

单词 explication


Brit. /ˌɛksplᵻˈkeɪʃn/, U.S. /ˌɛkspləˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/
Forms: 1500s explicacion, 1500s explicacyon, 1500s explycacion, 1500s explycacyon, 1500s–1600s explycation, 1500s– explication; also Scottish pre-1700 explicatioun.
Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French explication; Latin explicātiōn-, explicātiō.
Etymology: < (i) Middle French explicacion, Middle French, French explication action or process of making clear the meaning of something, explanation, interpretation (a1323 in Old French), development (late 14th cent. or earlier), detailed statement or description (early 16th cent. or earlier), action or process of uncovering the cause or origin of a phenomenon (late 16th cent. or earlier), mutual reconciliation (1685 in the passage translated in quot. 1686 at sense 6, or earlier), and its etymon (ii) classical Latin explicātiōn-, explicātiō process of uncoiling, solution (of a difficulty or problem), description, account, pictorial representation < explicāt- , past participial stem of explicāre explicate v. + -iō -ion suffix1. Compare Spanish explicación (first half of the 15th cent.), Italian esplicazione (late 16th cent.). Compare earlier explanation n.
1. The action or process of stating or describing in detail; a detailed statement or description.
the mind > language > speech > narration > description or act of describing > [noun] > complete, exact, or detailed
1527 in State Papers Henry VIII (1830) I. 247 As the discripcion..shulde be to tedious..to rede, so the explicacion therof shulde be unfaysible unto me.
1528 W. Roy Satire sig. h.iiij Of wholy Roodes there is soche a sight That bitwene this and mydnyght I coulde not make explicacion.
1588 A. Fraunce Lawiers Logike Ded. sig. ¶4 The more orderly explication of the Lawe.
1660 R. Sharrock Hist. Propagation & Improvem. Veg. 51 Explication of the manner of propagation by stems cut off from the Mother-plant.
1674 A. Cremer tr. J. Scheffer Hist. Lapland i. 1 Olaus Magnus in the explication of his map of Scandinavia.
1675 N. Grew Compar. Anat. Trunks ii. Introd. 40 The explication therefore of all those things..will be my present task.
1759 S. Johnson Idler 18 Aug. 257 Diffusion and explication are necessary to the instruction of those who..can learn only what is expressly taught.
1867 in J. E. Carpenter Routledge's Comic Reciter 21 And then he whip his horses, and made some traverse upon the road, and tell to me, all the times, a long explication what the other coachmen have done otherwhiles, and finish not till we stop.
1892 Bk. Chat July 156/1 Philosophical and religious reflections, short sketches of neighbors, the minister and others, and a lengthy explication of spiritualism, its mission and possibilities.
1965 Black Belt July 40/2 It is not my purpose to offer a detailed explication here of Professor Okazaki's philosophy of judo. The text speaks for itself.
2004 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 16 Dec. 40/2 And then there are the lengthy explications of the various slang uses of obscenities.
a. The action or process of removing difficulty or obscurity from, or making clear the meaning of a word, statement, symbol, action, etc. Also: something that effects this; an explanation, interpretation.
the mind > mental capacity > intelligibility > meaning > explanation, exposition > [noun]
the mind > mental capacity > intelligibility > meaning > explanation, exposition > interpretation > [noun]
1537 tr. Erasmus Expos. xv. Psalme sig. C.viv The explicacyon of the diffyculties dothe parhappes r[e]quyre an hye or excellente wytte, that is well exercysed in holy scriptures.
1549 Bk. Common Prayer (STC 16267) Certayne Notes Ministracion f. xxxvii* (heading) Certayne notes for the more playne explicacion..of thinges.
1578 T. Tymme tr. J. Calvin Comm. Genesis 43 The second word was added instead of an explication.
1651 C. Cartwright Certamen Religiosum i. 235 Now take any of all these foure Explications of the Apostles words.
1660 tr. I. Barrow Euclide's Elements sig. (∴)4v The Explication of the Signes or Characters.
1709 J. Swift Famous Predict. Merlin (single sheet) verso I have not forced the Words by my Explication, into any other Sense.
1751 S. Johnson Rambler No. 99. ⁋13 A better explication of a controverted line.
c1760 B. Ibbots in Times 18 Apr. (1884) 4/2 Ten plates of Anglo-Saxon coins with explications.
1839 H. Hallam Introd. Lit. Europe II. ii. 71 Such explication of contrarieties as might make them appear less incompatible with outward unity.
1872 W. Black Strange Adventures Phaeton xix. 274 A mystery beyond explication.
1955 J. Wain Interpretations 235 The process of explication has to have a kind of patient attentiveness to how the words interlock.
1989 E. Hoffman Lost in Transl. (1991) iii. 186 Over the years, I've read so many explications of these stanzas that I can analyze them in half a dozen ingenious ways.
2006 M. A. Schneider Theory Primer i. 6 When we don't understand a poem or a novel, for instance, we need someone to provide an explication of its meaning for us.
b. A restatement of a text, passage, etc., in other words; a paraphrase. Now chiefly as an extended use of sense 2a.
the mind > mental capacity > intelligibility > meaning > explanation, exposition > paraphrase > [noun]
1599 Master Broughtons Lett. Answered xi. 38 This article He descended into Hell, is but an explication of the former He dyed and was buried.
