

单词 scribbling


Brit. /ˈskrɪbl̩ɪŋ/, /ˈskrɪblɪŋ/, U.S. /ˈskrɪb(ə)lɪŋ/
Forms: see scribble v.1 and -ing suffix1; also 1500s scrybullyng.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: scribble v.1, -ing suffix1.
Etymology: < scribble v.1 + -ing suffix1.
1. The action of scribble v.1 (in various senses).
society > communication > writing > handwriting or style of > [noun] > bad handwriting > untidy or illegible
hen scrat1825
chicken scratches1863
society > communication > writing > handwriting or style of > [noun] > bad handwriting > untidy or illegible > action
society > leisure > the arts > literature > a written composition > [noun] > worthless or trivial
society > leisure > the arts > literature > art or occupation of writer or author > [noun] > action or practice of composing > trivial or inferior work
society > leisure > the arts > literature > style of language or writing > weakness or feebleness > [noun] > slovenliness > writing carelessly
1536 R. Beerley Let. in T. Wright Three Chapters Lett. Suppression Monasteries (1843) 132 My lowly and myck scrybullyng unto your nobull grace at thys tyme.
a1544 H. Latimer Let. in J. Foxe Actes & Monuments (1563) 1332/1 I hadde made an ende of this scriblyng, and was beginninge to wryte it agayne more truely, & more distinctlye, and to correcte it.
1603 J. Florio tr. M. de Montaigne Ess. iii. ix. 565 Scribling seemeth to be a Symthome or passion of an irregular and licentious age.
1661 R. L'Estrange State-divinity 60 My Frequency of writing may perswade some, that I'me in love with Scribbling.
1711 A. Pope Ess. Crit. 34 When they promise to give Scribling o'er.
1754 Ld. Chesterfield Let. 1 Jan. in Misc. Wks. (1777) II. 402 You fine gentlemen, who have never committed the sin or the folly of scribbling.
1820 Ld. Byron Blues ii. 9 What with learning, and teaching, and scribbling, and shining In science and art.
1887 Overland Monthly Mar. 286/1 He often left a sentence incomplete in his impetuosity, impatient at the slow scribbling of the pencil.
1903 Elem. School Teacher 3 496 The flapping of the pencil backward and forward in fatuous shading..leads back by an easy road to scribbling.
1963 Sewanee Rev. 71 640 Confronted with the perpetual scribbling about money, a reader may be derisive of Beethoven's insistence that he loathes business.
2009 J. Grisham Associate iii. 40 Wright suddenly seemed bored with the questions. He had stopped his scribbling.
a. Something which has been scribbled; spec. (a) a quickly or carelessly composed piece of writing; also as a mass noun; (b) a word, inscription, etc., written in an irregular or untidy hand. Usually in plural.
society > communication > writing > written text > [noun] > a scribble or scrawl
a1555 N. Ridley in M. Coverdale Certain Lett. Martyrs (1564) 63 I haue now alredy..spent a good part of my powder in these scryblyngs.
1648 J. Goodwin Νεοϕυτοπρεσβυτερος 102 As if all his own inditings were of an Angelicall refinement and allay, he calls my writings, Hereticall Scriblings.
a1670 T. Rawlins Tom Essence (1677) iv. i. 40 Let me see his Scribling—this is such a buzzing crambo Age, that the young Fops account it accomplishment to be thought beggarly rhymeing Fools.
1705 T. Hearne Remarks & Coll. (1885) I. 124 In this Book are a great many scribblings of William Smith.
1793 E. Pendleton Let. 11 Sept. in Lett. & Papers (1967) II. 613 Neither time, or the dirty scriblings with which the Public has been lately pestered, have produced the smallest abatement in my private Affection for you.
1835 W. Irving Abbotsford ⁋2 I..had reason to think, from the interest he had taken in some of my earlier scribblings, that a visit from me would not be deemed an intrusion.
1856 A. P. Stanley Sinai & Palestine (ed. 3) i. 58 Their likeness to the scribblings of casual travellers in halting-places.
1929 L. W. Reese Victorian Village 242 It was then that I wrote my first poem—in contradistinction to some scribblings which I had done before.
