

单词 inns of court

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Inns of Court
Inn of Court n. (also †Inn of the Court, †Inn a Court) Any of four sets of buildings in London (known collectively as the Inns of Court) owned by the legal associations to which all barristers in England and Wales must belong. Also: any of the four legal associations which own these buildings.See note at sense 3.
society > law > legal profession > [noun] > Inns of Court
Inn of Court?1435
?1435 in C. L. Kingsford Chrons. London (1905) 82 (MED) My seyde lorde off Gloucestre sent vnto the Innes of Courte at London.
a1513 R. Fabyan New Cronycles Eng. & Fraunce (1516) II. f. clxxxxviii This yere..was a great Affray in Fletestrete atwene ye Getters of the Innys of Court, and the Inhabytauntes of the same strete.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VIII f. ccxli The .xxiii. daie of February, wer foure readers sent for to the Starre Chamber, of euery house of the foure principall Innes of Courte one.
1581 I. B. Dialogue Vertuous Gentleman & Popish Priest sig. B.ii His eldest sonnes he had great care to bring them vp in learning, some at the vniuersitie, and some at the Innes of the Courte.
1588 A. Fraunce Lawiers Logike Ded. sig. ¶2v Surely Sir..it seemeth you came abruptly from a countrey schoole to an Inne of court.
1600 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 2 iii. ii. 12 He is at Oxford stil, is he not?.. A must then to the Innes a court shortly: I was once of Clements Inne.
1666 W. Dugdale Origines Juridiciales 141/2 These Hostells being Nurseries or Seminaries of the Court, taking their denomination of the end wherefore they were so instituted, were called therefore the Innes of Court.
1710 R. Steele Tatler No. 186. ⁋3 Walking the other Day in a neighbouring Inn of Court.
1795 J. Trusler Habitable World Described XVII. ii. ii. 186 On each side of the large square are, what they call, the procuraties; a pile of buildings, like our inns of court, and inhabited by lawyers.
1824 Blackwood's Mag. Oct. 460 (note) The rooms in College are like the chambers in the Inns of Court, having an outer-door and an inner one.
1892 Nation 55 480/1 The Inns of Court and of Chancery..have been..an immemorial rookery for authors.
1932 E. Waugh Black Mischief iii. 104 When you're convinced he's steadied up a bit, let him have chambers of his own in one of the Inns of Court.
2004 Times Lit. Suppl. 28 May 28/1 Such pleasantries and prohibitions survive in the Inns of Court.
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