

单词 summer month

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summer month
(d) Designating periods of time, parts of the day, etc., which fall in the summer, as summer evening, summer month, etc. See also summer day n., summertide n., summertime n. 1.
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1869) II. 11 (MED) In þe lond þat hatte Tile alle þe sixe somer monþes [L. mensibus aestivalibus] is day, and alle þe sixe wynter monþes is nyght.
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) iii. l. 2748 (MED) Aurora..Hir teris shadde..Compleynynge..Hir childis deth, euery somer morwe.
c1450 Alphabet of Tales (1904) I. 170 (MED) Sho wolde gar hur maydyns gader þe dew on sommer mornyngis.
a1475 (a1447) O. Bokenham Mappula Angliae in Englische Studien (1887) 10 8 (MED) In the Ile of Tile..The vi somer-monethis be contynewally day, and in wyntur-monthes contynnewelly nyght.
1586 W. Webbe Disc. Eng. Poetrie Ep. Ded. sig. A.iii A sleight somewhat compyled for recreation, in the intermyssions of my daylie businesse, euen thys Summer Eueninges.
1592 Arden of Feversham sig. A.2v Sommer nights are short, and yet you ryse ere day.
1599 W. Shakespeare et al. Passionate Pilgrime (new ed.) sig. B6 Youth like summer morne, Age like winter weather.
a1600 R. Lindsay Hist. & Cron. Scotl. (1899) I. 228 Wpoun ane summar morning..ane of the Inglishe scheipis persaueit tua schipis command wnder saill.
1626 F. Bacon Sylua Syluarum §606 I left once, by chance, a Citron cut, in a close Roome, for three Summer-Moneths.
1645 J. Milton L'Allegro in Poems 35 Such sights as youthfull Poets dream On Summer eeves by haunted stream.
1725 E. Fenton in A. Pope et al. tr. Homer Odyssey I. iv. 55 The dazling roofs..Resplendent as the blaze of summer-noon.
1786 R. Burns Holy Fair i, in Poems 40 Upon a simmer Sunday morn.
1815 W. Scott Guy Mannering III. vi. 98 All the tints of a summer-evening sky.
1822 P. B. Shelley Hellas 4 Sweet as a summer night without a breath.
1832 Ld. Tennyson Palace of Art ix, in Poems (new ed.) 71 A gaudy summer morn.
1892 Photogr. Ann. II. 621 Excursions are made during the summer months.
1928 Rotarian Apr. 47/1 With moonlight and a calm summer evening, it does not take much encouragement to get a bunch singing.
1953 Jet 6 Aug. 39 During the summer months, most women..will readily cut their hair for it is cooler.
2008 Atlanta Aug. 181 (advt.) Summer nights in Savannah at the Mansion on Forsyth Park.
extracted from summern.1adj.
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