1995 T. Parks Ital. Educ. 228 There are biro scribblings on two of the one thousand liras.
2007 Independent 20 Nov. 30/6 The inept will gather in celebration of themselves and their limp, pointless scribblings.
b. A mark resembling scribbled writing. Also: a scribbled drawing or sketch. Usually in plural.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > drawing > [noun] > a drawing > rough or preliminary
galloping sketch1834
thumbnail sketch1900
1863 J. G. Wood Illustr. Nat. Hist. (new ed.) III. 86 The colour of this Lizard is green, with variable streaks and scribblings of black.
1894 R. B. Sharpe Hand-bk. Birds Great Brit. I. 47 There are distinct scribblings near the larger end [of the eggs], similar to those of a Yellow Bunting.
1937 R. M. Arundel Everybody's Pixillated p. ix A ‘doodle’ is a scribbling or sketch made while the conscious mind is concerned with matters wholely unrelated to the scribbling.
1973 B. O. Lindberg W. Blake's Illustr. to Bk. Job iv. 158 The first sketch of it [sc. The Ancient of Days] is a scribbling in Blake's Note-Book, which was begun in 1793.
2010 B. Heinrich Nesting Season xi. 256 Eggs may be unmarked or..covered with scribblings, spots, banding, and blotches of brown and black.
3. Paper, often of inferior quality, used for scribbling notes, drawings, etc.; = scribbling paper n. at Compounds 2. Obsolete. rare.
society > communication > writing > writing materials > material to write on > paper > [noun] > paper for rough work
scribbling paper1791
scribble paper1853
scrap paper1885
scratch paper1899
1859 Stationers' Hand-bk. 64 Demy Scribling (scribling demy), a writing paper of a printing demy size.


C1. attributive, designating a book, pad, etc., usually containing paper of inferior quality, which is used for scribbling notes, drawings, etc.
scribbling block n.
1880 U.S. Patent 224,806 993/1 An improved binder for writing-tablets or scribbling-blocks.
1908 Outlook 26 Sept. 397/1 With pencil and scribbling-block in his hand.
2001 I. Vladislavić Restless Supermarket i. 33 A child's scribbling block of cheap grey paper, feint ruled.
scribbling book n.
1850 W. M. Thackeray Pendennis II. iii. 23 He had taken the manuscript out of a long-neglected chest, containing..old Oxbridge scribbling books, his old surplice, and battered cap and gown.
1933 E. F. Benson in Times 26 June 17/6 She..kept the accounts in a penny scribbling book.
2001 N.Z. Herald (Nexis) 12 Sept. Buildings..now suddenly expunged from the New York skyline as a child rubs out a pencilled picture in his scribbling book.
scribbling pad n.
1870 Sheffield & Rotherham Independent 23 Sept. (advt.) The 1s. Professional and General Scribbling Pad.
1967 C. Drummond Death at Furlong Post i. 5 The Chairman looked doubtful; his Board appeared absorbed in their scribbling pads.
2005 R. Close In Action with SAS 1 Yellowing pieces of paper, two tatty scribbling pads, a couple of cheap notebooks... They all contain scribbles made during my almost seven years in the Army.
scribbling diary n. now chiefly historical a diary designed to allow space for keeping a short journal, writing notes, etc.
1852 Freeman's Jrnl. (Dublin) 9 Dec. (advt.) Scribbling Diary, folio.
1892 G. Grossmith & W. Grossmith Diary of Nobody vii. 103 Mine is a large scribbling diary, with plenty of space for the record of my everyday events.
2012 Daily Mail (Nexis) 20 Sept. The diaries for the two years that followed were each contained in a single Boots scribbling diary.
scribbling itch n. [translating classical Latin scribendī cacoēthes (Juvenal Satires 7. 52) < cacoēthes cacoethes n. + scrībendī , genitive of scrībendum , gerund of scrībere to write (see scribe n.1)] an irresistible urge to write.Frequently in figurative contexts.
1683 J. Oldham Poems & Transl. 18 Give o're Thy scribling itch, and play the fool no more.
1787 J. Wolcot Ode upon Ode in Wks. (1812) I. 440 I'm much afraid of that same scribbling-itch.
1883 Methodist Q. Rev. Apr. 218 Without intending it, he gave to hundreds of men and women the scribbling itch, (cacœthes scribendi).
