

单词 sal ammoniac

sal ammoniacn.

Forms: see ammoniac adj. and n.; also Middle English, 1600s sal almoniack, 1500s Scottish sal aramoniakle, salmoniakill, 1600s Sal Armeniac, salhormoniacke. See also salmiac n.
Etymology: See ammoniac adj. 1.
1. Ammonium chloride.
the world > matter > chemistry > chemical substances > salts > [noun] > salts named by atomic number > other salts > ammonium salts
sal ammoniacc1325
salt ammoniac1526
sal ammic1611
the world > matter > chemistry > chemical substances > salts > [noun] > salts named by atomic number > haloids > chlorides or chlorates > other specific named
sal ammoniacc1325
salt of steel1704
carbon tetrachloride1866
nickel chloride1868
opal blue1880
c1325 Chron. Eng. 184 Salgemme and salpetre, Salarmoniac ther ys eke.
1390 J. Gower Confessio Amantis II. 84 And the spirit which is secounde In Sal Armoniak is found.
1477 T. Norton Ordinall of Alchimy iii, in E. Ashmole Theatrum Chem. Britannicum (1652) 41 Or whether I shall sal Almoniack take?
1507–8 in J. B. Paul Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1902) IV. 104 ij pund sal aramomakle [sic; read aramoniakle].
1540 in J. B. Paul Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1907) VII. 357 Quik silver, aqua vite, salmoniakill.
1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World II. 351 The white of an egg incorporat with salhormoniacke finely puluerized.
1670 J. Eachard Grounds Contempt of Clergy 55 To which Aqua-fortis if you put a fifth part of Sal-Almoniack, and set them in a gentle heat, it makes Aqua-Regia.
1686 R. Plot Nat. Hist. Staffs. iv. 150 Equal quantities of spirit of Sal Armeniac and spirit of Wine mixt.
1718 J. Quincy Pharmacopœia Officinalis 33 Sal Armoniac very elegantly imitates the Branches of a Tree.
1786 S. Henley tr. W. Beckford Arabian Tale 87 The camels, which had been left unmolested to make sal ammoniac.
1844 G. Fownes Man. Elem. Chem. 243 Sal-ammoniac..is now largely manufactured from the ammoniacal liquid of the gas-works.
2. spirit of sal ammoniac (cf. spirit n. 23a).
1779 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 70 40 Apply to the precipitate solution of volatile alkali, sold by the name of spirit of sal ammoniac.


sal-ammoˈniacal adj. Obsolete pertaining to sal ammoniac.
the world > matter > chemistry > chemical substances > salts > [adjective] > named salts > haloid > of or relating to chlorides
1760 R. Brown Compl. Farmer: Pt. 2 63 Urine by Glauber is reckoned to be of a destructive..nature to vegetables, because of the sal-armoniacal quality that is in it.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1909; most recently modified version published online June 2022).

> as lemmas

sal ammoniac
a. in sal ammoniac (Latin sal ammoniacus, French sel ammoniac) i.e. Salt of Ammon, a hard white opaque crystalline salt, supposed to have been originally prepared from the dung of camels near the temple of Jupiter Ammon, as it still is in Egypt; chemically Ammonium Chloride NH4Cl, formerly called muriate of ammonia; used in tinning iron, in pharmacy, and for the manufacture of Ammonium Alum for the dyer.
c1386 Chaucer Canon's Yeoman's Prol. & Tale 245 Arsenik, sal armoniak [v.r. armonyak], and brimston.
c1420 Pallad. on Husb. i. 605 Hony, myxt with salt armonyake.
a1475 Bk. Quinte Essence 9 If ȝe wole dissolue þe gold to watir, putte þanne yn þe watir corosyue, Sal armoniac.
1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World (1634) II. 415 This Ammoniacke salt is corrupted and sophisticate..with the pit salt of Sicily called Cocanicus.
1605 T. Tymme tr. J. Du Chesne Pract. Chymicall & Hermeticall Physicke i. v. 20 Sal armoniac is of nature spirituall.
1753 E. Chambers Cycl. Suppl. Suppl. s.v. Ammoniacum, The liquor will be scentless, and of the taste of sal armoniac.
1873 A. W. Williamson Chem. for Students viii. §53 The hydrochlorate can be obtained in crystals..mixed with sal-ammoniac.
extracted from ammoniacadj.n.
as lemmas




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