

单词 pharmaco-
释义 pharmaco-
repr. Gr. ϕαρµακο-, comb. form of ϕάρµακον drug, medicine, poison, a formative of technical words, as in the following:
ˌpharmacodyˈnamic a., relating to the powers or effects of drugs (Cent. Dict. 1890); hence ˌpharmacodyˈnamically adv.; ˌpharmacodyˈnamics n. pl., the science or subject of the powers or effects of drugs; pharmaˈcognosist, an expert in pharmacognosy; ˌpharmacoˈgnostic a., of or pertaining to pharmacognosy; pharmacognosy |fɑːməˈkɒgnəsɪ| (also in L. form -ˈgnosia, and less correctly -ˈgnosis), the knowledge of drugs, pharmacology; esp. as a branch of natural history relating to medicinal substances in their natural or unprepared state; so pharmacoˈgnostical a., pertaining to pharmacognosy (whence pharmacoˈgnostically adv.); pharmacoˈgnostics = pharmacognosy; pharmaˈcography, a description of drugs (Ogilvie 1882); ˌpharmacokiˈnetics n. pl. (const. as sing.), the branch of pharmacology concerned with the movement of drugs within the body; so ˌpharmacokiˈnetic a., -kiˈnetically adv.; ˌpharmacoˈmania, a mania or craze for using or trying drugs (Dunglison Med. Lex. 1853); so ˌpharmacomaˈniacal a., madly or irrationally addicted to drugs (Mayne Expos. Lex. 1858); pharmaˈcomathy = pharmacognosy (Ogilvie 1882); pharmaˈcometer, a vessel or contrivance for measuring medicines; pharmacoˈmorphic a., see quot.
1906Jrnl. Infectious Dis. III. 572 (heading) *Pharmacodynamic action due to ions.1951A. Burger Medicinal Chem. I. xxi. 386 Certain cholinergic agents (Doryl) can add to the analgetic effect produced by injected epinephrine. The pharmacodynamic mechanism..is as yet uncertain; it may be that the para-sympathomimetic drug stimulates the output of epinephrine by the adrenal gland which can then enhance the peripheral adrenergic vasoconstrictor effect.
1929Mitchell & Hamilton Biochem. Amino Acids vii. 363 It is a fact of great significance that histidine, a substance entirely indifferent *pharmacodynamically, should be transformable by simple decarboxylation into such an active substance as histamine.1959K. H. Beyer in Waife & Shapiro Clin. Eval. New Drugs ii. 19 Some compounds are so active that no chemical or isotopic method may be suitable to follow them at pharmacodynamically effective dosages.
1842Dunglison Med. Lex., *Pharmacodynamics, a division of pharmacology, which considers the effects and uses of medicines.1867R. Hughes (title) Manual of Pharmaco⁓dynamics.1867R. E. Scoresby-Jackson Note-Bk. Materia Med. i. 3 Pharmacology..is divided into General Pharmacology and Special Pharmacology, and is subdivided into Pharmacognosy, Pharmacy, and Pharmacodynamics.1925E. Novak in Gynecol. & Obstetr. Monogr.: Appendix 22 The study of the pharmacodynamics of the various forms of ovarian extract has until recent years yielded unimpressive results as regards the generative system.1974M. C. Gerald Pharmacol. i. 9 Pharmacodynamics, a basic experimental science, is a study of where a drug acts in the body..and how it acts (what is its mechanism of action in physiological and/or biological terms).
1842Dunglison Med. Lex., *Pharmacognosia, a division of pharmacology, which treats of simples or unprepared medicines.
1868M. Pattison Academ. Org. v. 190 Special Botany, *pharmacognosis, inorganic botany.1901tr. Dieterich (title), Analysis of Resins, Balsams and Gum-resins: their Chemistry and Pharmacognosis.
1934Webster, *Pharmacognosist.1939Nature 1 Apr. 540/2 The complete pharmacognosist is a man of many parts. His preliminary training in botany, zoology, chemistry and physics furnishes him with a foundation on which to build experience in the technique of microscopy, histology, morphology, [etc.].1972Ibid. 21 Jan. 134/1 Some people may have thought of pharmacognosists as witch doctors in that their methods of selection of plants for study have relied to some extent on folklore and ancient custom.
1961Webster, *Pharmacognostic.1974Nature 13 Sept. 169/1 While familiarising himself with the natural history of the islands, Linnaeus was instructed particularly to look for plants..with pharmacognostic value.
1890Cent. Dict., *Pharmacognostical.
1884F. B. Power (title) The Cinchona Barks *pharmacognostically considered.
1858Mayne Expos. Lex., Pharmacognostica..*pharmacognostics.
1890Cent. Dict., *Pharmacognosy.1901Chemist & Druggist 7 Sept., Pharmacopedia is..a commentary on the botany, chemistry, pharmacognosy, and pharmacy of the medicines recognised by the British Pharmacopœia.[1874Flückiger & Hanbury (title) *Pharmacographia: a History of the Principal Drugs of Vegetable Origin met with in Great Britain and British India.] 1964Antibiotica et Chemotherapia XII. p. viii/1 A list of symbols for the use in *pharmacokinetic models.1976Lancet 9 Oct. 808/1 Pharmacokinetic analysis indicates that binding is unlikely to be a major problem in vivo when less than 75–85{pmil} of the drug is bound.
1972Nature 28 Apr. 434/2 The leaching of DDT from fatty tissue after exposure to abnormally large controlled doses of DDT appears to be *pharmacokinetically similar to the uptake process.
1960Jrnl. Amer. Pharmaceutical Assoc. XLIX. 311 (heading) Dosage schedule and *pharmacokinetics in chemotherapy.1971R. E. Notari Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics i. 4 Since the movement of drug from the site of administration to the site of action requires time, the overall process may best be analyzed by what is called pharmacokinetics.1973Nature 22 June p. xvi (Advt.), A graduate with experience in pharmacokinetics and drug metabolism.
1830Edin. Rev. L. 516 Impossible to light upon proper *pharmacometers.
1890Billings Nat. Med. Dict. II. 326 *Pharmacomorphic, pertaining to the form or appearance of drugs.




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