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the world > plants > particular plants > plants and herbs > according to family > Compositae (composite plants) > [noun] > other composite plants (27)
wild sagea1400

In the names of plants of other genera. Bengal sage n. Meriandra bengalensis (Treas. Bot. 1866). bitter sage n., †garlick sage n., †mountain sage n.

yellow devil's-bita1400

Autumn hawkbit, Scorzoneroides autumnalis (formerly Leontodon autumnalis), a perennial herbaceous plant with dandelion-like yellow flowers and a…

white golda1425

The ox-eye daisy, Leucanthemum vulgare, the flowers of which have white ray florets and yellow disc florets. Also in plural. Cf. yellow gold, n.1


A genus of Compositæ, allied to camomile.

golden cudweed1597

†(a) the everlasting plant Helichrysum stoechas, which has bright yellow flowers (obsolete); (b) (chiefly Jamaican) the tropical American plant wand…

golden tuft1597

†(a) the everlasting plant Helichrysum stoechas (cf. golden cudweed n. (a)) (obsolete); †(b) the tropical American plant Pterocaulon virgatum (cf. gol

rattlesnake root1682

any of various plants whose root was formerly used as an antidote to the bites of rattlesnakes or in other medical applications, esp. (a) a North…

Cape tansy?1711

Athanasia capitata var. glabrata.


A book-name for the genus Apargia of composite plants, resembling hawkweeds.


Botany. Any plant of the chiefly American genus Ambrosia (family Asteraceae); a ragweed (see ragweed, n. 2b). Also (in form Ambrosia): the genus…

cabbage tree1735

Any of various other trees and shrubs resembling cabbage in some way, as form, leaf shape, etc., or which are eaten like or taste like cabbage; esp.

hog's eye1749

any of various plants (chiefly of the family Asteraceae (Compositae)) having flowers thought to resemble the eye of a pig.


A genus of shrubs, subshrubs, and herbs of the family Asteraceae (Compositae), mostly native to Africa but widely cultivated elsewhere for their…


Any of various plants with rough tongue-shaped leaves; = langue de boeuf, n. 2. Any of several plants of the genus Picris (family Asteraceae (Compo

scentless mayweed1800

a plant of Eurasia and North Africa with yellow-centred white flowers, Tripleurospermum maritimum (family Asteraceae (Compositae)), which resembles…

old man's beard1804

Any plant of the genus Geropogon (family Asteraceae (Compositae)), now often included in Tragopogon. Obsolete.


Any of several North American plants of the family Asteraceae (Compositae), esp. of the genus Heliopsis, with conspicuous radiate flowers.


Any plant of the genus Echinacea (family Asteraceae (Compositae)), comprising perennial herbs native to the eastern United States and cultivated…

sheep's beard1836

the genus Urospermum (Arnopogon).

shepherd's beard1840

= sheep's beard n. at sheep, n. compounds 3b.


(a) the book-name of the genus Hypochæris; (b) Mountain Everlasting, Antennaria dioica.


An annual herbaceous plant with a goat-like scent, Ageratum conyzoides (family Asteraceae), native to tropical America, having erect, hairy stems…


a perennial herb, Argyroxiphium sandwicense, of the family Compositæ, native to Hawaii and bearing linear leaves with silvery hairs and clusters of…

khaki bush1907

= khaki bos n.


An annual or perennial herb of the genus Venidium, belonging to the family Compositæ, native to South Africa, and bearing cream or yellow flowers.

khaki bos1947

(a) one of several herbs of the family Compositæ, Tagetes minuta, Inula graveolens, or Schkuhria pinata; (b) = khaki weed n.

Namaqualand daisy1963

Any of several closely related, mostly annual, South African plants of the family Asteraceae (Compositae) with conspicuous daisy-like flowers…





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