1905 A. Dobson in Cambr. Rev. 2 Mar. 226/1 Some scribbling itch attacked Him in and out of season.
2012 B. Hammond in D. Sergeant & F. Stafford Burns & Other Poets xiii. 170 The scribbling itch, the syphilitic writing-disease maddening half the artisans in the land.
scribbling paper n. paper, often of inferior quality, used for scribbling notes, drawings, etc.; cf. scribble paper n. at scribble v.1 Compounds 2.
society > communication > writing > writing materials > material to write on > paper > [noun] > paper for rough work
scribbling paper1791
scribble paper1853
scrap paper1885
scratch paper1899
1791 W. Gooch Jrnl. in C. Wordsworth Scholae Academicae (1877) App. 323 Between One & three o'Clock I wrote up 9 sheets of Scribbling Paper so you may suppose I was pretty fully employ'd.
1803 Gradus ad Cantabrigiam 118 Scribbling paper, an inferior sort used by the mathematicians, and in the lecture room.
2000 Advertiser (Nexis) 14 Sept. 53 You may not write in your script books or question booklets during this time but may write on the scribbling paper provided.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2018; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ˈskrɪbl̩ɪŋ/, /ˈskrɪblɪŋ/, U.S. /ˈskrɪb(ə)lɪŋ/, Scottish English /ˈskrɪblɪŋ/, /ˈskrɪbl̩ɪŋ/
Forms: see scribble v.2 and -ing suffix1; also Scottish pre-1700 scrubleing.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: scribble v.2, -ing suffix1.
Etymology: < scribble v.2 + -ing suffix1.
Originally Scottish. Now historical.
The action or process of scribbling wool (see scribble v.2).Recorded earliest in scribbling-card at Compounds.
the world > textiles and clothing > textiles > textile manufacture > treating or processing textile materials > treating or processing wool > [noun] > combing > for first time
1681 in W. R. Scott Rec. Sc. Cloth Manufactory New Mills (1905) Introd. p. lxxxviii 100 pair of scribling cairds.
1682 in W. R. Scott Rec. Sc. Cloth Manufactory New Mills (1905) 40 He gives out wool to scrubleing and writes itt down.
1703 in W. R. Scott Rec. Sc. Cloth Manufactory New Mills (1905) 345 Ane sober man fully seen in the makeing of broad cloath and knoune in all the parts therof,..such as scribling dyeing [etc.].
1777–8 R. Wight Horæ Subsecivæ (MS Bodl. Eng. lang. d.66) 382 Scovy wool,..wool of Several Colours, not duely mixt in Scribling—but Streaky.
1835 A. Ure Philos. Manuf. 165 Scribbling is merely a rude species of carding the oiled wool.
1879 Cassell's Techn. Educator (new ed.) IV. 339/2 The various stages in the manufacture of woollen cloth, then, are:—..8. Oiling and teasing. 9. Scribbling by first carding-engine.
1919 Drug & Chem. Markets 5 Nov. 7/1 Insufficient scouring endangers the scribbling and spinning.
1955 T. S. Ashton Econ. Hist. Eng.: 18th Cent. iv. 97 ‘Public mills’ for scribbling and fulling were common in the West Riding.
2013 M. A. Žmolek Rethinking Industr. Revol. viii. 423 The master clothier..often undertook scribbling, spinning and weaving in his workshop or home.


General attributive, as scribbling-card, scribbling machine, scribbling mill, etc.
1681 in W. R. Scott Rec. Sc. Cloth Manufactory New Mills (1905) Introd. p. lxxxviii 100 pair of scribling cairds.
1779 Trade Notices 26 Jan. in W. B. Crump Leeds Woollen Industry 1780–1820 (1931) 314 To be Sold. A complete Scribbling-machine..with an upright Shaft, Swimming Wheel and Nutt.
1796 Monthly Mag. May 350/1 The scribbling mill at Holbeck, near Leeds, has been lately consumed by fire.
1857 Post Office Directory Yorks. 1051 Scribbling Millers.
1876 W. Cudworth Round about Bradford 373 Extensive premises..containing willeying, moiting, scribbling, and condensing machinery.
1888 J. Paton in Encycl. Brit. XXIV. 659/1 (caption) Diagram of scribbling card.
1936 Econ. Hist. Rev. 6 241 The first sign of the new industrial order was the scribbling mill.
1992 C. Giles & I. H. Goodall Yorks. Textile Mills i. 7/2 Carding engines were introduced rapidly into the cotton industry and, together with the similar but coarser scribbling engine, into the woollen industry.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2018; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ˈskrɪbl̩ɪŋ/, /ˈskrɪblɪŋ/, U.S. /ˈskrɪb(ə)lɪŋ/
Forms: see scribble v.1 and -ing suffix2.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: scribble v.1, -ing suffix2.
