

单词 migrate
释义 migrate, v.|maɪˈgreɪt, ˈmaɪgreɪt|
[f. L. migrāt-, ppl. stem of migrāre.]
1. intr. To pass from one place to another; spec. in Chem. (see migration a). Also trans. in pass. to be transported.
1697Potter Antiq. Greece ii. x. (1715) 292 A blow..dissever'd the Sutures of his Skull, thro' which his Soul migrated.1768–74Tucker Lt. Nat. (1834) I. 386 If one of us were migrated into their enormous hulks.1784Cowper Task ii. 108 The sylvan scene Migrates uplifted,..Alighting in far distant fields [Sicilian earthquake].1899J. Walker Introd. Physical Chem. xx. 210 Had no silver ions migrated from the anode, the rise in concentration would have been 32·2.1931J. C. Ware Analytical Chem. i. ii. 11 Ions move or migrate independently in a solution and at different rates.1938E. S. Wallis in H. Gilman Org. Chem. I. viii. 724 The ease with which different groups migrate within the molecule is not wholly a property of the group itself, but is dependent to a varying extent on the molecule as a whole.1967J. H. Richards et al. Elem. Org. Chem. xi. 194 A carbonium ion is produced as an intermediate, and a methyl group migrates from an adjacent carbon to the positive center.
2. a. intr. Of persons, a tribe, etc.: To move from one place of abode to another; esp. to leave one's country to settle in another; to remove to another country, town, college, etc. Also transf.
1770Langhorne (Worc.), The Tuscans were a branch of the Pelasgi that migrated into Europe.1784Johnson Let. to Ld. High Chancellor Sept. in Boswell, If I grew much better, I should not be willing, if much worse, not able, to migrate.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. iii. I. 356 Almost all the noble families of England had long migrated beyond the walls.1862Sir B. Brodie Psychol. Inq. II. iv. 117 The agricultural labourer is tempted..to migrate to a manufacturing town.1882L. Campbell Clerk Maxwell vi. 147 The advice which was pressed upon him..that he should migrate to Trinity.
b. Nat. Hist. Of animals: To go from one region or habitat to another; spec. of some birds and fishes, to come and go regularly with the seasons (see migration).
1753[cf. migrating ppl. a.].1768Pennant Zool. I. 121 This kind of eagle sometimes migrates into Caernarvonshire.Ibid. 225 The birds [Fieldfares] that migrate here come from Norway.1808–14A. Wilson Amer. Ornith. II. 112 They [robins] not only migrate from north to south, but from east to west, to avoid the deep snows.1889A. R. Wallace Darwinism 27 Of those [birds] which migrate in autumn a considerable proportion are probably lost at sea.
3. Histol. Of a cell: To move out of the blood-vessels into the tissues. (Cf. migratory a. 1 c.)
1896[see migrated ppl. a.].
Hence miˈgrated ppl. a.; miˈgrating vbl. n.
1796Morse Amer. Geog. II. 72 Migrated Europeans from every part of Europe.1831E. J. Trelawny Adv. Younger Son III. 198 A migrated settler.1884W. J. Linton Poems & Transl. (1889) 182 Knows He not, stork! the hour thy migratings begin?1885Riverside Nat. Hist. (1888) IV. 18 Diagram showing the main migrating routes of the littoral..birds of Europe.Ibid. 20 The origin of the migrating habit.1896Allbutt's Syst. Med. I. 88 A large collection of migrated leucocytes.

Add:[2.] c. Of a plant: to change or extend its distribution.
1876A. Blytt Ess. Immigration Norwegian Flora 29 Do plants migrate all at once across large tracts..?1915Ann. Missouri Bot. Garden II. 87 Alnus glutinosa migrated into Norway from the south, while Alnus incana came from the east.1938Weaver & Clements Plant Ecol. (ed. 2) vi. 127 In wind-swept areas, such as prairies and plains, many plants or inflorescences migrate for miles as tumbleweeds.1960N. Polunin Introd. Plant Geogr. x. 201 Examples [of climatic relics] are the mesothermic plants to be found in some boreal areas that have cooled at least since the ‘postglacial optimum’ when such plants presumably migrated to these areas.1989New Scientist 20 May 31 (caption) All eyes are on the lime..which will migrate north as the climate changes.




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