

单词 ever-blooming

> as lemmas

(a) With adjectives and past participles used attributively or as postmodifiers, as ever-abiding, ever-angry, ever-blooming, ever-changeful, ever-dear, ever-esteemed, etc.Usually hyphenated. Forming an unlimited number of compounds.
c1390 Talkyng of Love of God (Vernon) (1950) 32 Wiþ euerlykynde loue to regnen in blisse.
1447 O. Bokenham Lives of Saints (Arun.) (1938) l. 831 (MED) O lord euere regnyng, haue mercy on me!
c1450 Speculum Christiani (Harl. 6580) (1933) 42 (MED) Thou schalt possesse lyf euer-endurynge.
a1586 Sir P. Sidney Arcadia (1590) ii. x. sig. V3 The euer-noble nature of Leonatus.
1586 T. Bowes tr. P. de la Primaudaye French Acad. I. 49 Philosophie..is..to lead vs to the eternall fruition of our supreme and euerabiding good.
1590 T. Watson Poems (1870) 159 Yee seaunfold flames, whose euer-circling fires maintain this earth.
1590 E. Spenser Faerie Queene i. i. sig. A8v Cynthia still doth steepe In siluer deaw his euer-drouping hed.
1598 W. Shakespeare Love's Labour's Lost i. i. 257 My euer esteemed duetie prickes me on. View more context for this quotation
1599 T. Moffett Silkewormes 46 The Vulture gnawing stil That euer-dyingeuer-liuing wretch.
1612 M. Drayton Poly-olbion i. 2 O euer-happie Iles..By Nature stronglie fenc't.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Othello (1622) iii. iii. 466 Witnesse you euer-burning lights aboue. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Tempest (1623) i. ii. 290 Thy grones Did..penetrate the breasts Of euer-angry Beares. View more context for this quotation
1641 J. Milton Reason Church-govt. 21 God..brought forth..that beneficent and ever distributing office of Deacons.
1646 R. Crashaw Musicks Duell in Steps to Temple 105 Panting murmurs, still'd out of her Breast That ever-bubling spring.
1648 in S. R. Gardiner Hamilton Papers (1880) 174 My ever honored Lord.
a1649 W. Drummond Wks. (1711) 32/2 Ethereal Princes, ever-conquering Bands.
1659 (title) Golden remains of the ever memorable Mr Iohn Hales.
1685 J. Dryden Misc. ii. 72 To treat thy evercraving Mind With ev'ry Blessing.
a1687 E. Waller Wks. (1729) 183 What our earth, and what our heav'n denies, Our everconstant friend, the sea supplies.
1703 N. Rowe Fair Penitent ii. i Oh! hear me, hear your ever faithful creature!
a1711 T. Ken Hymnotheo in Wks. (1721) III. 74 Their drink from ever-dropping Trees is rain'd.
1714 A. Pope Rape of Lock (new ed.) ii. 14 The Skies, Where Light disports in ever-mingling Dies.
1715 A. Pope tr. Homer Iliad I. ii. 1019 The fierce Pelasgi..March from Larissa's ever-fertile Ground.
1740 S. Richardson Pamela II. 388 My ever-dear and ever-honour'd Father and Mother.
1742 F. Blyth Serm. Every Sunday II. 281 The immense Sea of God's ever-flowing Mercy.
1744 J. Armstrong Art of preserving Health iii. 86 Th' ever-varying circle of the day.
1744 J. Thomson Autumn in Seasons (new ed.) 166 The melting Snows, and ever-dripping Fogs.
1786 R. Burns Poems 189 O'er the Harp pale Misery moans, And strikes the ever-deep'ning tones.
1797 A. Radcliffe Italian I. i. 4 The city and bay of Naples, an ever-moving picture.
1808 H. More Cœlebs in Search of Wife II. xxvi. 50 Its versatile temper, and its ever-new resources.
1812 Ld. Byron Childe Harold: Cantos I & II i. li. 33 The ball-pil'd pyramid, the ever-blazing match, Portend the deeds to come.
1827 J. Keble Christian Year I. xxiii. 90 Brightening in ever-changeful bloom.
1846 W. Hamilton in T. Reid Wks. 798/2 No answer could be afforded to the ever-recurring questions.
1852 Ld. Tennyson Ode Wellington 79 Ever-echoing avenues of song.
1866 C. Kingsley Hereward the Wake II. xxii. 372 A life literally new, ever-renewing, ever-expanding and eternal.
1866 J. H. Newman Dream of Gerontius ii. 14 Fainter and more faint the accents come, As at an ever-widening interval.
1868 C. Darwin in F. Darwin Life & Lett. C. Darwin (1887) III. 75 My ever-recurrent uncomfortable sensations.
1901 W. James Let. 17 May (1920) II. 146 Plane rising behind plane of flat dark relieved against flat light in ever-receding gradation.
1909 E. Pound Exultations 39 This ever-flowing monotony.
1937 R. H. Lowie Hist. Ethnol. Theory viii. 109 An ever-recurring principle.
1979 Dædalus Summer 157 A child sitting in the classroom is offered an ever-widening dominion.
2012 Financial Express (Bangladesh) (Nexis) 3 Feb. I urge all to remain ever-vigilant and alert against any kind of heinous attempt to hinder the country's democratic process.
extracted from everadv.adj.
as lemmas




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