-subtle procedure.
1894 Athenæum 13 Jan. 47/2 The same suprasubtle unraveller of mysteries.
1992 N. Rastogi in T. Goudriaan Ritual & Speculation in Early Tantrism ix. 260 The suprasubtle state of vital energy, far beyond its gross and subtle states.
b. Forming verbs denoting actions done to a very great or excessive extent. Cf. super- prefix 3c.
supragravitate v. Obsolete rare
1672 J. Flamsteed Let. 13 June in Corr. (1995) I. 161 The Apogeon part of the susteme may conteine more of matter..and consequently..may, supragravitate and incline the axis towards the sunodicall line.
supra-parasite v. Obsolete rare transitive (with it) to act as a parasite to an excessive extent; cf. parasite v. 1.
1654 E. Gayton Pleasant Notes Don Quixot iii. vi. 108 The slave Sancho doth supra-parasite it.
suprasaturate v.
Brit. /ˌsuːprəˈsatjᵿreɪt/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˈsætʃəˌreɪt/
rare transitive. = supersaturate v. 1.
1772 F. L. F. Crell in Philos. Trans. 1771 (Royal Soc.) 61 341 Till the fluids are (if I may use that expression) supra-saturated with the acid.
2001 New Media Creative (Nexis) 1 Aug. Fashioning his own unique tortured garden of fluent ideograms and supra-saturated curiosa for the acts he oversaw.
4. Forming nouns and adjectives expressing addition or repetition Cf. super- prefix 4.
supra-addition n.
Brit. /ˌsuːprə(r)əˈdɪʃn/
U.S. /ˌsuprəəˈdɪʃ(ə)n/
(a) = superaddition n. 1 (obsolete); (b) = superaddition n. 2.
a1706 J. Evelyn Hist. Relig. (1850) II. ix. 46 These..were the doctrines and supra-additions of the Scribes and Pharisees.
1868 Anthropol. Rev. 6 321 The insuperable objection in the author's mind to this climax of Darwinism is the supraaddition in the case of man of a spiritual principle of being.
1991 J. S. Alabaster et al. in J. Rose Water & Environment 191 For all practical purposes, therefore, the possibility of supra-addition or synergism can be discounted for complex mixtures.
suprabipartient n. [compare post-classical Latin suprabipartiens (1551 or earlier)] Mathematics Obsolete = superbipartient at super- prefix 4b.
the world > relative properties > number > ratio or proportion > [noun] > multiples > fractional mixed number of times > particular
1598 R. Haydocke tr. G. P. Lomazzo Tracte Artes Paintinge i. xxiii. 83 Petruccius would haue..of the Corinthian a supra-bipartient [It. del corinthio sopra partiente]; and of the Composite a double proportion.
1753 W. Hogarth Anal. Beauty xi. 136 The length of the foot..in respect to the breadth, makes a double suprabipartient, a diapason, and a diatesseron.
supracompound n.
Brit. /ˈsuːprəˌkɒmpaʊnd/
U.S. /ˈsuprəˌkɑmˌpaʊnd/
Chemistry rare a compound formed by the joining of two or more compounds.
1791 W. Hamilton tr. C.-L. Berthollet Elements Art of Dyeing I. i. i. 22 At other times they unite with the salts and form supracompounds [Fr. surcompositions].
1815 J. Smith Panorama Sci. & Art II. 532 Acids, alkalies, [etc.]..may sometimes form supra-compounds with the cloth, and thereby change its colour.
2002 Ultrasonics Sonochem. 9 50/1 The hydrophilic moieties..change the hydrophobic character of the PAH inserted in the micelle, into a new hydrophilic supracompound.
supradecomposite adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprədɪˈkɒmpəzɪt/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌdikəmˈpɑzət/
Botany rare = supradecompound adj.
the world > plants > part of plant > leaf > [adjective] > compound or lobed
1753 Chambers's Cycl. Suppl. at Leaf Supradecomposite Leaf, one which has the common petiole divided more than twice, before it is charged with leaves or foliola.
1823 J. L. Drummond First Steps Bot. iv. 144 A leaf dividing a second time, as we have been explaining, is decomposite or doubly compound; and if it divide thrice or oftener, it is a supradecomposite leaf.
1963 Jrnl. S. Afr. Bot. 29 93 Thunberg..described a plant with supra-decomposite (not pinnate) fronds under his Pteris hastata.
supradecompound adj.
Brit. /ˌsuːprədɪˈkɒmpaʊnd/
U.S. /ˌsuprəˌdiˈkɑmˌpaʊnd/
[compare post-classical Latin supradecompositus (see superdecompound adj.)] Botany (now rare) (of a leaf or inflorescence) additionally decompound; triply or more than triply compound; cf. superdecompound adj.
the world > plants > part of plant > leaf > [adjective] > compound or lobed
1753 Chambers's Cycl. Suppl. at Leaf Compound leaf expresses, in general, a leaf that is formed of several other lesser ones. In this large sense, however, it is divisible into several kinds... 3. The supradecompound.
1855 A. B. Garrod Essentials Materia Medica 125 The leaves are supra-decompound, the leaflets oblong and ovate.
1906 D. Brandis Indian Trees 668 Flowering culms usually quite leafless, each stem being converted into an immense oblong waving panicle, composed of innumerable supra-decompound ramifications.
2008 Flora 203 644 The..anthelodium is termed simple, compound, decompound, and supradecompound, depending on the order of branching.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2012; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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