

单词 rawness


Brit. /ˈrɔːnəs/, U.S. /ˈrɔnəs/, /ˈrɑnəs/
Forms: see raw adj. and n.1 and -ness suffix
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: raw adj., -ness suffix.
Etymology: < raw adj. + -ness suffix. Compare rawhead n.1In early use frequently translating classical Latin crūditās crudity n. In sense 3 originally after post-classical Latin ruditas inexperience, ignorance (1524 in the passage translated in quot. 1548), spec. sense development of ruditas rudity n.
1. The state or quality of being raw or crude; imperfection; incompleteness; immaturity; naturalness.
the world > action or operation > undertaking > preparation > unpreparedness > [noun] > unreadiness or immaturity
OE Aldhelm Glosses (Brussels 1650) in L. Goossens Old Eng. Glosses of MS Brussels, Royal Libr. 1650 (1974) 356 Recentis corii cruditate : noui þwanges hreawnesse.
1526 Grete Herball xlvii. sig. Iv/2 But they that growe in colde regyons abyde in theyr raukenesse, and rawnesse, bycause they be lesse nourysshynge of all ye other, and ben harde to dygest.
1577 A. Golding tr. J. Calvin Serm. Epist. Ephesians xviii. f. 127 As well the doctrine, as the vse of the Sacramentes, are allotted peculiarly vntoo vs of God, bycause of our rawnesse.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Macbeth (1623) iv. iii. 27 Why in that rawnesse left you Wife, and Childe..Without leaue-taking? View more context for this quotation
a1661 T. Fuller Worthies (1662) Somerset 31 His Book known by the name of Coriat's Crudities, nauceous to nice Readers, for the rawnesse thereof.
a1719 J. Addison Disc. Learning in Misc. Wks. (1914) II. 463 Thus has Time mellowed the Works of Antiquity, by qualifying, if I may so say, the Strength and Rawness of their Colours.
1750 P. Shaw Reflector iii. ii. 246 Each Book would then prove an useful Ornament to its Country; and such serviceable Studies, as now thro' Ignorance, Unskilfulness, and Rawness of Writing, are fallen into Contempt, would grow into Esteem.
1794 P. Will tr. A. Knigge Pract. Philos. Social Life II. xiii. 220 A certain degree of rawness, licentiousness and contempt of all rules of morality..almost generally marked, at the beginning of the present century, the character of a soldier.
1809 N. Pinkney Trav. South of France 204 What we should call in wine, their rawness and their freshness.
1854 H. D. Thoreau Walden 201 There is no rawness nor imperfection in its edge there, as where the axe has cleared a part, or a cultivated field abuts on it.
1953 D. Thomas Let. 6 Apr. (1987) 885 I realised, I think beforehand, that the early violent stories were very raw. I myself thought that their rawness would, in contrast to the maturer, remembering, sketches, be acceptable; but I do appreciate all you say.
1993 Weekend Austral. 18–19 Dec. (Property Suppl.) 1/3 She said ethnic areas like Lygon Street had been sanitised and the very rawness that gave them their authentic flavour had been sacrificed for the tourist buck.
2. Indigestion. Obsolete.
the world > health and disease > ill health > a disease > disorders of internal organs > digestive disorders > [noun] > indigestion
cardiac passiona1398
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add.) f. 47v Þe spotel of a fastinge man haþ..strengþe of priuey infeccioun..by cause of rawnesse [L. cruditatis]; for rauȝ humour I-mellid wiþ blood þat haþ perfite digestioun is contrarye þerto.
a1425 Medulla Gram. (Stonyhurst) f. 18v Cruditas, rawnes.
?c1475 Catholicon Anglicum (BL Add. 15562) f. 105v Rownes, cruditas.
c1484 (a1475) J. de Caritate tr. Secreta Secret. (Takamiya) (1977) 160 (MED) He þat..felyth in hys stomak none heuynes..ner rawnes, lette hym neuir fer of þe gowte.
1558 W. Bullein Govt. Healthe f. lxxii Mustarde is good, againste al the diseases of the stomacke or lunges..and rawnes of the guts.
1587 Sir P. Sidney & A. Golding tr. P. de Mornay Trewnesse Christian Relig. xiv. 239 Our mynd..for al that,..neuer feeleth any rawnesse or lack of digestion.
1610 E. Gardiner Triall of Tabacco 54 This oyle is much commended against the tooth-ache, the coughs, and the rawnesse or coldnesse of the stomack, and the disease called the Mare.
1650 tr. J. A. Comenius Janua Linguarum Reserata §292 Of rawness or undigestion com belchings, hickoping and windie rumbling.
1671 H. M. tr. Erasmus Colloquies 61 He felt neither pain in his head, nor rawness in his stomach.
1750 T. Short Disc. Tea, Sugar, &c. ii. iv.158 In Rawness, Weakness, and Indigestion of the Stomach, the agreeable Titilation of these Wines gives its Coats a better Tension.
1793 Compl. Distiller ii. 98 This water..must needs be very effectual against crapulas, indigestion, crudities and rawness at stomach.
