

单词 semi-diapason

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(ii) = imperfect adj. and n., diminished adj. 4a, as semi-diapason, semi-diapente, semi-ditone, etc. (Cf. demi- prefix 9.)
1609 J. Dowland tr. A. Ornithoparchus Micrologus 21 Semidiapason Is an imperfect eight.
1609 J. Dowland tr. A. Ornithoparchus Micrologus 20 Semidiapente Is an Interuall by an imperfect fift.
1609 J. Dowland tr. A. Ornithoparchus Micrologus 18 A Semiditone..is an Interuall of one Voyce from another by an imperfect third.
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory iii. 158/2 Semi, it is not to be taken for the half of such a Note or Interval in Musick, but only imports a dificiency, as wanting something of perfection.
1694 W. Holder Treat. Harmony vii. 172 The greatest [seventh], called Semidiapason, whose Ration is 48 to 25;..wanting Hemitone Minor of Diapason.
1694 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 18 73 The false fifth, or Semidiapente, made of a Fourth and Hemitone major, i.e. 64 to 45.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. Semi-Diatessaron, in Music, a defective Fourth, call'd, properly, a false Fourth.
1730 Short Treat. Harmony i. 7 The Leaps of the False Relations, viz. of a Tritonus, and of a Semidiapente are absolutely forbidden.
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