

单词 successional


Etymology: < succession n. + -al suffix1.
1. Pertaining to, characterized by, or involving the succession of persons as heirs, rulers, or the like; passing or proceeding by succession or descent; often with special reference to the apostolic succession.
the world > time > relative time > the future or time to come > succession or following in time > [adjective] > relating to succession of persons
society > authority > office > accession or entering upon office or authority > [adjective] > succeeding another in office > relating to or characterized by
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > right to succeed to title, position, or estate > succession > [adjective]
1602 W. Watson Decacordon Ten Quodlibeticall Questions 306 To bring this whole monarchiall Isle from the name, honor and title of successionall regality, to be vnder a Viceroyes gouernment.
1637 P. Heylyn Antidotum Lincolniense xi. 87 Many things come unto our hands by a successionall tradition.
1652 P. Heylyn Cosmographie ii. sig. Ff [Alsatia] Governed for the Emperours by Provinciall Earls,..accomptable to the Emperours under whom they served; in the end made hereditarie and successionall unto their posterities.
1653 J. Gauden Hieraspistes 53 Christ, the Institutor of an authoritative and successional Ministry.
1835 Fraser's Mag. 11 283 He might have had the civility to predict a successional husband.
1845 D. King in Ess. Christian Union v. 245 He..had them regularly consecrated by English bishops, and so qualified to keep up and transmit the successional virtue!
a1854 W. Jay Autobiogr. (1855) xiv. 127 The system of providing for places by a merely successional supply.
a. Of things: Following one upon another; occurring in succession; involved in a succession.
the world > time > relative time > the future or time to come > succession or following in time > [adjective]
1685 H. More Paralipomena Prophetica xxxix. 340 Both the Cause and the Effect is successional through many Ages.
1711 Ld. Shaftesbury Characteristicks III. Misc. iv. i. 194 The Question is, ‘What constitutes the We or I?’ And, ‘Whether the I of this instant, be the same with that of any instant proceding, or to come.’.. So that the same successional We or I must remain still, on this account, undecided.
1827 T. De Quincey Gallery German Prose Classics: Lessing in Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. Jan. 17/2 Successional signs can express none but successional objects, or those of which the parts are in succession.
1872 G. M. Humphry Observ. Myology 8 The peculiar vibratory or successional manner of action of the several parts of a fibre.
1875 J. Croll Climate & Time x. 181 In a successional descent of surface-films from above downwards.
b. In technical use (chiefly Horticulture; cf. succession n. Compounds).
the world > food and drink > farming > cultivation or tillage > cultivation of plants or crops > [adjective] > succession of crops
1786 J. Abercrombie Gardeners Daily Assistant 100 The pine apple plants—now in fruit, must not be shifted, only the young successional pines.
1829 J. C. Loudon Encycl. Plants (1836) 623 The winter variety [of pea] is sown in September and October, and the summer at different periods, from February to June, for successional cuttings.
1842 J. C. Loudon Suburban Horticulturist 435 Successional cropping is that in which the ground is wholly occupied with one crop at one time, to be succeeded by another crop, also wholly of one kind.
1866 R. Owen On Anat. Vertebr. I. §70. 375 The floor of the alveolus..forms..the roof of a lower vault, in which the germ of a successional tooth..is in course of developement.
1881 Encycl. Brit. XII. 249/2 If sown in spring it [sc. the Intermediate Stock] blooms in autumn, and furnishes a useful successional crop of flowers.
1892 Gardeners' Chron. 27 Aug. 239/3 The flowers are successional for many months.
c. Ecology. Of or pertaining to ecological succession. Cf. succession n. 14g.
the world > life > biology > balance of nature > [adjective] > succession
1922 R. H. Yapp in Jrnl. Ecol. 10 13 The Successional Habitat practically agrees with Clements' developmental concept of habitat.
1967 M. E. Hale Biol. Lichens vii. 99 Successional stages leading to forested stands.
1979 Sci. Amer. Feb. 73/2 The Swiss have come increasingly to rely on natural tree types and natural successional trends as a basis for their silviculture.


sucˈcessionally adv. by succession.
1846 J. E. Worcester Universal Dict. Eng. Lang. (citing Eclectic Rev.).
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1915; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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