3. Inexperience, ignorance.
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > want of knowledge, ignorance > unfamiliarity with, inexperience > [noun]
the world > action or operation > ability > inability > unskilfulness > [noun] > inexperience
1548 N. Udall et al. tr. Erasmus Luke in Paraphr. New Test. xxii, f. clxiiii Tempering his woordes to the rawnes [L. ruditatem] of his disciples, whiche raweness he suffred..to remaine a long season in them.
1569 A. Golding tr. N. Hemmingsen Postill (new ed.) f. 150 v This is the poynt of a faythfull maister, to haue a consideration of their capacitie whome he taketh vppon him to teache, and too remedie theyr rawnesse by often beating the selfe same things intoo their heads.
1627 G. Hakewill Apologie iii. ix. 253 Considering the rawnesse of his Seamen, and the manifold shipwracks which they sustained.
a1668 W. Davenant Distresses v. i. 56 in Wks. (1673) Thou might'st be well excus'd, consid'ring too The easiness, and rawness of thy youth.
1710 T. Hearne Remarks & Coll. (1889) III. 94 The Bp. denied him Orders for his Rawness in Divinity.
1751 T. Smollett Peregrine Pickle II. xlv. 50 His vanity had, by this time, disapproved of the engagement he had contracted in the rawness and inexperience of youth.
1861 C. Dickens Great Expectations II. xviii. 289 In my first rawness and ignorance.
1883 Harper's Mag. Oct. 740/1 All that was experienced on both sides at the beginning of the late American civil war in respect to rawness of soldiery..was equally known in the early Continental army.
1910 Encycl. Brit. I. 845/2 The rawness of his crews and his own error in wasting time in pursuit of prizes delayed his passage.
1991 R. Brookhiser Way of WASP (1992) vi. 72 A second sin of Wall Street's new men, after rawness, was the open avowal they made of their own desires.
4. Chilly dampness, esp. of the air; penetrating cold.
the world > the earth > weather and the atmosphere > weather > cold weather > [noun] > cold and damp
1577 Vicary's Profitable Treat. Anat. sig. F.iv The Uuila..is a member in complexion colde and dry, and oftentimes when there falleth rawnes or muche moystnes into it from the head, then it hangeth downe in the throte, and letteth a man to swallowe.
1589 A. Wingfield True Coppie Disc. 10 Haue they [sc. Englishmen] not aboundantly perished in the Lowe Counteries with cold, and rawnes of the Ayre, euen in their Garrisons?
1608 T. Heywood Rape of Lucrece iv. ii Hath not..the moist rawness of this humorous night, Impair'd your health?
1684 T. Southerne Disappointment iii. i. 20 I own am to blame, to call thee forth Into the rawness of a midnight Air.
1721 R. Bradley tr. G. A. Agricola Philos. Treat. Husbandry i. §i. v. 52 The several Seasons occasion unhappy Accidents to Trees;..the Spring by piercing Mists, Rawness of the Air, and hurtful Dews, &c.
?1795 J. Barker Epidemicks 62 The Winter could not be called severe, on account of any great effect it had upon Plants; which flourished all through it, notwithstanding the pinching rawness of the Air.
1818 M. W. Shelley Frankenstein I. Let. iv. 29 He is far too weak to sustain the rawness of the atmosphere.
1847 C. Brontë Jane Eyre I. xi. 171 I am warming away the numbness and chill contracted by sixteen hours exposure to the rawness of an October day.
1952 J. L. Waten Alien Son 61 The morning rawness set Father shivering.
1989 C. Harkness Time of Grace v. 80 The ground was sodden. A rawness entered our bones; the damp rose up and embraced our thighs.
5. The state of being bare of flesh; abrasion, excoriation; soreness, sensitivity. Also figurative.
the world > health and disease > ill health > injury > [noun] > sore
button farcy1673
cold sore1842
pressure sore1889
Queensland sore1892
salt sore1908
pressure point1929
1607 G. Markham Cavelarice iii. 14 His nostrils wyde, and without rawnesse.
1659 H. Hammond Paraphr. & Annot. Psalms (lviii. 9 Annot.) 298/1 So shall rawness, so shall anger, or inflammation..affright, or perplex them.
1755 Lama Sabachthany 120 In like Manner you have a Pimple..which..discovers in the Flesh a Rawness.
1792 Restorer of Health & Physician of Nature ii. 29 The hoarseness is owing to a rawness of the throat, from the want of the proper mucus, or from the acrimony of the matter discharged from the lungs.
1803 Med. & Physical Jrnl. 9 525 Universal rawness and soreness in the trachea and chest.
1897 T. C. Allbutt et al. Syst. Med. III. 944 A sense of rawness and even actual tenderness in the abdomen.
1927 L. Bromfield Good Woman i. viii. 30 Things which once he had felt only with the rawness of frayed nerves, he discovered in a new way.
1987 V. S. Naipaul Enigma of Arrival i. 95 I had taken to England all the rawness of my colonial nerves.
1993 I. Welsh Trainspotting 13 Kelly hud jist hud the abortion last week... Surely..there would still be something there, gunge, bits ay the thing, or even a sortay rawness?
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2008; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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