Etymology: < scribble v.1 + -ing suffix2. Compare earlier scribbling n.1
1. That scribbles (in various senses of scribble v.1); esp. given to or enthusiastic about writing. Also: characterized by an enthusiasm for writing.
society > leisure > the arts > literature > writer or author > [adjective] > writing trivial or inferior work
1569 E. Fenton tr. P. Boaistuau Certaine Secrete Wonders Nature xxxviij. f. 135 A fatte paiment to a scribling Notarie.
1595 E. Hoby in tr. L.-V. de La Popelinière Hist. France Ep. Ded. sig. A4 In this scribling age.
1642 J. Howell The Vote 5 Scribling pamphletors, who story staine With loose imperfect passages.
1694 P. A. Motteux tr. F. Rabelais 5th Bk. Wks. xvi. 73 Are you here still, ye Bloodhounds, ye citing, scribling Imps of Satan?
1765 O. Goldsmith Ess. xxvi. 234 I long had rack'd my brains to find A likeness for the scribbling kind.
1771 D. Garrick in D. Celesia Almida Epil. All the nibling, scribling, sland'ring race, Who dare not meet a woman face to face!
1855 N. Hawthorne Let. 19 Jan. (1910) I. 75 America is now wholly given over to a d——d mob of scribbling women, and I should have no chance of success while the public taste is occupied with their trash.
1883 Unity (Chicago) 1 June 163/2 Carlyle was one of the great men of our scribbling century, and he was free with his books.
1901 H. R. Haggard Winter Pilgrimage xxii. 329 I pray that writer's cramp of the most virulent nature may paralyse their scribbling fingers.
1921 Motor Dec. 64/2 ‘Dis Shakespeare,’ he opined, ‘is a scribblin' fool!’
2005 J. Campbell in R. Roberts Rock, Curse & Hub vii. 132 Historians—like sportswriters, detective novelists, western movie scriptwriters, and others of the scribbling classes—are habitual borrowers.
2. Of handwriting: irregular or untidy, esp. as a result of haste or carelessness. Also occasionally of a piece of writing: quickly or carelessly composed.
society > communication > writing > handwriting or style of > [adjective] > bad > illegible or untidy
chicken scratch1933
1592 G. Harvey Foure Lett. iii. 23 Is this Greene with the running Head, and the scribling Hand.
1621 Sir G. Calvert in S. R. Gardiner Fortescue Papers (1871) 154 An yll favored piece of paper and a scribling hand.
1765 T. Cunningham New & Compl. Law-Dict. II. at Will If it be but a scribbling writing, written copywise, with a great distance between every line, without any date, in strange characters..This will not be esteemed a sufficient will.
1848 J. F. Denham Spelling & Reading Bk. (ed. 3) I. ii. 57 The wish to save time is a frequent cause of a scribbling handwriting.
1915 C. E. Vaughan Polit. Writings J. J. Rousseau II. xv. 515 Below this last sentence, Rousseau has written the following in a scribbling hand, which is sometimes hard to decipher.
1964 A. Baraka Dutchman ii. in Dutchman & Slave 37 (stage direct.) She takes out a notebook and makes a quick scribbling note.
2016 Daily Rec. & Sunday Mail (Nexis) 17 Sept. 23 Most parents in Scotland say they would choose being a doctor as the preferred profession for their kids. Well, I suppose they're already halfway there with the mad scribbling handwriting.


ˈscribblingly adv. now rare in an irregular or untidy hand, esp. as a result of haste or carelessness.
society > communication > writing > handwriting or style of > [adverb] > illegibly or untidily
1577 Sir P. Sidney Let. 22 Mar. in Corr. (2012) II. 720 These news..I am bolde to sende them thus scribblingly to yowr lordeshippe.
1653 in Shropshire Parish Documents (1903) 246 What was disorderly and scribblingly set down on this side was taken out of a luse paper.
1831 C. Norton Let. 12 Aug. in Lett. to Ld. Melbourne (1974) 47 Believe me in consequence of the departure of the fleet footed postman Rashly, hastily, & scribblingly Yours C. Norton.
1930 Daily Digest (U.S. Dept. Agric.) 29 Nov. 2 Draft documents should be written by high officials of State in ink, legibly, instead of in pencil, scribblingly.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2018; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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