

单词 king of the franks

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King of the Franks
3. With specification of the people, country, or other territory ruled over by a king, as King of the Franks, King of Spain, etc. Also in king of men.In Old English usually with the people ruled over in the genitive plural.
eOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Parker) anno 488 Her Æsc feng to rice & was xxiiii wintra Cantwara cyning.
OE Death of Edgar (Parker) 2 Her geendode eorðan dreamas Eadgar, Engla cyning, ceas him oðer leoht.
lOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) (Peterborough contin.) anno 1127 Mid him held se kasere of Sexlande & se kyng of France & se kyng Heanri of Engleland.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 7010 Þurrh þe king off rome burrh himm ȝifenn wass þatt riche.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 6648 Þe king of Norewæiȝe..& þere Densemonne king.
c1300 St. Thomas Becket (Laud) l. 1700 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 155 To crouny þene kyng of Engelonde.
?a1400 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Petyt) (1996) i. 11669 Ffirst com Epistrot, þe kyng of Grece,..Pandras, kyng of Egipte.
c1470 tr. R. D'Argenteuil's French Bible (Cleveland) (1977) 49 The werre that Nabugodonosor, king of Babiloine, made to them.
a1500 Rule Minoresses in W. W. Seton Two 15th Cent. Franciscan Rules (1914) 81 (MED) Alisaunder pope..condescendinge & enclinyd to þe supplicacions of..þe nobel kinge of Frauns.
1587 A. Fleming et al. Holinshed's Chron. (new ed.) III. Contin. 1371*/2 The enterprise..to be defraied by the pope and king of Spaine.
1611 T. Coryate Crudities sig. O2v Came that..scourge of God into Italy, Attila King of the Hunnes.
1686 N. Luttrell Diary in Brief Hist. Relation State Affairs (1857) I. 390 The King of France hath had a relapse of his distemper.
1720 A. Pope tr. Homer Iliad V. xix. 54 The King of Men, Atrides, came the last.
1781 E. Gibbon Decline & Fall II. xviii. 92 The..king of the Goths..boldly passed the Danube.
1835 C. Thirlwall Hist. Greece I. v. 129 He leads an army against Augeas, king of Elis.
1889 T. H. Huxley in 19th Cent. Mar. 438 Karl, King of the Franks, consecrated Roman Emperor in St. Peter's, on Christmas Day, a.d. 800.
1936 Times 3 Feb. 9/1 The Pope regarded the late King of England as the greatest personal power..for the security of peace.
1961 P. Green tr. Z. Oldenbourg Massacre at Montségur i. 8 The great barons of the North..were by no means all loyal to the French King.
2014 Daily Tel. 1 Oct. 31/2 For most of his life Prince Nicholas [Romanov] was a stateless person who travelled abroad on a letter issued by the King of Greece.
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