

单词 fresh as may

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(as) fresh as May
b. Chiefly poetic. With allusion to May's position at the start of summer (in the northern hemisphere), and to the vitality, optimism, and exuberance traditionally associated with it for this reason. Formerly esp. in (as) fresh as May.
c1375 G. Chaucer Monk's Tale 3310 A lemman hadde this noble champioun That highte Dianira, fressh as May.
c1387–95 G. Chaucer Canterbury Tales Prol. 92 He was as fresshe as is the monthe of May.
1508 W. Dunbar Goldyn Targe (Chepman & Myllar) in Poems (1998) I. 192 Surmounting ewiry tong terrestriall, Alls fer as Mayes morow dois mydnycht.
1600 W. Shakespeare Much Ado about Nothing i. i. 182 Theres her cosin..exceedes her as much in beautie, as the first of Maie dooth the last of December. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare As you like It (1623) iv. i. 140 Maides are May when they are maides, but the sky changes when they are wiues. View more context for this quotation
1658 H. Plumptre Let. in 12th Rep. Royal Comm. Hist. MSS (1890) App. v. 6 Wishing that all your yeares yet to come..may partake more of Mayes then Julyes.
1748 T. Gray Ode in R. Dodsley Coll. Poems II. 267 We frolick, while 'tis May.
1752 S. Davies Solomon in Misc. Poems Divine Subjects iv. 12 My Mind enlighten'd with a heav'nly Ray, Was..Deep as the vast Abyss, and vigorous as May.
1833 H. Coleridge New-Year's Day in Poems (1851) I. 60 Kind hearts can make December blithe as May, And in each morrow find a New-Year's day.
1846 N. P. Willis Poems (ed. 6) 246 Thy picture, in my memory now, Is fair as morn, and fresh as May!
1889 D. Hannay Life F. Marryat 150 If he had not spent his summer while it was May—at least he had run through it far too soon.
1907 J. Miller Light i. ii. 15 Such rich rose..As made gold poppies where she lay Turn envious, turn green as May!
1949 E. E. Cummings Puella Mea 20 My very frail lady drifting distinctly..with April feet like sudden flowers and all her body filled with May.
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