1651 in T. Fuller Abel Redevivus 50 In the year 1544, the 17. of November he finished his explication of Genesis.
1685 A. Lovell tr. R. Simon Crit. Hist. Relig. Eastern Nations x. 118 They have a Book of Homilies..that serves as an Explication or Paraphrase upon the same Gospel.
1728 Present State Republick Lett. 2 319 This work..contains a Paraphrase and Explication of two books, that have been generally esteemed the most obscure of any in the whole canon of Scripture.
1782 C. Burney Gen. Hist. Music II. 252 Two choristers sung the explication or paraphrase.
1861 W. Staunton Eccl. Dict. (ed. 4) 322 Farse, an addition, used before the Reformation, in the vernacular tongue, to the Epistle in Latin, anciently used in some churches, forming an explication or paraphrase of the Latin text, verse by verse, for the benefit of the people.
1985 Times Lit. Suppl. 8 Nov. 1262/2 The ascription of sense, the preference of one possible reading over another, the choice of this explication and paraphrase and not that, is no more than the option or fiction of a subjective scanner.
1995 N. Page in F. Regard Fingering Netsuke 26 For the moment I would like to concentrate on the phrase ‘the darkness of man's heart’, which amounts to a paraphrase or explication of one of the multiple meanings of Conrad's richly ambiguous title, Heart of Darkness.
3. The action or process of uncovering the cause or origin of a phenomenon; a statement made for this purpose. Obsolete.
the world > existence and causation > causation > attribution or assignment of cause > [noun] > assignment of anything to its origin > in word or statement
1576 A. Fleming tr. Cicero in Panoplie Epist. 55 The explication of causes which gaue originall to nouelties.
1693 R. Bentley Boyle Lect. vii. 31 Those common attempts toward the Explication of Gravity.
1738 in J. Keill Ess. Animal Oecon. (ed. 4) Pref. p. xxiv The Explications of the Animal Œconomy are equally certain..with the Propositions of Geometry.
1748 D. Hume Philos. Ess. Human Understanding 169 No other Explication can be given of this Operation.
1797 tr. J. S. Beck Princ. Crit. Philos. iii. ii. 371 Grounds of explication of the phaenomena must however lie in nature.
4. The process of developing or bringing out what is implicitly contained in a notion, proposition, principle, etc.; the result of this process.
1620 T. Granger Syntagma Logicum 2 The Proposite is the explication of the conceits, or meaning of the minde, instituted or framed according to sound reason.
1656 tr. T. Hobbes Elements Philos. i. vi. 52 Definitions..are nothing but the explication of our Simple Conceptions.
a1686 B. Calamy Passive Obed. (1710) 9 For the Explication of this Proposition, That we must not do any evil, that good may come, there need not many words.
a1856 W. Hamilton Lect. Metaphysics (1860) IV. xxiv. 12 A Declaration is called an Explication..when the predicate or defining member indeterminately evolves only some of the characters belonging to the subject.
1864 F. C. Bowen Treat. Logic iii. 48 The ground of this explication may be thus set forth.
1898 R. Latta in tr. G. W. Leibniz Monadology 106 Clear and distinct perceptions are simply the unfolding (explication) or explanation of the corresponding more confused perceptions.
1959 H. Gardner Business of Crit. 100 Explanation, or making plain, is not a word much used in critical circles today. An older word has been revived, and ‘explication’, or the process of unfolding or bringing out what is implicitly contained in a work, is the term favoured by the interpretative critic.
2007 P. Barker Life Class i. 4 ‘Look for the line’, he would say again and again. ‘Drawing is an explication of the form.’
5. The action or process of a flower or leaf unfolding from the bud. Obsolete.
the world > plants > part of plant > leaf > [noun] > unfolding
1658 Sir T. Browne Garden of Cyrus iii, in Hydriotaphia: Urne-buriall 122 In the Flowers of Sycamore..before explication.
1660 R. Sharrock Hist. Propagation & Improvem. Veg. 24 The moones being in the full at the first explication of the two dissimilar leaves.
1686 J. Goad Astro-meteorologica i. vi. 21 The aperture and explication of the willing Flower.
6. A mutual understanding or reconciliation of parties who have been at variance; (also) an explanation of the meaning or motive of speech or behaviour which has given rise to misunderstanding or disagreement; = explanation n. 3. Obsolete.
society > society and the community > dissent > absence of dissension or peace > bringing about concord or peace > [noun] > reconciliation > by mutual explanation of words or motives
1686 F. Spence tr. G. de Courtilz de Sandras Hist. Viscount de Turenne 269 Both Parties were oblig'd to come to New Explications.
1706 tr. J. B. Morvan de Bellegarde Refl. upon Ridicule 70 If the Person they are address'd to is affronted, and demands an Explication.
1745 Fortunate Orphan 128 He told him, he desir'd to have an Explication with him.
1757 London Chron. 8 Mar. 237/3 His Majesty desires to come to a friendly Explication with the King of Great-Britain, in order to lay down such certain Rules as may for the Future prevent all Misunderstandings and Complaints.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2016; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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