

单词 mountain heartsease

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mountain heartsease
a. The wild pansy, Viola tricolor, which has small white or cream flowers with purple and yellow markings. Also: any of various other pansies (wild or cultivated), esp. the field pansy, V. arvensis, and (more fully mountain heartsease, yellow heartsease) the yellow-flowered mountain pansy, Viola lutea (now rare). Also in figurative context (cf. sense 1).
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular cultivated or ornamental plants > particular flower or plant esteemed for flower > [noun] > pea flowers > violet and allied flowers > allied flowers
pansy flower1530
three (also two) faces under (or in) a (or one) hood1548
bulbous violet1578
sweet violet1578
dog's tooth violet1597
dog violet1597
live in idleness1597
wild violet1597
yellow violet1597
wood violet1713
marsh violet1753
tree violet1753
bird's-foot violet1802
Parma violet1812
Neapolitan violet1830
garden gate1842
butterfly pea1848
pink-eyed John1877
face and hood1886
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 231/1 Hertes-ease, menve pensee.
1578 H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball ii. ii. 149 This floure is called..in English Pances, Loue in idleness, and Hartes ease.
1592 R. Greene Quip for Vpstart Courtier sig. B The checkerd (Paunsie) or party coloured Harts ease.
1599 Epist. Dedicatory in Lyfe Syr T. More (1950) 4 The golden marygold of obedience, hartsease of a setled conscience.
1629 J. Parkinson Paradisi in Sole lii. 283 In English Hartsease, and Pansies of the French name Pensees. Some giue it foolish names, as Loue in idlenesse, Cull me to you, and Three faces in a hood.
1666 J. Evelyn Kalendarium Hortense (ed. 2) 78 Flowers in Prime, or yet lasting [in August]... Yellow mountain hearts-ease.
1684 J. Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress 2nd Pt. ii. 100 This Boy..wears more of that Herb called Hearts-ease in his Bosom. View more context for this quotation
1718 Culpeper's Eng. Physician Enlarged 159 Hearts-ease... It is also called by those that are more moderate, Three Faces in a Hood,..and in Sussex we call them Pansies.
1736 Compl. Family-piece ii. iii. 331 Three colour'd Violet or Heart's Ease.
1828 T. Moore Ill Omens iii She stole through the garden, where heart's-ease was growing.
1855 W. J. Conybeare Perversion II. 217 He stopped to quote Wordsworth over the first mountain-heartsease that fell in his way.
1866 J. Lindley & T. Moore Treasury Bot. II. 1218 The endless varieties of Heartsease, or Pansy, are all derived from the cornfield weed V[iola] tricolor, and the allied species V. altaica from Tartary, and V. grandiflora from Switzerland.
1941 E. Linklater Man on my Back xxiii. 314 Without protection from the wind, no taller flowers than heart's-ease, tormentil, or sea-pinks can be certain of their growth in Orkney.
1995 Church Times 8 Sept. 14/5 Ajuga, phlox, pinks, heart's-ease, some sweet peas, several pretty new polygonums and a planting of attractively mottled ginger mint.
2011 C. Fisher Flowers of Renaissance 139/1 The English word heartsease has become the usual name for the little wild pansy or viola, which in the Renaissance was the only type known.
extracted from heartseasen.
mountain heartsease
mountain heartsease n. see heartsease n. 2a.
extracted from mountainn.adj.
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