

单词 prepared
释义 prepared, ppl. a.
(prɪˈpɛəd, poet. prɪˈpɛərɪd)
[f. prec. + -ed1.]
a. Made ready, got ready, fitted or put in order beforehand for something.
For to be prepared in reference to persons see prec. 1 e.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 73 In a prepared or disposed soule he maketh y⊇ fyrst beame of loue to shyne.1574Hellowes Gueuara's Fam. Ep. 11 To resist a prepared vice.1606Shakes. Ant. & Cl. iv. xii. 38 Let Patient Octauia plough thy visage vp With her prepared nailes.1783Burke Sp. Fox's E. Ind. Bill Wks. IV. 32 Even in the prepared soil of a general pacification.1882J. Parker Apost. Life I. 74 A prepared pulpit should be balanced by a prepared pew.
b. Treated for some purpose by a special process; made or compounded by a special process: see prepare v. 6, 7. spec. prepared core Archæol. (see core n.1 5), prepared food, prepared piano (see quot. 1960).
1663Boyle Usef. Exp. Nat. Philos. ii. i. 23 Taking out the more corruptible parts, and stuffing their prepar'd Skins with any convenient Matter.1694Salmon Bate's Dispens. (1713) 437/2 The former prepared Pouder of our Author.1849Noad Electricity (ed. 3) 457 The nerve of a prepared frog's leg was laid on the bared muscle of the thigh of a living rabbit.1918A. Huxley Let. 12 Aug. (1969) 160 Thirty-two quintals of sugar and prepared foods.1946Mod. Music Summer 205 Four Sonatas for prepared piano by John Cage were also heard.1952Musical Q. XXXVIII. 124 Cage's pieces for what he calls the ‘prepared piano’ offer an array of tightly organized little sounds of many colors.1959J. D. Clark Prehist. S. Afr. vi. 142 The characteristic technique of the Middle Stone Age times is the prepared core and specially prepared flake with thin section and faceted butt.Ibid. 157 The same basic prepared-core technique.196020th Cent. Apr. 348 Cage, an American, is the originator of the ‘prepared piano’,..in which the pitch and timbre of certain notes are altered by attaching..metal, rubber, wood, etc., to the strings at various distances from the point at which the hammer strikes.1964H. Hodges Artifacts vii. 102 The core may be very carefully flaked in preparation so that ultimately one final blow will detach a flake tool of the required shape, and these prepared cores are generally the result of hammer, punch or pressure flaking.1972Listener 7 Sept. 292/3 Further rapid growth [is] expected in the prepared-foods trade.1977Belfast Tel. 24 Jan. 9/3 The same professionalism marked John Cage's sonata for prepared piano. For this another small grand piano had been fitted out in advance with an assortment of bolts, nuts and rubber wedges according to a carefully specified plan.
c. Mus. Of a discord, or a shake, etc.: see prepare v. 8.
1867Macfarren Harmony (1892) 76 A prepared 7th may be added to the chord of the dissonant 5th.1898Stainer & Barrett Dict. Mus. Terms 403/2 A shake which commences with a turn is called a prepared shake.




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